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Integrating modern medicine and self-healing medicine is vital in recovery from chronic diseases by treating the causes rather than their symptoms.
Love, happiness, and support.
Recovery from severe chronic illnesses and addictions is usually associated with love and support. Without love, it is almost impossible to recover. (Also applies to same-sex couples)
Remember that failure is part of success, not the opposite of it. Perseverance and determination are the keys to success.
Prolonged chronic illness (including many addictions) has many characteristics of personal loss, so using the Kubler-Ross model is appropriate.
Conventional medicine's approach to chronic diseases.
If you do not know what you are searching for, You will never find it! Investing in the philosophy of medicine will yield exceptional benefits.
The SWOT analysis points to a mirror image between Modern and Self-Healing Medicines' weaknesses and strengths. Thus, Integration is requested.
The paradox is striking - Drug use has risen sharply in recent decades, and excessive drug use has not prevented a sharp rise in chronic morbidity!
Self-healing principles and guidelines.
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!
Integrating self-healing medicine with modern medicine requires a conceptual change, including the formulation of the philosophy of medicine and integrated ethics.
We often ignore early symptoms until chronic pain or other worrying signs appear. Preventive medicine can reduce human suffering and enormous expenses.
Patients who turn to alternative medicine have another challenging dilemma of choosing among many self-healing therapies without a guiding methodology.
Conventional medicine tried to isolate treatments that it thought were helpful in alternative medicine and gave them a new name - Functional medicine.
The impact of a healthy, mental, and physical lifestyle and diet on our health exceeds that of heredity, which we cannot change.
Immune-boost principles, inflammation, and pain.
The key to recovery from any chronic disease is continuous immune system strengthening. (Body, Mind, and Spirit) Not by drugs!
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary non-sterile internal system, thus forcing the immune system to fight relentlessly to prevent the overgrowth of pathogens.
The pain scale is subjective. Developing a methodology that will determine objective measures of chronic pain is essential.

The human body is in a constant war for survival. Therefore, medicine must have a philosophical strategy. Modern medicine has extensive knowledge, literature, techniques, medications, procedures, and methodologies, but these cannot be considered a directive philosophy. Without philosophy, the guiding compass, many mistakes are made constantly. 

  • "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, you will also suffer a defeat for every victory gained. You will succumb in every battle if you know neither the enemy nor yourself." (Sun Tzu) Sun Tzu was a Chinese politician and general. Considered the strategic founder of the art of war.


Self-healing medicine is like Performing Miracles. Every human being has this ability—it just needs to be revealed.

Our body never functions randomly, and the type, location, and intensity of any acquired (non-genetic) chronic disease or addiction are not accidental. The self-healing method incorporates body, mind, and spirit. Unlike conventional medicine, self-healing natural medicine eliminates chronic diseases' causes rather than symptoms. The benefits of self-healing functional medicine are enormous beyond healing chronic diseases, primarily because it generates personal empowerment.

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