Does an encounter with aliens threaten religions?

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14/11/2023 0:55

The historical encounter with extraterrestrials has social and religious implications, so the encounter will not be a surprise.


Note This blog mentions religions from a scientific point of view and does not take any position. The writer respects the believers of all faiths.

Aliens have no religions, but neither do they believe in demons and spirits and are not pagans. They are essentially atheists but understand the need for religion and faith and respect that need. Aliens have no intention of trying to undermine religions. Maintaining social order is a primary interest.

Humanity's first historic encounter with extraterrestrials will be accompanied by a comprehensive information campaign already in its infancy. The aliens are constantly following the process and are aware of the difficulty of religions adapting to the idea of extraterrestrials. The information that extraterrestrials bring with them may also threaten religions because there may be some contradictions between scientific information and the perception of religions.

  • The first period of religions' adaptation to the idea of extraterrestrial existence can be particularly challenging. There is a danger of partial abandonment of believers, especially in places where religious belief is deeply rooted in culture. At the same time, the need for faith is more profound than we think!
  • The philosophical questions of human existence will not be solved, and the question of how the first alien was created will always be asked. The obvious answer for believers is, of course, God!

I believe religions will return to functioning after a temporary crisis while making methodological adjustments to the changing reality. Religions will not disappear!

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