The familiar paradox is that from the moment the patient starts taking medication (which is very effective but destructive to the body in the long run), they are usually afraid to stop, thus perpetuating the problem. High blood pressure is needed to achieve more efficient blood flow and filtering in major organs such as the Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Heart, and circulatory systems. Hypertension is usually a sign of an unhealthy cumulative lifestyle and diet. (It can be reversed.)
- If the water flow in your house is weak (due to scale, rust, or dirt in the pipes), you turn on the tap to the end, and the water pressure increases, improving the flow. The body has a very similar mechanism regulated by the kidneys.
- Blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering drugs are among the best-selling. Half of the adult population suffers from these symptoms. Drug therapy is offered immediately without trying to improve patients' diet and lifestyle at the same time. Coincidence? Of course not.
In its broad definition, inflammation is a repair mechanism for damaged tissue. Every cell's fatty membrane comprises cholesterol, so repairing cells requires the liver to produce more cholesterol! Cholesterol is not the enemy in this case—it is a part of the self-repair mechanism.
Salt slightly raises blood pressure but is not the cause of blood pressure!
Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are symptoms! Not the disease itself.
75% of all heart attack patients had regular to low cholesterol levels! If you are an adult, the probability of taking at least one of these drugs designed to treat high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol is about 50%.
- Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are not the cause of coronary heart disease! It is a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle and diet combined with stress and anxiety that can be reversed naturally. (Without medication)
- If you suffer from Hypertension, you probably eat bland, salt-free foods. Salt has only a marginal effect on blood pressure—it is not the cause of high blood pressure! Please note that most salt in food comes from industrialized and processed foods, not from home cooking.
Aromatic salt (such as Himalayan salt) allows seasoning with minimal salt while enjoying delicious food.
Drugs that lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels are best-selling drugs. But are they necessary?
Hypertension underlying causes.
The World Health Organization attributes high blood pressure to an annual death rate of 7.5 million people.
WHO confuses (like everyone else) symptoms and causes of disease. (A symptom of illness cannot cause death.)
- The number of people affected by high blood pressure has almost doubled over the past 40 years.
- Hypertension is prevalent in developing countries in Asia and Africa.
Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are symptoms! Not the disease itself.
- Inflammatory processes create sedimentation on the walls of the blood vessels that cause stenosis and lack of flexibility.
- Anxiety and stress can aggravate the symptoms of Hypertension.
Salt only slightly raises blood pressure; it is not the leading cause of high blood pressure. Most of the salt we consume comes from processed and industrialized foods, not from the cooking salt we add to food. Eating bland food is a mistake! A little aromatic salt will not raise blood pressure significantly.
Why does the liver produce high cholesterol when the body is in prolonged inflammation?
The upper limit of normal cholesterol is now significantly lower than decades ago. Naturally, this change is very appropriate for drug companies.
- In their broad definition, inflammation is a repair mechanism for damaged tissue. Every cell's fatty membrane comprises cholesterol, so repairing cells requires the liver to produce more cholesterol! Cholesterol is not the enemy in this case.
LDL (bad cholesterol) size should be analyzed.
- Harmful cholesterol (LDL) is the smaller one that clings to the walls of blood vessels. (Most blood tests do not distinguish the sizes of harmful cholesterol.)
How can I naturally lower my blood pressure and cholesterol without taking medications?
These two widespread symptoms are related. They are mainly the result of an inflammatory diet that causes extensive damage to tissues and deposits on the walls of the blood vessels, causing calcification and narrowing of the blood vessels.
A relaxed lifestyle with free time is essential. Stress and strain at work and home, as are the physical aspects, are critical.
- A varied, natural diet without industrialized and processed foods is recommended. (Which is now a significant part of the modern diet)
- A sharp reduction in animal food—consumption of only natural beverages, without soft drinks or sugary drinks, including diet drinks.
- Drinking natural squeezed juices regularly will reduce inflammation throughout the body and blood vessels.
- Moderate exercise is essential to lower high blood pressure, as it activates the lymphatic system.
Self-healing methods to dissolve blood vessel calcifications.
It is possible to dissolve calcifications to restore blood vessel flexibility with the following protocols:
- Start your day on an empty stomach with squeezed lemon juice (possibly half) in a glass of lukewarm water; add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
- Reduce inflammations all over the body by using self-healing detoxification and other anti-inflammatory methods.
- Controlled sun exposure is critical to maintaining proper calcium homeostasis.
Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food & beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
Liver and kidney detoxification is helpful.
- Drinking natural squeezed juices and liver and gallbladder flushes (it is also desirable to combine them with coffee enemas) releases many toxins. It also allows the body to rehabilitate the damaged coronary arteries.
- Kidney flush and steam sauna may help dissolve the toxins that have formed.
Vitamin K2 (Fat-soluble) regulates calcium and iodine homeostasis. Link: What to know about vitamin K-2.
- Vitamin K-2 is present in small quantities in organ meats and fermented foods. Gut bacteria also produce vitamin K-2.
- Vitamin K-1 occurs naturally in dark, leafy green vegetables and is the primary dietary source of vitamin K.
Regularly eating food rich in vitamin K2 (only from natural sources) can help dissolve the calcifications.
Food Rich in Vitamin K2.
- Fermented soybeans.
- Ground beef, chicken breasts, chicken liver.
- Egg yolks.
- Ghee. (Purified butter)
- Salami. - not recommended – smoked & processed.
- Soft & Hard cheese – not recommended – processed dairy products.
Unprocessed food containing K2 is better absorbed.
- Vitamin K1 (more available in many greens) can be converted to Vitamin K2 in the intestines. (With the help of good bacteria.)
Consuming Iodine regularly (for proper thyroid function) is essential to regulate calcium homeostasis. (The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt.)
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.
There is no substitute for healthy nutrition and lifestyle.
Lipitor is a statin and one of the best-selling drugs in the world. It acts on the liver and inhibits cholesterol production processes. However, it does not cure inflammation and has severe side effects over time. Hypertension drugs have severe side effects that aggravate the patient's condition in the long run without bringing about a cure.
Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are misunderstood—They are a compensation mechanism of our body. The long-term use of drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol contradicts our natural self-defense mechanism.