Viruses virulence and proliferation model.

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Viruses are unique (viruses do not have an independent energy source) and, therefore, can be analyzed using energy conservation laws. (Thermodynamics)
Virus virulence.

"To discover the universe's secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibration. (Nikola Tesla)" 

Precisely because viruses are relatively simple molecules with no independent, energetic function, their analysis according to the laws of thermodynamics (energy conservation) is relatively simple compared to the enormous complexity of the biochemistry of viruses. Looking at viral mutations as a completely random process is incorrect. Viruses have a built-in entropy (disorder) mechanism.

Mandatory requirements of this model:

  • The premise is that the host's energy is directed only to replicate viruses and does not serve to modify the viruses' genetic changes through mutations.
  • Viruses mutate, but this is an entropy mechanism and cannot be attributed to natural selection, a biological process that applies only to organisms. Link: Viruses mutate but can't be attributed to natural selection.

Anyone who looks at the waves of morbidity that characterized the entire world of the coronavirus pandemic will find that they are strange. There is no reason for waves of morbidity in a continuous mathematical model. A similar phenomenon was recorded in the Spanish flu a century earlier. Coincidence? Of course not.


Introduction to viruses. 

Viruses have a built-in entropy mechanism (disorder) that makes them more resilient but requires them to invest energy in modifications—an evasion tactic.

  • The idea of the effect of solar flare cycles (every 11 years) on viral diseases is not new. The theory and model of energy conservation I propose regarding viruses are unique and original. Link: Sunspot Cycle and Human Health
  • By analogy, similar to humans who absorb solar energy—ultraviolet radiation (electromagnetic radiation)—to build vitamin D and also for energetic charging (which has a positive effect on our bodies), viruses can absorb solar radiation energies (electromagnetic radiation) at specific frequencies to create new mutations aimed at increasing their ability to infect.
  • Except for the Ebola virus (1976) and COVID-19, all other viral epidemic outbreaks over 100 years occurred close to the peaks of solar flares. Imagine a deadly viral disease like the Ebola virus, with a contagious ability like COVID-19 - the world would collapse! According to the model I present here for the first time, such a situation is unlikely. Link: Solar flare (Wikipedia)

The mathematical models used for COVID-19 did not predict outbreak waves because the models did not attribute energetic properties to viruses! 

  • The phenomenon of waves in viral outbreaks was also recorded during the Spanish flu of 1918 and is very reminiscent of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves. When I perform physical analysis, it is accepted that a high frequency of infection, reflecting short wavelength and high energies, can reach profound insights using straightforward tools.


Solar flare cycles over a hundred years explain the outbreak of most viral pandemics.

Solar flare cycles and viral pandemics outbreak. Solar flare cycles occur at 11-year cycles.

Solar flares cycles and global pandemics.

Viruses Activity Model - Introduction.

Link: Top 50 solar flares of the year 20XX

For the first time, this model presents an entirely different perception of viral activities from an altogether different perspective, using energy conservation laws of thermodynamics.

Virus mutations are not completely random. Viruses have a built-in entropy mechanism (disorder) that protects them and, on the other hand, requires them to invest in genetic modifications—a tactic of evasion and camouflage.

  • This model will enable researchers to understand better biochemical phenomena related to viruses. The mathematical analysis of the development of viral epidemics will take on another new dimension and allow for much better predictions.
  • The seemingly bizarre behavior of the COVID-19 outbreak led me to conclude that we ignore an essential critical dimension in understanding the development of viral epidemic outbreaks- their varying energy levels.
  • Compared to other pathogens (including various parasites), viruses do not have an independent energy cellular organ (mitochondria); therefore, they depend entirely on the ability to penetrate the host cell for genetic replication. (Using the host's energy)
  • Each virus comprises biological molecules, including genetic material (single-stranded or double-stranded DNA or RNA) and related proteins. (Many scientists do not consider it alive.) Because the virus lacks any independent function outside the host body, it must obey the laws of energy conservation, which are reflected in the laws of the branch of physics called thermodynamics.


The graph reflects aggregate data from all countries worldwide. With a few exceptions, you will find charts with similar trends in most countries worldwide.

The virus is forced to give up energy temporarily to create new mutations. (Unless it has an available external energy source such as solar flares) The phenomenon of waves is consistent with reports of Spanish flu. (From 100 years ago and more)


COVID-19 Daily New Cases. Updated November 2022. (Worldmeter) 

Covid19 - Daily new cases worldwide.

Creating a new virus strain requires significant changes in the virus's genetic code, which consumes much energy. The energy for creating a new strain cannot come only from the host cell—an external energy source is also required. Most often, it is in the form of solar flares that release high-intensity electromagnetic radiation. 


Continue reading: Viruses Virulence and Proliferation Model—Based on energy conservation laws.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Is the connection between solar flares and health a new topic?
Hypotheses that there is a connection between solar flares and morbidity are mentioned in the literature. A complete and consistent model that explains the nature of viral epidemics based upon known physical principles, to the best of my knowledge, does not exist.
Can the proposed model be scientifically validated?
Scientific validation of the model requires a detailed statistical analysis of all viral epidemics cross-referenced with solar flare data. Virological (biochemical and genetic) confirmation of the conclusions is also needed.
Assuming the proposed model is correct – what will be its consequences?
The model will produce a subfield of energetic virology with far-reaching medical and economic implications.
The Spanish flu that broke out in 1918 was very violent; today, the flu is a mild disease. Why?
The flu we have today has undergone many mutations, making it very contagious but much less violent than the original Spanish flu.
Imagine a viral Ebola virus epidemic with the same contagion capacity as that of COVID-19. Why is this scenario unlikely?
An epidemic that is both very contagious and very violent needs very high initial energy, which is not in a typical scenario.
Why is there no situation opposite to the one we regularly discover in viral outbreaks, where the disease becomes less contagious but much more violent?
The explanation is found in the laws of thermodynamics (conservation of energy). The virus has a built-in property of disorder (entropy) that always directs it to give up violence in favor of an improved ability to infect.
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Viruses Virulence and Proliferation unifying theory. (Unconventional)
1. How do viruses differ from other pathogens in energy production?
Viruses do not have mitochondria (unlike bacteria) and feed on the host's energy.
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A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Looking at viral mutations as a completely random process is incorrect. Viruses have a built-in entropy (disorder) mechanism.
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