Kübler-Ross model | Explains the behavior of personal loss.

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Prolonged chronic illness (including many addictions) has many characteristics of personal loss, so using the Kubler-Ross model is appropriate.
Broken heart. (Grief)

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

Most chronic diseases and addiction-related illnesses require significant lifestyle and dietary changes. These changes require perseverance, willpower, and sacrifice of old habits. The main barriers are denial, anger, and depression. This short article is designed to give patients hope for a way out!

Given the appropriate terms (mental & physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable! Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses. Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical advisor.


The Kübler-Ross Model- Introduction. 

Link: The Kübler-Ross model. Otherwise known as the five stages of grief. (Wikipedia)

Kübler Ross's psychological model is for patients who do not face a life-threatening condition. (This is the majority of patients.)

The five stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining (applicable in life-threatening situations), Depression, and Acceptance. 

  • Initially, the Kübler-Ross model was only concerned with the stages of death and dying. Kübler Ross's model was expanded to include any personal loss. There is no doubt that long-term chronic disease has properties of grief and loss.
  • From my experience, what prevents making lifestyle changes are denial, anger, and depression.
  • Reaching acceptance as fast as possible is essential for elevating the spirit and gaining needed energy. Real hope would give anyone the strength to undertake all the necessary treatments and endure the accompanying pain and suffering.

Bargaining is reserved mainly for life-threatening situations, but complaints to the Creator about the terrible disease that struck are recurring. Along with the depression, there is often also a dialogue with the Creator, "Why did this happen to me?" Regardless of religion or belief, most of us are looking for justice.


The five stages of grief. 

Denial and depression are common barriers most chronic patients and many addicts face. 

Reaching the final "acceptance" stage is critical to zone out the energies required to continue the recovery process.

  • Applying this model to understand its various stages is essential to initiating recovery.
  • I highly recommend that patients, family, and close friends watch relevant, unusual recovery stories that seem impossible on YouTube. You will find one common denominator for all—hope, the belief that any acquired disease can be cured, and the internalization that being proactive is critical. (A Passive strategy usually cannot lead to recovery from chronic diseases.)

The human body is built for recovery, even from impossible situations.

  • Many times over the years, I have thought it would have been better to die; the suffering was unbearable, and my body was rotting without liver function. The turning point began when I found love in impossible conditions imaginable.
  • It took me six years to figure out how to deal with my severe chronic liver disease, another eight years to recover, and a total of 14 years of unimaginable suffering. 


My personal experience with the Kubler-Ross model stages. (It took me several years to realize I was fighting for survival.)

I dedicated 17 excruciating years (four intermittently in China) to unbearable pain, injections, transfusions, acupunctures, coffee enemas, liver flushes, thousands of naturally squeezed juice cups, and various treatments. But finally, I managed to survive and recover. When I was in danger of death, I did not bargain because I did not know then that I was on the verge of extinction. Bargaining with me started after the acceptance phase regarding the length of recovery time, which was particularly long and challenging, but when it was already clear that I was recovering.

  • I had a long denial period (years) followed by anger and long-term depression. I witnessed all five stages described in the Kübler Ross model.
  • Hope and acceptance gave me the strength to endure endless pain, solitude, crazy discipline, years of treatment, humiliation, and suffering when I realized hope.
  • Most chronic disease patients and addicts undergo these stages for different lengths.

It is essential to accept that to improve one's quality of life. One may need to sacrifice old habits. The benefits are worth it.


Relaxation and free time are critical in recovery from chronic diseases.

Recovery processes are time-consuming. It requires investigation, adaptation, a healthy diet, lifestyle, physical activity, detoxification, and personal-spiritual empowerment. Without leisure, it is not possible to recover from chronic diseases.

  • Even if it seems to you that you are just quitting! The mind needs relaxation. Idleness is not a negative trait when it comes to the correct dose.
  • Physical and moral help and support from the spouse, family, and friends, especially in the early stages of change, are critical to success.

The mobile phone is the enemy of healthy living in the 21st century! We must all learn to curb its use to the bare minimum necessary. The use of social networks is meant to stimulate us to respond repeatedly.


The process of recovery from any chronic disease consists of 4 stages. (Parallel to the four stages of life):

Recovery from chronic illnesses and addictions often requires tremendous willpower and perseverance. Therefore, it is tough to recover from chronic diseases and addictions in modern culture- the instant culture.

Link: The 4 groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.

  1. Internalization ⇒ Stimulation ⇒  The "acceptance" phase initiates recovery processes.
  2. Determination ⇒ Expansion   ⇒  A stage that requires initial initiative and effort of adaptation.
  3. Willpower        ⇒ Contraction ⇒ A stage where the exhausting effort causes the desire to retreat or stop!
  4. Perseverance  ⇒ Relaxation   ⇒  A stage where routine creates built-in discipline.

Perseverance is the phase with the highest chance of recovery. A routine, even if it is difficult, brings hope and relaxation.


Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches. 

It is one of the most inspiring speeches I have heard; it is not related to origin, religion, or occupation but only to the human spirit.

By complying with fundamental requirements  (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!

The self-healing method combines body, mind, and spirit.

  • Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical advisor. The benefits of self-healing functional medicine are enormous beyond curing diseases, primarily because it generates personal empowerment.

Usually, a particularly healthy lifestyle and diet are necessary to recover from chronic diseases. Leisure is challenging in the modern world, where many tasks and immediate technological stimuli must be learned to filter. The ability to endure enormous suffering is unbelievable when acceptance and hope are combined. Stories concerning "miraculous" recovery are always about hope and mental & spiritual strength joined together. (qi enhancing)


Self-healing medicine is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why do chronic patients and addicts behave according to the stages of the grief model?
The grief model deals not only with death but mainly with loss. (Of all kinds) Chronic illness and addictions are a form of personal loss.
Why do we often ignore early symptoms until they become real pain?
The first stage in the Kubler-Ross model is denial, designed to preserve our way of life. Denial is a natural defense mechanism. (For me, it lasted for years, even when I was on the verge of death!)
Is the bargaining stage typical only for life-threatening patients? (According to the original model)
Most chronic patients (including me) have conversations with the Creator in which they complain about their fate! Not necessarily when their lives are in danger.
Prolonged suffering produces mental manifestations of mourning.
Prolonged suffering, accompanied by a significant decrease in the quality of life, most often manifests as a form of mourning.
The duration of the stages of mourning (Kübler-Ross model) is not uniform and is not the same for everyone.
Although many chronically ill and even addicted patients go through all the stages of grief, the amount of time that passes at each stage is not uniform for everyone.
Depression does not allow you to make significant changes in life!
Depression (the fourth stage of the grief model) is a condition in which a person has low energy. In such a situation, there is no ability to make significant changes. Only the acceptance stage, the final stage, and the hope and belief that the future is better make it possible to change lifestyle and nutrition, along with difficult, painful, and sometimes prolonged treatments.
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Kübler-Ross model | Explains the behavior of personal loss.
1. Why is Kübler-Ross's grief model suitable for patients with chronic diseases and addictions?
Prolonged chronic illness (including many addictions) has many characteristics of personal loss, so using the Kubler-Ross model is appropriate.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 2.
Given the appropriate terms (mental & physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable! Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses.
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Fibro myalgia causes

09/05/2019 11:57
Sylva vriend
Post polio sequela/syndrome will account for many cases. All enter viruses can produce this Not just the polio virus. But polio is gone surely. Wrong . Since the 1950s to late1990the world was exposed to oral live polio virus (modified). Some were paralysed by the vaccine. The other emerging cause is Mast cell activation disorder. Neither has a good long term outcome except grin and bear and take pain relief
. Grin at the psychiatrist too who is sure you're psychosomatic. !!!
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