I had contracted herpes zoster viral infection about 25 years before my liver cirrhosis outbreak. I was hospitalized without knowing that my liver had already been infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Because I understand the "logic" of detoxification and the immune system, I am not stressed by such outbreaks of unpleasant symptoms, and I do not take medication.
- The location of the herpes sores in the right leg, twice a few years apart, is no coincidence; twice along the bladder meridian, which suffered severely from extremely severe nitrite toxins due to my damaged liver.
Over the long years of liver disease, I noticed that all the lesions and cysts appeared along the meridians near acupuncture points. These findings led me to develop the theory described in the attached link: Various tumor types isolate damaged tissue in self-defense.
- I must stress that cysts, lipomas (fatty lumps), and chronic viral wounds also appeared in me throughout the long years of treatments, always along the meridians of the liver, gallbladder, bladder, and triple warmer. Coincidence? Of course not!
Mechanical detoxification of the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys strengthens the immune system, paradoxically intensifying certain symptoms. At the same time, these symptoms must be viewed positively. Many patients are caught up in anxiety about the effects of detoxification and mistakenly return to the medicine cabinet, which only makes their condition worse!
- Paradoxically, modern medicine does not value the detoxification process, although it uses, among other things, a dialysis machine or an artificial liver machine. The logic of detoxification is elementary: a body saturated with toxins loses energy and weakens.
Link: Comprehensive detoxification guidelines.
Our body never functions randomly. The type, location, and intensity of any acquired (non-genetic) chronic disease or addiction are not accidental.