Alzheimer's and Parkinson's—Natural slowdown in symptoms.

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Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients have a relatively short window of time to replenish neurons by natural self-healing.
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

To me, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are "cruel" diseases that harm the human essence of the patient. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients are unlikely to read this article, but their relatives and friends may help them adopt the self-healing method of restoring brain abilities. Although the two diseases have a significant difference, both can be treated with the self-healing method (with few alterations). Medication or invasive treatment may temporarily improve symptoms but cannot cure the disease.


Prologue - Using self-healing tools to initiate Neurogenesis. (Renewing brain cells.) 

Patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease who are still communicating have Hope, not in the existing approach in modern medicine but through the body's extraordinary ability to restore and replenish brain cells. (This ability exists in everyone.)

  • Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed. Although these two diseases have different symptoms, both can be treated (with minor differences) using self-healing tools.
  • Treatment is based on the brain's proven ability to replenish cells. (Neurogenesis.)
  • Both diseases reflect the brain's severe inflammatory process (not necessarily infectious). Brain shrinkage is similar to inflammatory processes that cause liver cirrhosis. In both cases, the results are devastating.

What are the fundamental requirements for brain neurogenesis?

All these principles need to be integrated to achieve the full effect.

  1. Mental and Spiritual Enhancement. (Often underestimated.)
  2. Regular practice of the brain. (Critical.)
  3. Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Habits.
  4. A drastic reduction of exposure of the body and, especially, the brain to inflammations.
    1. A balanced and diverse diet provides all the ingredients needed to replenish brain cells.
    2. A diet stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters essential to prevent the disease from deteriorating.


Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease symptoms.

A short introduction to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  • Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that progresses slowly, characterized by common motor disorders due to a deficiency in the dopamine neurotransmitter due to the brain's black matter cell group (Substantia Nigra).
  • Alzheimer's disease - (Which has a deficiency in acetylcholine neurotransmitters) is a central nervous system progressive disease that is expected (but not limited to) in the elderly. It manifests itself in slow and persistent degeneration to the death of the nerve cells in the brain.

In general, Alzheimer's disease is characterized by cognitive decline. The first notable impairment is memory impairment. Over time, other top brain functions, such as orientation, thinking ability, and conclusions, are also impaired. 


The psychological trauma of men or women with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. (Includes the family.)

Recommended Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.

  • Both are progressive illnesses with severe symptoms over the years. A patient aware of their condition sometimes goes into depression and gradually can sink into a world of silence, unable to identify family and friends, depending on the environment for necessary daily activities. Both diseases cause heartbreak in the immediate environment, familiarizing the patient with better functional states.
  • The disease is seen as particularly severe for many, mainly due to the difficulty of seeing a loved one sinking into a world of total dependence and often a lack of communication.


Why can't current drug therapy or invasive procedures cure Alzheimer's and Parkinson's?

There is no cure or invasive treatment that has the power to strengthen the immune system and repair damaged brain cells. Unlike other human cells, the brain must practice regenerating destroyed cells.

  • Drug treatment differs in both diseases and involves various medications, such as receptor blockers, neurotransmitters, and non-invasive therapies, that sometimes delay the disease's progression and alleviate symptoms.
  • In both cases, the treatment is designed to relieve the symptoms; it does not address the disease's causes!
  • Despite considerable investments in research, there is no cure for these neurodegenerative diseases.
    • Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
    • Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.


What are the underlying causes of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease outbreaks? (Different approach.)

Link: Long-term immunodeficiency illnesses — Allergies, Chronic inflammations, Cancer, and Autoimmune.

When it comes to disease, especially at an older age, the leading cause is an unhealthy lifestyle. 

  • The (unconventional) perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to full recovery.
  • "To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."
    • By nature, we are focused on the disease we suffer from. Still, it is essential to discover the mechanism common to all non-genetic long-term immune failure diseases to understand and heal them.
    • Understanding the entire process will help us recover from the illness we are suffering from, improve our health, and prevent future diseases.


The location and severity of the symptoms are not accidental. (This analysis is simplistic but thought-provoking.)

  • Link: Chakra (Wikipedia) Note: A simple search will provide more detailed diagrams with elaborated information. (Recommended)

The 7 Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

The 7 Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

General and Introduction -  The concept of energy centers. (Chakras)

Only Traumatic, Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past can block the life-force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental & spiritual events do not block the energy centers.) 

  • These principles come from traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicine, balancing the body. Western medicine completely ignores the human body's energetic being and misses an opportunity to understand chronic disease formation deeply.
  • Diseases break out where life-force energy does not flow smoothly.
  • When discussing Stress and anxiety as significant causes of chronic morbidity, deepening and labeling the traumatic emotions involved is necessary to release them consciously.


Short analysis concerning both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.  

  • According to another map, the relevant centers (Brain and spinal cord and Brain stem) are 6-7. The traumatic emotions are probably related to intuition, imagination, wisdom, thinking ability, decisions, and our connection to spirituality. (Only the patient can interpret the traumatic events.)

My example is too simplistic but illustrates the idea and encourages self-searching.

  • The symptomatic organ should be adjusted to its energy center, and the traumatic emotions that block it must be identified and released.
  • You should consider assisting a certified hypnotist if the result cannot be reached through an internal search.
  • The right side is the male at the energetic level, while the left is related to the female and the offspring. Therefore, trauma with the mother or a brother, for example, will be expressed in different locations!

The severity of symptoms. 

  • The intensity of the symptoms is related to the body's general energy (in the central energy channel) and the brain's energy level. 


Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are fundamental underlying causes. (Body, Mind, and Spirit.)

Lifestyle vs. Genetics. 

  • An unhealthy lifestyle (Mental and physical)  is the leading cause of psoriasis. (80% or more). Genetics explains only a tiny part of the failures. (20% or less.)

Age factor (Unhealthy physical Lifestyle) vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As symptoms onset at an older age (55-60 years and above), it is more likely that the unhealthy lifestyle weight is higher than unresolved mental traumas. The explanation is that the process of cell aging and death is cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.

Physical Body.

Unhealthy Lifestyle reflected in Improper nutrition, high body toxicity, low physical activities, and exposure to the sun, lack of sleep causes:

  • The low flow of body fluids. (Blood, lymph, bile.)
  • Gut flora imbalance and parasite overgrowth cause a heavy load on the immune system.

Mind and Spirit.

Happiness, Love, Satisfaction, and other positive emotions charge life-force energy.   

Anxiety, Stress, disappointment, hate, fear, guilt, envy, and negative emotions deplete the life-force energy.

  • Traumatic Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past (usually subconscious) can cause low life-force energy flow. (Blockages in the flow of life-force energy have far-reaching physical and mental effects.)

The combined effect of body, mind, and spirit.

  • A long list of symptoms. (Physical & Mental.)


  • Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
  • Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.


Recommended Self-healing recovery methods for patients with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

Recovery requires, first of all, the restoration of the immune system.

Link: Self-Healing Medicine – Main principles & guidelines.

How should the recovery process run?

  • The philosophical chapter (Philosophy of Medicine) is essential before starting treatment. It is imperative to understand and accept the fundamental principles.
  • Self-healing is based on a combination of all the factors I listed. After two or three months of self-healing principles, the beginning of change is felt.

Symptomatic treatments during the recovery period.

  • Drug treatment is sometimes bound by reality; it is essential to minimize it. Medications disrupt the body's balance mechanisms and usually delay the recovery process.

Rehabilitation of the immune system requires simultaneously integrating all the influencing factors:

  1. A very diverse and balanced diet of natural, unprocessed foods.
  2. Maintaining an incredibly healthy lifestyle. (Goodnight Sleep, controlled sun exposure, and regular exercise.)
  3. Release traumas from the past through the subconscious and conscious transmission. (No need to forget.)
  4. Cleansing the body's filters (liver and kidneys) boosts the immune system.
  5. Assistive treatments include massage (very relaxing) and acupuncture, which have excellent effects. (Even in type 1 diabetes.)

 The main difficulty in self-healing is extreme self-discipline. 

Good liver function is essential for regenerating the brain cells that have been destroyed.

  • Restoration and renewal of destroyed skin cells require protein synthesis. The liver is the organ that performs most of the synthesis; therefore, its normal functioning is especially essential for the success of the process.
  • Regular cleansing of the liver and kidneys is essential for the success of the process. 


Recommended natural therapies for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients - Summary.

Self-healing therapies are sometimes intense, but the benefits justify every effort at the terrible price of failure.

Regular practice of the brain. (Critical) 

  • Group or individual activity in solving exercises such as sudoku, crossword puzzles, chess, checkers, trivia games, cards, etc.
  • Activities that require coordination include building models, puzzles, computers, and video games.
  • Society games that require practice and memory, such as Capital City games, word completion, etc. 


Mental and Spiritual Empowerment.

Link: Mental and Spiritual Empowerment.

  • Love and emotional support (not just logistical), knowing that having someone with you has immense meaning in these difficult moments. With love and support, Hope strengthens the energy of life and dramatically improves recovery chances.
  • Releasing tension and spiritual calm. (Such as yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi )
  • Acupuncture has excellent benefits without any side effects. Although it begins as a physical act, it is essentially an energetic action aimed at opening blockages along the body's energy channels (Meridians). Successful acupuncture can be painful, but the pain usually indicates effective treatment. (The pain stems from energy flow in a blocked life-force energy channel!)
  • Controlled Solar-baths. (Essential for proper physiology and charges the life-force energy.) Fear of contracting skin cancer and working indoors for many hours has created a situation where many people, even in sunny countries, are deficient in vitamin D. The sun soothes the mind and improves the mood!


Lifestyle and Eating Habits.

  • Goodnight's sleep is imperative to achieve a successful alcohol withdrawal. Daytime sleep has no similar effect; sleep hours cannot be completed during the day.
  • Use of drugs and supplements. All drugs (and sometimes some supplements) harm the immune system. Do not expect the support of doctors to reduce medication.
  • Eating habits- Do not eat late at night. Eat comfortably and well-chewed. Late-night eating takes essential resources from the immune system to the digestive system.
  • Diet sugar-free and soft drinks - soft drinks and diet drinks harm many vital organs and damage the immune system.
  • Food composition - It is highly advisable not to combine high doses of carbohydrates with animal protein; they substantially affect insulin resistance. Animal proteins should be eaten with plant foods containing dietary fiber. It is desirable to pour natural oil on carbohydrates (preferably with a low glycemic index); it helps emulsify the digestive system.


A healthy diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.

A healthy diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.

Recommended Diet and Natural physical therapies.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

  • Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food and beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
  • Mechanical Detoxification. (By unblocking and cleansing the liver and kidneys.) Especially essential during detox attacks.
    • Liver cleansing includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coffee, and baking soda—probiotic enemas of live bacteria.
  • Exercise and massage to improve blood & lymphatic circulation. Regular exercise is essential for moving lymph fluid, the second line of body defense.
  • Acupuncture can restore the life-force energy flow and relieve pain.  
  • Food supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) restore the body's balance and deficiencies.


Summary, conclusions, and recommendations.

Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease is not incurable; improving the quality of life of mild patients is possible; initiative and courage are required not to follow the course of conventional medicine. The payoff is immense in every sense.

There is no such thing as an incurable disease.

  • All chronic acquired diseases can be cured except for pure genetic diseases. There is no such thing as an incurable disease.
  • Patients with Alzheimer's & Parkinson's are treated with only symptomatic treatments that will perpetuate their condition. (Rather than addressing the causes of the disease.) 
  • The fact that conventional medicine cannot cure the disease does not indicate that Alzheimer's & Parkinson's are not curable. 

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's underlying causes.

  • Both diseases reflect the brain's severe inflammatory process (not necessarily infectious).
  • Brain shrinkage is similar to inflammatory processes that cause liver cirrhosis. In both cases, the results are devastating.
  • Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
  • Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.

Age factor (Unhealthy physical Lifestyle) vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As the patient is older (over 55-60), it is more likely that the unhealthy lifestyle weight is higher than unresolved mental traumas. The explanation is that the process of cell aging and death is cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.

What are the fundamental requirements for brain neurogenesis? 

All these principles need to be integrated to achieve the full effect.

  • Mental and Spiritual Enhancement. (Often underestimated.)
  • Regular practice of the brain. (Critical.)
  • Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Habits.
  • A drastic reduction of exposure of the body and, especially, the brain to inflammations.
    1. A balanced and diverse diet provides all the ingredients needed to replenish brain cells.

Economic aspects.

  • The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
  • Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and low quality of life, invest in self-healing, primarily economical, in the long run.

Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.

Link: How do you get started with self-healing therapies?

  • Following the principles & guidelines of self-healing medicine will cure the entire body mentally and physically.
  • The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in Lifestyle & habits. The transformation is enormous in every aspect.
  • After symptoms improve, continuing the properly controlled Lifestyle and diet is essential.


I wish all patients that no one will ever recognize Alzheimer's or Parkinson's patients. Healthy life, both mentally and physically.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why do Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients have a short window of opportunity?
Because the patient's cooperation is necessary, especially in brain training, it is impossible to rehabilitate a damaged brain without it.
Are invasive treatments (such as electrodes in the brain) able to cure the disease?
Invasive treatments are mainly intended to relieve acute symptoms; in seriously ill patients, they are not able to cure the disease.
Is it possible to recover from these terrible diseases of brain degeneration?
The brain can restore itself, but it is a restoration that requires a lot of brain exercise along with an anti-inflammatory diet and mechanical detoxification. A possible task but highly challenging.
My mother had Alzheimer's, and my father had Parkinson's. How can I avoid these terrible diseases?
A combination of an anti-inflammatory diet, a healthy mental and physical lifestyle, and regular brain exercise reduce the risks of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's dramatically.
Do brain cells have the ability to regenerate?
Until not so many years ago, scientists thought brain cells could not renew themselves. It has become clear over the past two decades that brain cells are capable of regenerating themselves, but unique conditions are required. The brain needs constant practice to encourage neurogenesis.
Is the weakness in the brain of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients accidental?
The human body does not act randomly. Chronic diseases always break out in the weakest places (or places) at the energetic level, including the brain. Regular exercise of the brain usually prevents the onset of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, especially at relatively young ages.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. (Neurodegenerative diseases)
1. Are degenerative diseases of the brain incurable?
The fact that the brain also has a (limited) regenerative capacity has been known to science for a decade or two. The question is, why doesn't it work in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients?
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Various medications, including invasive devices such as brain electrodes, can provide temporary relief of symptoms but cannot cure the disease because they were not designed in the first place to neutralize its causes.
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