The premise is that all activities humans perform, including physiological processes, movement, thinking, emotions, memories, and even the hidden parts of the subconscious, have a mathematical expression. Otherwise, complete algorithms cannot be maintained. It is important to emphasize that proving or disproving this claim is impossible. Link: Gödel's incompleteness theorems. (Wikipedia)
The only universal language in the universe is the laws of mathematics and logic combined with a few senses.
The idea is to develop the mathematics of emotions, behavior, thoughts, and the subconscious. Assuming mathematics is the one that predicts cognitive brain function. (Huge savings in brain research resources)
- The fact that uniform mathematical laws govern the whole of nature is well-known. Even chaos has mathematical models. Wherever you search, you will find that everything in nature is run mathematically—starting from the number of petals (Fibonacci series), shapes of fruits and vegetables, shapes of galaxies, the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb, different proportions (golden ratio) 4 nucleic acids that make up the genetic load that make up a binary computer code.
- The concept of human simulation is not entirely new; it has been presented in the past in a slightly different context. Mathematics was often created to explain phenomena in physics and chemistry. (Isaac Newton developed the differential calculus out of the need to explain physical phenomena.) In brain research, it is worthwhile to examine the opposite approach. To create the mathematics of "emotions," the new branch of mathematics is likely to predict cognitive brain activity. (Image, sound, smell, and touch are processes that have a clear physical-mathematical expression anyway.)
An encounter with advanced extraterrestrials may lead to an unexpected breakthrough in human simulation.
Extraterrestrial technologies may completely change our perception of the universe faster than expected.
- The idea of a hive connecting the Earth's inhabitants via supercomputers is not new. If everything is connected, you can run a global simulation!
- At the moment, hacking into our thoughts and memories seems like science fiction. In the movies, it already exists. The term biohackers already exists because it is probably inevitable when everything is connected and digital.
- War scenarios on the National Geographic Channel between Earthlings and extraterrestrials who have created a race of hybrid people with telepathic abilities to connect to the extraterrestrial network raise questions. Where is the imagination, and where is the reality?
The premise is that our memories, physiology, emotions, and behavior are consequential and can be mathematically simulated.
The branch of biomathematics is in its infancy. Still, producing an intelligent cyborg that functions as a human being would be challenging without a mathematical translation of all human activities.
- Three forces drive human physiology: Biochemical, electrical, and mental-energetic processes.
- The laws of chemistry and physics are well known; everyone has a mathematical expression. However, the psychic-energetic dimension does not have an exact mathematical measurement because it is unclear how it works. (Substantial obstacle)
Reverse engineering can shed light on the mysteries of the brain by understanding the mathematics that operates it.
- Indeed, research, which is still in its infancy, is currently underway to mathematically decipher brain activity. Researchers claim that the brain behaves like an analog computer rather than a digital-binary computer. These features are of immense importance in deciphering brain activity.
- The fact that we supposedly utilize only 10% of brain activity illustrates how far we are from fully mathematically deciphering the entire brain, including the brain activity of the subconscious, which is currently a black box.
Whether the brain is binary (digital computer language) or analog is undecided.
Mathematical cracking of all brain activities is necessary for performing a human simulation.
The mathematical cracking of the processes in the human brain is essential for simulating humans.
Both computing methods, analog and binary, have advantages and disadvantages.
- There is no contradiction between these methods. Any binary description can be described analgesically and vice versa. The premise is that the brain works with mathematical tools, and all thoughts, emotions, memories, senses, and even the subconscious have a mathematical expression. A combination of analog and binary computing, while effectively dividing roles between them as needed, seems optimal. (Quite similar to the two types of cores in modern CPU processors)
The five primary senses are analog. On this topic, you will find consensus among scientists.
- The subconscious conducts (bidirectional) communication with the universe and people with whom we have a telepathic relationship. The organ that manages the subconscious is, by all indications, the pineal gland in the brain's center. (also known as the third eye)
Digital (binary) communication has advantages (and disadvantages) over analog transmission, but it is more efficient and accurate, with fewer interruptions.
- Since nature has ensured that we are always very efficient, I suggest that the subconscious works in binary communication. (PC-like with 0.1) It means a bidirectional transformation of binary to analog transmission and vice versa. It is a resource-intensive activity. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the conscious brain utilizes only 10% of its abilities, a significant part of the seemingly new abilities used by the subconscious.
Although not romantic, concepts like beauty and love, positive and negative emotions, and memories can have mathematical expressions.
- Despite much brain research development, most processes have not yet been mapped. Cyborgs will have to apply complex mathematical laws to be "human." Otherwise, they will be "robots."
Precise simulation of all human body physiology, behavior, and emotions can open new, unbelievable horizons!
- The number of processes in the human body is finite, which changes occasionally but allows for a complete computer sim, similar to what you see in science fiction movies.
- If we fully control the simulation of all physiological-emotional processes, it will be possible to cure any disease and even prevent aging!
Why is it impossible to reach high levels of superintelligence without a mathematical simulation of curiosity, imagination, creativity, emotions, and thoughts?
- Artificial intelligence burst into our lives all at once, mainly thanks to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence engine acquired by Microsoft that signaled a massive war over the new winning technology. In my assessment, the call by Elon Musk, Professor Yuval Noah Harari, and many experts in artificial intelligence to halt the development of artificial intelligence until appropriate technological ethics are formulated creates the opposite phenomenon of increasing the development of artificial intelligence. As! New technology cannot be stopped or delayed.
My suggested definition for artificial intelligence.
"Simulation of human capabilities embedded with moral values while synergistically enhancing them—Integrating immense computing power with existing and unexplored human brain capabilities."
- Present complex data analysis and locate hidden connections while expressing these variables mathematically. Provide expert recommendations and suggestions for improvement and initiate research and development in unfamiliar fields.
- Since all AI systems are based on mathematical algorithms, one of the main challenges is creating mathematical connections between seemingly unrelated variables.
The legal world and various regulators must be involved in writing the code of ethics and fundamental moral values of artificial intelligence. Values such as equality, justice, transparency, truth, fairness, integrity, violence prevention, and more must be embedded in the basic code of artificial intelligence. (without being able to change by individuals)
Artificial intelligence systems can be thought of on four different levels.
The gaps between the different levels are orders of magnitude of complexity. Each level of AI includes the capabilities of its predecessor as well as new features.
- Processing a vast amount of information, collecting materials from various sources, and presenting them consistently, visually, user-friendly, and reasoned, emphasizing the opposing opinions and expert assessments regarding the different options and their reasonableness.
- An artificial intelligence system that will know how to manage curiosity, imagination, and natural creativity is embedded in the system. (This is not just through feedback questionnaires.)
- Mathematical cracking of senses, emotions, thinking, and intuition (subconsciously) while being able to communicate telepathically with an artificial intelligence system.
- It creates a hive (a familiar motif in science fiction films) that uses the power of the group's thoughts, not just the individual's! This results in exponential enhancement of capabilities.
We are only in the first phase of artificial intelligence for those observing. Humanity faces a massive challenge for future generations.
The scenario of a complete human simulation - above and beyond the limits of the imagination.
- Imagine seeing your future life in a custom simulation with different possible scenarios; imagination is the limit! Areas of practice, studies, interactions with people, choosing a partner, the right pet, sports adapted to abilities, preferred food, and even possible chronic illness and its treatment can be determined in a computer simulation long before things happen in reality.
- The premise is that a mathematical simulation can express every biochemical or biophysical magnetic-electric process. The terminator in Arnold Schwarzenegger's films is a very "human cyborg." Creating such a cyborg requires deciphering many complex mental processes. The primary challenge in developing cyborgs and human simulation stems from the need to simulate the human body's physiology, behavior, and emotions into mathematical formulas.
Imagine getting into a custom human simulator designed for you instead of a flight simulator!
Only supercomputers have the appropriate processing power for such a project.
A complete human simulation currently looks like science fiction!
These ideas seem impossible now, just as the views of the writer Jules Verne of "Cannon" that will reach the moon and back looked at the time.
- Imagine seeing yourself growing up using a simulator that accurately analyzes the genetic load you carry and your specific environmental and social information.
- A human simulator can prevent and cure any possible (acquired) disease.
- A human simulator is the ultimate substitute for chronic disease drugs.
There will be no more chronic diseases and cancer because it will produce recovery scenarios in the simulator.
Cyborgs are hybrids of humans and machines. They are often depicted in movies as having entirely human behavior.
The branch of bio-mathematics is in its infancy, yet it is necessary for achieving full artificial intelligence!
Communication with extraterrestrials and the construction of advanced humanoid cyborgs are based on bio-mathematics.
The only universal language in the universe is the laws of mathematics and logic combined with sound and image (which have mathematical expressions)
- If intelligent extraterrestrial life has been created at a level appropriate for communication, they must master mathematics and logic.
- Mathematics is the language of nature, and even if the extraterrestrial symbols are different from ours, deciphering mathematics is not relatively complex.
Although not romantic, concepts like beauty and love, positive and negative emotions, and memories can probably have mathematical expressions. The question is philosophical, but its application has far-reaching implications for the human race.
What does it take to prove that we live in a simulation?
The possibility of living in a computer simulation has appeared in well-known films such as The Matrix and Jumanji.
- It is where the story begins to become much more exciting and complicated. Living in a complete simulation is more plausible if we have reached a perfect human body simulation. Still, even well-known physicists do not rule out this possibility. It is precisely the possibility that we live in a simulation that solves many of the mysteries of modern physics!
Proving that we live with absolute free will without external involvement is enough to prove that at least one human activity cannot be expressed using mathematical algorithms.
Alan Turing proved that any mathematical algorithm could be translated into a Turing machine. (computer) The simulation question can be phrased in the following way:
- Take (as a thought exercise) all the algorithms that supposedly manage nature (quantity doesn't matter) and ask the following question: Will the simulation stop (because it lacks algorithms that manage unexplained properties)?
- If it stops, it means that we are not living in a simulation; if not, we are living in a simulation.
- But this is precisely Alan Turing's halting problem and Kurt Goodell's mathematical incompleteness. Luckily (or unfortunately), nothing can be proven.
The idea I am presenting is identical to the halting problem formulated by Alan Turing in 1936. Mathematical incompleteness (formulated by Kurt Goodell) holds that some statements cannot be proven or ruled out, no matter how many hypotheses we add.
- It is worth emphasizing that this is a deep and broad topic that has preoccupied mathematicians and philosophers and concerns the logical limitations of mathematics and computing. The mathematician-Austrian philosopher Kurt Goodell proved that there is a logical contradiction in mathematics. The problem is known as incompleteness. Following him, Alan Turing expanded the problem and translated it into computer science.
Is there a computing power strong enough to simulate all human beings?
- The answer concerns the nature of the simulation. Assuming that simulation controls only significant milestones in our lives and not every second and every marginal decision, the answer is "yes." The computing power required is enormous but probably possible theoretically.
The (shocking) conclusion is that we will probably never be able to prove any of the theses on the subject. The secret of life's essence will remain forever!
A research proposal could examine arguments for living in a computer simulation.
The findings cannot unequivocally prove one of the two possibilities; they can only strengthen the reasonable possibility of the two.
- Observing flora and fauna from the dawn of creation may illuminate far-reaching philosophical and scientific questions. It turns out that insects, flowers, and plants apply complex mathematical optimization methods. If you want examples, look for the explanations for why the beehive is made of hexagons. Why are flowers arranged according to the Fibonacci series, etc.? (There are many examples)
- If we prove that a beehive 100 million years ago was actually in the shape of squares (compared to hexagons today), then there is proof that this is indeed an evolutionary event. If we assume we will find 480 million-year-old fossils of flies with eyes arranged in hexagons, then it is probably not about evolution but creation itself.
Incompleteness theorem - Math's Fundamental Flaw.
The boundaries of mathematics and philosophy are blurred anyway!

The premise is that all activities humans perform, including physiological processes, movement, thinking, emotions, memories, and even the hidden parts of the subconscious, have a mathematical expression. Otherwise, complete algorithms cannot be maintained. It is important to emphasize that proving or disproving this claim is impossible.