"What the superior man seeks in himself; the small man seeks in others."
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)
This article presents the subconscious mind's role in an unconventional approach and its far-reaching impact on our mental and physical health, including autoimmune diseases, cancer, mental disorders, and addictions. Removing unresolved traumatic memories from the subconscious and transferring them to the conscious does not require forgetting those events but releasing them!
The Subconscious - Short introduction.
The blog on the subconscious mind gives a broad overview of other topics. Link: The subconscious is a survival trait that bypasses logic.
The subconscious includes deciphering the supersensible and conveying messages to the body and mind.
link: Pineal gland (Wikipedia)
As you delve deeper, you will find that the subconscious has more and more meaning in our daily lives.
- The subconscious stores unresolved traumas, determines (through the magnetic fields) our sexual identity and sexual orientation, and controls and dictates all the supersensible features, intuition, and telepathy. It synchronizes us with the energy of life and helps us with creativity, imagination, and initiative—and this is only a partial list!
The subconscious is part of the self-defense mechanism required for survival.
- The subconscious mind activates many processes, bypassing logic and critical thinking; it is a mechanism designed for life-force energy conservation, crucial for the survival of any living being.
Where does the subconscious reside?
- The answer to this question is still unclear; researchers speculate that the subconscious mind is not necessarily limited to our physical brain; it may be linked in a hive spring to a virtual communication network of the universe. If this hypothesis turns out to be correct, the pineal gland probably has much higher importance than it seems today.
Does the subconscious have other functions besides protecting us from traumatic events?
- The answer to the question is partly philosophical. The subconscious is the ruler of all supersensible phenomena, apparently deciphering our sexual identity and orientation; it is also responsible for our telepathic ability and intuition. The subconscious Is the "chip" that synchronizes us with our environment and the universe—the question of how the subconscious works is still a mystery.
- Link: Is telepathic communication possible in the foreseeable future, and where does the idea of biological hackers come from?
Instinct is a survival mechanism that bypasses logic but is different from intuition. (Intuition is attributed to the subconscious)
- Instinct is a survival mechanism that bypasses logic; it is embedded from birth and does not activate the subconscious. (The crying of a newborn baby is an example of instinctive action.) In contrast, intuition is a mechanism that is not innate but is activated by the subconscious while bypassing logic and thinking.
The subconscious mind is a "virtual safe" for unresolved traumatic events from our past. It has an immense impact on our physical & mental health. Therefore, it cannot be easily penetrated.
- Penetration into the subconscious is often not possible through the tools of psychology. Only techniques of hypnosis, meditation, tai chi, kung fu, and the like (commonly used in martial arts) can penetrate the conscious mind. Even shamanic rituals and psychedelic drugs such as Ayahuasca can penetrate the subconscious. These drugs are often illegal and banned from use.
The fact that the brain functions with only 10% efficiency— contradicts the principle of natural selection.
- A 10% efficiency of the human brain is astonishing because it indicates a waste of resources- a phenomenon that does not exist naturally under any circumstances. The principle of natural selection in Darwinian evolution is based on the relatively competitive survival advantage of random genetic changes. A considerable excess of resources, without any competitive advantage, contradicts the principle of natural selection and points to a deliberate hand in human genetics.
The five primary senses are analog. On this topic, you will find consensus among scientists.
- The subconscious conducts (bidirectional) communication with the universe and people with whom we have a telepathic relationship. The organ that manages the subconscious is, by all indications, the pineal gland in the brain's center. (also known as the third eye)
Digital (binary) communication has advantages (and disadvantages) over analog communication, but it is more efficient, accurate, and interruption-free.
- Since nature has ensured that we are always very efficient, I suggest that the subconscious works in binary communication. (PC-like with 0.1) It means a bidirectional transformation of binary to analog communication and vice versa. It is a resource-intensive activity. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the conscious brain utilizes only 10% of its abilities; the subconscious uses a significant part of the seemingly unused abilities.
The subconscious is a "virtual safe" for unresolved traumatic events from our past.
We store unresolved traumatic events that are not adequately resolved in the subconscious mind. Unresolved traumatic events are personally subjective—an unresolved traumatic event for one is not necessarily a traumatic event for the other. Not every heartbreak is traumatic, and not every trauma is unresolved! (Unresolved traumas have a detrimental effect on health.)
Autoimmune diseases, youth cancer, addictions, stuttering, and even mental disorders often result from unresolved traumatic events from our past.
- A long list of physical, emotional, and even chronic illnesses can be explained more rationally using subconscious tools. But science refuses to use ancient techniques (Indian and Chinese medicine) that have tried to bind the body and mind! Thus, he misses an extraordinary opportunity.
- Even today, after serving in the army, I can run and shout at the sight of a giant cockroach. The traumatic event happened when I was 5; my dad stepped through and squeezed a cockroach in my room. No rationale will help me. I'm afraid of cockroaches! But in most cases, people are not at all able to reconstruct the traumatic event, which is a necessary condition for treating the problem.
Why is it tough for any person to recreate traumatic events from their past?
- The subconscious is a repression mechanism. It repels painful events and makes them "transparent" even though they remain in memory.
- Resolved traumatic events (even extreme) that have been internalized to the conscious and not stored in the subconscious usually do not cause substantial physical and mental damage.
An energetic blockage is usually caused by the inability of the subconscious to withstand the burden (a kind of break-in) that can cause the following symptoms/diseases:
- Energetic blockages are one of the leading causes of autoimmune diseases, cancer (especially in young people), addictions, mental illness, chronic inflammatory diseases, speech and attention disorders, stuttering, Tourette's syndrome, etc.
Modern medicine has adopted the mechanistic conception of massive drug use.
- Under the influence of drug companies, modern medicine prefers the massive use of drugs that cause great harm and are mistakenly avoided from treating unresolved traumas, a significant cause of morbidity and many functional problems.
Unresolved traumas are individual matters. It is difficult to assess the present and identify traumas from the past.
- The events stored in the subconscious are not forgotten. The subconscious mind is a hidden virtual partition (challenging to break into) with minimal access.
- Unresolved traumatic events are traumatic events at the time of the event. In retrospect, we might not have categorized them as unresolved traumatic events.
From what age can unresolved mental traumas be accumulated in the subconscious mind?
- Awareness and memories usually begin only from the age of two onwards. In contrast, the subconscious mind is active immediately after birth. There are even claims that it is active during fetal development. My granddaughter suffered from trauma in kindergarten at the age of only one year and 3 months, which caused her to have uncontrollable hair pulling (trichotillomania). The problem was only solved after she left for a remote kindergarten.
Is it possible through hypnosis to go back to the pre-fetal date in previous incarnations?
- It is probably possible at both the methodological and practical levels but entirely not recommended. People experience a storm of emotions of death and traumatic events that can lead them to unexpected situations.
- There is a technical possibility to penetrate using hypnosis in the embryonic stage, but great care and skill are required and not recommended unless critical.
Why do traumatic memories sometimes erupt from the subconscious mind through illnesses or addictions?
- The subconscious mind is a digital safe. If traumas are too complex to store or the subconscious mind's peripheral protection is loosened, things break out and harm the body through its energy meridian network. (Not the nervous system)
Chinese and Indian medicine have tried to link the various organs, energy centers (chakras), and emotional vulnerability.
- I often present the maps of the chakras and meridians (energy channels) with the explicit knowledge that this is not an in-depth and accurate analysis. Still, it is undoubtedly applicable and usually gives a correct picture.
What steps must be taken to release unresolved traumatic events from the subconscious?
There are two main steps in the process:
- The first step is to locate the unresolved traumatic event (or events). It is important to emphasize that most people cannot perform self-psychoanalysis, especially in childhood events and the distant past. (Sometimes also events related to deceased relatives)
- The second step is to release the traumatic events (mentally) to return to consciousness, which is harmless, even if very painful! The release of the traumas does not involve forgetting.
Releasing traumatic events is a challenging process that can sometimes take a long time. It is difficult to recover from chronic diseases and addictions without the release of the traumas. It took me several years.
"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
The connection between the body, mind, and spirit.
- The Chinese concept of Qi is not easily translated into Western thought. Although this connection has been known for thousands of years, modern conventional medicine does not balance the body, mind, and/or spirit.
- Not everyone knows acupuncture is an energetic treatment method that balances life energy essential to a healthy life.
Profound sleep can penetrate the subconscious. (Then we also dream)
- Dreams sometimes have deep meaning. Although not easy to interpret. The difficulty is that dreams cannot be directed to our will; dreams are not rationally controlled. Therefore, turning dreams into a valuable therapeutic tool is also very challenging.
Shamanic priests perform the autosuggestive treatment (kind of hypnosis), similar to a deep prayer!
- In the Western view, shamanic rituals are a form of idolatry, but those who believe in them act similarly in a hypnotic trance.
- There are many similarities between shamanic, voodoo, and Indian and Aboriginal rites based on autosuggestion.
Psychotherapy usually cannot penetrate the subconscious.
Link: Psychotherapy (Wikipedia)
Psychology is essential on many levels, but not in penetration into the subconscious. Access to the subconscious is blocked! Routine psychology techniques, often unable to penetrate the subconscious mind, constitute a digital safe.
Why do people tend to go to psychotherapy? (partial list)
- Many people need the attentive ear of a neutral person, an experienced expert.
- Resolving personal or family conflicts.
- Couple counseling.
- Personal crises of all kinds.
- People in the modern age are more lonely than ever! The psychologist is an attentive, empathetic, supportive, and understanding figure.
Are psychological treatments unnecessary in cases of attempts to reconstruct unresolved traumas?
- Psychological treatment may provide vital support, but regardless of the number of treatments, it is often unable to reach and eliminate the root of the problem. The subconscious is a secure virtual safe.
Patients with chronic illnesses whose disease onset at a young age (30-35) and under should consider hypnotherapy. (Authorized only)
Link: Hypnosis is a unique procedure capable of penetrating the subconscious.
Many people have a deep-seated fear of hypnosis treatments, partly because of the negative image created of hypnosis by entertainment performances. Hypnosis (and similar techniques) has the possibility (almost exclusively) of penetrating the subconscious and releasing unresolved traumas. People with an addiction, autoimmune disease patients, stuttering, and Tourette's syndrome of all ages are also advised to use hypnotherapy.
The use of hypnosis may be perceived by many as unrelated to their illness, but the release of unresolved mental traumas has far-reaching effects on the body. Hypnosis can penetrate the conscious mind, eliminate unresolved traumatic events, and improve patient recovery chances. It is especially recommended for chronic patients whose disease onset at a young age (30-35) and below.
- Not every traumatic event is stored in the subconscious - but only those that are also traumatic (at the time) and not appropriately resolved.
- Through hypnosis, it may be possible to reconstruct traumatic non-resolved events and release the stress that blocks the Qi life-force energy and thus causes sickness.
- Hypnosis may be an essential therapeutic tool but not an exclusive treatment.
- Hypnotherapy requires patient collaboration. I needed many hypnosis-like sessions. In my opinion, most patients will need several treatments to achieve the desired results.
Hypnosis has a mysterious and sometimes even dubious image due to the misuse of live performances, but it is a medical procedure of paramount importance.
What other techniques than hypnotherapy can penetrate the subconscious mind?
I usually advise chronic patients to consider these tools. (Except for psycho-chemical drugs)
- Profound meditation. (Or similar techniques such as Yoga or Tai Chi.)
- Most people (especially in the West) cannot reach the levels required to penetrate the subconscious mind through meditation.
- It is not surprising that people travel to ashrams in India, where they break free from the past's anxieties and gain mental and physical liberation.
- All martial arts use meditation tools for mental and physical empowerment. However, this action requires a lot of practice.
- Support groups. (Provided there is a deep connection between the group members and the facilitator)
- Psychochemical drugs. (Do not use without a doctor's prescription.) Most often, it involves side effects.
- Shamanic rituals (conditioned on the patient's belief in the ritual, which is essentially hypnosis-like)
Techniques can treat the symptoms of energetic blockages without penetrating the subconscious mind.
- Acupuncture does not penetrate the subconscious mind but can release energetic blockages caused by unresolved traumatic events.
- Energetic flushing. (The technique is only available in certain places around the world.)
- The placebo effect.
Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity.
My spiritual experience changed my life.
I was lucky to attend one of Dr. Nader Butto's seminars in March 2012. At that time, I was in critical condition.
Recommended Link: Dr. Nader Butto - The Human Code.
- Later, I started to visit my therapist regularly (and continue to do so until today). One of his students practically saved my life.
- This unique mental and spiritual experience of energetic flushing is probably unavailable worldwide. I would describe it as a combination of acupuncture and relaxed hypnosis.
- The physiological and emotional response is hard to describe: lying on a mattress, fully conscious of vibrations and involuntary movements happening all over the body as if it were science fiction.
- People may be skeptical, but I am entirely convinced it was real. It is just another proof that the human body contains "energy."
- The idea that energetic blocks eventually evolve into physical illness is not new. However, Nader Butto's approach and implementation are comprehensive and unique.
After all, is quantum entanglement an informed possibility for the phenomenon of telepathy and intuition?
According to today's laws of physics, quantum entanglement cannot transmit information at speeds exceeding the speed of light.
- Researchers and mystics claim the pineal gland, located in the center of the brain, is the organ that deciphers intuition and telepathy. The pineal gland is also known as the third eye.
- Link: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.
The idea is to develop the mathematics of emotions, behavior, thoughts, and the subconscious.
- Assuming mathematics is the one that predicts cognitive brain function. (Huge savings in brain research resources)
- Link: Human simulation - the pinnacle of 21st-century scientific and technological achievement.
A brief review of the lesser-known features attributed to the subconscious.
Third Eye Pineal Gland. (Highly recommended)
The Pineal Gland - A "superior synchronization" organ is necessary at the physical-mathematical level.
Its unique location, blood supply, endocrine function, and physiology have made this small gland a plausible candidate for the title of the "subconscious gland." The fact that it exists in other mammals should not surprise us. Surprisingly, this unique gland has been studied very little beyond endocrine function.
The pineal gland's known properties:
- The pineal gland tends to shrink up to a few millimeters with age. It is larger in women.
- The pineal gland mediates nerve stimulation and hormone secretion; it regulates the biological clock, sleep and wake cycles, and seasonal cycles.
- The pineal gland produces two hormones essential for the brain, related to physical and mental health: melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, which helps maintain a balanced mood and mental health.
- The pineal gland is the only brain area unaffected by the blood-brain barrier (a membranous structure that aims to protect brain tissue from the flow of pollutants and antibodies from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid). It allows it to release the hormone melatonin directly into the bloodstream.
Does a larger pineal gland indicate better intuitive and telepathic ability? (Probably so, but this supposition has no scientific support or basis.)
- Millions of brain MRI scans are performed worldwide every year. (In other contexts.) Post-mortem surgeries can also be used to study the presence of abnormalities in the pineal glands. Brain researchers' lack of initiative is astounding.
French philosopher Rene Descartes believed the human pineal gland is "the main seat of the soul."
- In many cultures, the third eye symbolizes supreme mystical reason. In Indian culture, the sixth chakra is called the third eye and controls the imagination, intuition, purpose, and direction in life.
The pineal gland can be illustrated by analogy with computers, WiFi, and a Bluetooth card, but with far more advanced capabilities and seemingly no distance limit.
- The human brain is several times more complex than any computer, yet it probably has a decoder that receives and transmits transmissions other than text. Communication processing takes place in different areas of the brain.
The subconscious is a potent tool for self-defense. Therefore, it is not surprising that females have a larger pineal gland.
- Evolution has given women a more vital intuitive ability than men to protect their offspring.
The fact that most mammals have a pineal gland should not surprise us. The subconscious has a vital role in self-defense, even in developed animals.
- Whether other mammals have the intuitive ability will probably remain unresolved.
The fact that the pineal gland shrinks is partly intentional and partly consequential.
- Shrinkage of the pineal gland with age may be due to a lack of acceptable use. Children have a higher intuitive ability, which may cover the absence of life experience that helps survival.
Calcification from fluoride salts is an undesirable result of an unhealthy diet. (Found in drinking water and toothpaste)
- Calcifications are a destructive and unlikely process. The idea that crystals in the calcifications enhance communication sounds unfounded.
Blinking has another critical function of the "antenna of the subconscious."
Link: Blinking is vital as the "antenna of the subconscious."
- The eyelids are the antennae of the subconscious. It is not surprising that even when blind people blink, the activity of their subconscious continues as usual. Unsurprisingly, extraterrestrials have large eyes (and also large and extremely sensitive eyelids). They operate through telepathy and need antennas and exact and fast transmissions.
- According to my theory, eyelid prevention will impair people's intuitive and telepathic abilities. Different healers use techniques for the eyelid, the most delicate and sensitive muscle in our body.
Dreams express sorting memories by the subconscious and cataloging them to make room.
- Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of sorting and cataloging virtual files, including experiences, desires, fantasies, fears, and trauma, bypassing logic.
Link: Can dreams indicate the future? (Innovative theory)
- Neuroscientists have already proposed that dreams result from brain maintenance activity but without a profound diagnosis of the activity carried out and its mystical nature.
- It is no coincidence that the pineal gland controls the sleep cycle in the brain, which is also the ruler and decoder of the subconscious. The eyelids are the "antennae of the subconscious," and it is not surprising that dream sleep causes a strong movement of the eyelids.
The accepted explanation for yawns is that yawning is intended to cool the brain. I offer a different, more likely explanation.
Link: Yawning is designed to lower the brain's gear to save energy.
A hiccup is an action (by analogy) of resetting the "router" of subconscious communication.
Link: Hiccup is a reflex in mammals aimed at resetting subconscious communication.
We frequently use the subconscious, usually without being aware of it.
It is worth distinguishing between intelligent guessing and intuition, not based on previous experience and logic!
You will find a lack of uniformity if you search for definitions for intuition. To me, most definitions are too simplistic. Link: Intuition (Wikipedia)
- Intuition, telepathy, and telekinesis (the movement of objects without contact and the activation of visible energy) share many unexplained characteristics.
- In movies, these phenomena appear regularly and very naturally; in reality, it is challenging to accept unexplained phenomena.
Does intuition exist in all of us?
- Intuition is a trait that exists in everyone at varying levels. It usually decreases with age. (It is unclear if this is related to the degeneration of the pineal gland in the brain, which also degenerates.)
Is intuition a trait that can be developed?
- Intuition is a supersensible phenomenon whose development is mainly related to open-mindedness and consciousness.
Instinct is a mechanism of survival that bypasses logic but is different from intuition.
- Instinct is a survival mechanism that bypasses logic; embedded from birth, it does not activate the subconscious. (The crying of a newborn baby is an example of an instinctive human action.) In contrast, intuition is a mechanism that is not innate but is activated by the subconscious while bypassing logic and thinking.
The subconscious is the bridge between the body-mind-spirit, sensory, and supersensible. Where does the subconscious reside?
- The answer to this question is still unclear; researchers speculate that the subconscious mind is not necessarily limited to our physical brain; it may be linked in a hive spring to a virtual communication network of the universe. If this hypothesis turns out to be correct, the pineal gland probably has much higher importance than it seems today.
Is the size of the pineal gland the explanation for women's seemingly better intuitive ability than men?
- Researchers and mystics claim the pineal gland, located in the center of the brain, is the organ that deciphers intuition and telepathy. The pineal gland is also known as the third eye.
- The pineal gland in women is larger than in men but degenerates with age (Similar to men). Is this the explanation for women's better intuition? It is hard to know without appropriate research.
- Link: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.
Millions of brain MRI scans are performed yearly, and autopsies can be used to study the size of the pineal gland.
- Discoveries of abnormal pineal gland sizes may have helped understand traits such as intuition and telepathy.
Years before discovering I had liver cirrhosis, I knew I would get sick and recover against all odds.
- The details were unknown, but I knew I would need treatments overseas. It did happen. I have in my imagination several images that seemingly belong to the future. I do not know if they will come true; I believe so.
Advanced telepathic abilities are attributed to extraterrestrials! (Interesting where the knowledge comes from.)
Do telepathy and intuition exist in reality or only in movies?
Link: Telepathy (Wikipedia)
What are the differences between intuition and telepathy?
- Science does not fully recognize the existence of the phenomena of intuition and telepathy. Telepathy is a phenomenon of two-way message transmission between humans. Intuition is a method of receiving hidden messages, bypassing logic with no known transmitting side. In both cases, it is communication with no distance limits. According to many philosophers, the organ that serves as the brain's communication, decoding, and transmission is the pineal gland, in the brain's center.
The pineal gland in the brain is considered the telepathic organ. It also exists in other mammals, including monkeys.
- Of course, it raises many questions. The pineal gland degenerates with age, possibly due to lack of use. Mystics attribute the pineal gland to the place of the spirit and the connection with other worlds. It is a great pity that science does not try to decipher the secrets of this vital gland in depth.
Today, institutional science sees these phenomena as pseudo-scientific—part of the para-psychology of strange and unexplained phenomena seemingly contradicts known physics principles. Many studies confirm the telepathy phenomenon far beyond statistical probability.
- Studies have shown that the phenomenon of telepathy is not related to distance! Therefore, the possibility of transmitting electromagnetic radiation that fades over long distances (directly proportional to the distance square) is ruled out. Is the universe connected to a virtual network where the ability to communicate differs from person to person? It is a fascinating topic for research that may break boundaries.
In Adrian Dvir's books, extraterrestrials explicitly state that they communicate using telepathy waves that travel half a million times faster than the speed of light.
- The explanation for the apparent contradiction with the laws of physics that we know is that they operate in another, much more energetic dimension, where the limitation of the speed of light is different.
- According to the same explanations, they travel at a similar pace, converting their spacecraft to another dimension at a vast energy investment.
At such a speed, one minute is almost equivalent to the speed of a light year as we know it.
What does proving or disproving that we live in a computer simulation take?
The answer to this question seems very simple; it is clear that we live with free will. Leading scientists, physicists, and philosophers have addressed this question without reaching unequivocal conclusions.
- The simulation theory will fall if you can locate an event, nature show, behavior, emotions, natural processes, etc., that do not have a mathematical solution with a workable result! The premise is that all-natural processes can have distinct mathematical expressions. If you search, you will find it challenging to shatter this claim! All-natural functions behave exemplary and surprisingly with complex mathematics that optimizes resource utilization.
What does it take to prove that we live in a computer simulation?
- It is impossible to prove that we live in a computer simulation from our system. The question is very similar to the halting problem posed by Alan Turing. The conclusion is that this question has no solution. (Logical limitation)
To prove unequivocally that we live in a simulation, one of two things must happen:
- Advanced extraterrestrials will appear on Earth and show us convincing arguments that we live in a simulation.
- We will crack the riddle of the universe, and we will be able to find the simulation formulas at a level where we can predict events with probabilities that do not leave a doubt of randomness.
At the moment, neither option looks pretty close. In my opinion, currently, the first option is more reasonable than the second. (Just an intelligent and unscientific guess.)
Is computing power strong enough to simulate all human beings at the theoretical level?
- The answer concerns the nature of the simulation. Assuming that simulation controls only significant milestones in our lives and not every second and marginal decision, the answer is "yes." The computing power required is enormous but probably possible theoretically.
Akashic Records virtual library concept.
The existence of an Akashic record may indicate that we live in a SIMULATION!
Akashic Records - The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe. (Virtual Library)
The idea of an Akashic library is somewhat reminiscent of today's cloud technology.
- Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Isaac Newton were great geniuses who seemed gifted with retrieving information from the Akashic records.
- The existence of a virtual Akashic library, in which records of the universe's history and future are kept, raises many philosophical questions, most of which we have no answer to, but its very existence is self-evident!
- The idea of a central virtual library, an Akashic library in which all the histories of the universe, including all of our past and future, have been recorded, and the accessibility of that library requires that we have a decoding organ! Is it the pineal gland? I believe so, but it takes courage and severe research.
Many blog posts repeat the theme of the Akashic library. It is essential to emphasize that the idea that we are living in a simulation can be believed or rejected. But we can never prove or deny the idea (because of logical limitations). Link: The sync of extraterrestrials' time with ours manifests a philosophical paradox.
The meaning of the supersensible phenomena is that our perception of the time-space dimension is wrong! The future may have happened in another dimension; only we cannot retrieve the information.
Summary and Conclusions.
The subconscious mind is a broad and complex subject. In the blog, I have extensively reviewed many related topics. Link: The subconscious is a built-in survival trait that bypasses logic.
Recovering from a long list of severe chronic illnesses is challenging without removing unresolved traumas from the subconscious. The pineal gland - At the physical-mathematical level, it is likely to assume that a "superior synchronization" organ is necessary. The deep and hidden meaning of intuition, telepathy, and telekinesis is profound; it opens a window to a magical and unexplored world.
The meaning of the supersensible phenomena is that our perception of the time-space dimension is probably wrong! The future may have happened in another dimension; only we cannot retrieve the information.

The subconscious mind has many different functions, which operate in the background without us being aware. The subconscious mind has a far-reaching impact on our mental and physical health.