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The sitemap helps navigate the vast medical and scientific topics, articles, blogs, and forums in the sf-healing portal.


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  • Home
  • About the author - The website describes my 18-year liver cirrhosis survival journey with many insights about body, mind, and spirit.
  • Disclaimer - During my 18-year struggle for survival with cirrhosis, I have accumulated many Western and Chinese medical experiences until complete recovery.
  • Events - The portal was launched in late 2018; it is dedicated to all people worldwide, especially people with chronic illnesses.
  • Support us - Recovery and rehabilitation from chronic diseases and addiction-related illnesses by self-healing medicine.

Main menu

  • AUTOIMMUNE + ADDICTION-RELATED - Autoimmune diseases and addiction-related illnesses are particularly affected by unresolved traumas, which reside in the subconscious.
  • CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASES - Chronic inflammatory diseases have become widespread—Mainly due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. (Mentally and physically)
  • SELF-HEALING LIFE PHILOSOPHY - Integrating modern medicine and self-healing medicine is vital in recovery from chronic diseases by treating the causes rather than their symptoms.
  • NATURAL VITAL THERAPIES - Comprehensive natural therapies eliminate the causes of chronic diseases rather than their symptoms. Thus, it is optimal for chronic patients.
  • NUTRITION METHODOLOGY - Methodology of nutritional science, all computational indices, and practical aspects of healthy nutrition and maintaining optimal weight.
  • THEORIES TECHNOLOGIES - Innovative ideas, theories, and technologies in medicine and science. Out-of-the-box thinking. World-leading class website regarding extraterrestrials.
  • GALLERY CIRRHOSIS - The gallery illustrates the power of hope, love, and support in healing from severe illnesses through self-healing medicine. (Body, mind, and spirit)
  • BLOG (SCIENCE) - The BLOG covers various topics of medicine, science, philosophy, and alien civilizations, emphasizing out-of-the-box thinking.
  • FORUMS - forums deal with various topics in medicine, science, and lifestyle, emphasizing recovery from chronic diseases by self-healing.

Bottom menu

  • Sitemap - The sitemap helps navigate the vast medical and scientific topics, articles, blogs, and forums in the sf-healing portal.
  • Privacy and Cookies - Cookies are required to enable the site's proper functioning, including identifying the surfer at the entrance to the site.
  • Forum regulations - Please comply with the rules and regulations listed. Please note that commercial advertisement is prohibited, but personal promotion is permitted.

Special pages

  • About this website - I dedicate the free website, which advocates self-healing medicine to all people worldwide, especially those with chronic illnesses.


Selected topics

New articles and Innovative ideas in medicine and science

Theories about chronic illnesses and addictions.

Surprisingly, modern medicine has no separate philosophy!

Self-healing medicine vital topics.

The immune response — Inflammation and pain.

Love, happiness, and support are crucial.

Chronic acquired inflammatory illnesses.

Prevalent chronic inflammatory.

How to get started with self-healing therapies?

Mental and Spiritual empowerment is critical.

Additional anti-inflammatory therapies.

The ultimate detoxification.

Self-healing and alternative therapies.

Methodological topics regarding nutrition.

Practical tips for healthy nutrition.

Reduce exposure to toxins.

Weight and obesity widespread issues.

Unleash your curiosity and imagination.

Improving medical care and healthcare.

Innovative applicable medical technologies.

Theories about fundamental human nature.

Autoimmune diseases.

Addiction-related illnesses.


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