Regular exercise and massages are critical tools in maintaining good health and mood. There is no need to perform grueling exercises, even moderate and continuous walking of about an hour a day, preferably after meals, improves and stimulates the digestive system, helps good sleep, and has long-term health effects.
Massage, in its various forms, is typical in many cultures, and for good reason: it has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymphatic fluid flow, and relaxation.
The long-term benefits of regular exercise.
- Strengthening aerobic capacity and heart-lung output.
- Improving the flow of lymphatic fluid in our body. (The second line of defense of the immune system)
- Improvement in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. (especially walking after meals)
- Improvement of mood as a result of increased production of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
- Strengthening of muscles and prevention of symptoms of thinning skin.
- Lubrication of joints, strengthening of bones, and preventing fractures (typical in old age) relieve rheumatic pain.
- Regular physical activity contributes to sexual fitness, especially in men. Testosterone production is affected by muscle-strengthening activity.
- Regular exercise helps maintain weight.
- The cumulative effect of regular physical activity has a beneficial impact on a relatively youthful appearance.
The beneficial effects of measured and regular exercise have been known for thousands of years.
Recommended sports and those with the potential for long-term health damage.
Apart from extreme sports, all sports are recommended while maintaining clear rules and adapting to ability.
- Long-distance running puts all body weight on the knees, whose cartilage may be damaged, causing swelling. Using shock-absorbing shoes (in high turnover) does reduce the problem, but not completely.
- Cycling is an aerobic sport and is highly recommended for young people but not for men over 50. The explanation lies in prolonged sitting on a narrow seat that presses on the prostate and impairs the blood supply. This phenomenon burdens and encourages the development of an enlarged prostate BPH.
- Horse riding is a rather dangerous sport, unsuitable for men over 50 years old, for the same reason that cycling is not suitable. The pressure of prolonged sitting on the prostate impairs the blood supply.
- Intense tennis matches wear down the wrists and elbows due to the heavy load on the hitting hand.
- Hiking, swimming, canoeing, or sailing are especially recommended.
- Walking in nature, preferably between trees, after rain, and especially immediately after a lightning storm, is recommended.
Indoor sports are suitable for all weather conditions and are recommended in itself.
- All sports and therapies based on stretching and contracting organs are recommended.
Yoga and Thai Chi are types of movement with a deeper energetic meaning that incorporate breathing and meditation techniques. They are especially recommended.
Massage in modern times.
Many methods are under different names based on the patient's touch, presses, and movement. These techniques have similar principles, with clear benefits and no side effects.
Link: Massage (Wikipedia)
- Massage exists almost everywhere globally; massage professionals assist athletes, accident victims, patients with severe diseases, etc. Massage has been around for 5,000 years in China, and it is part of the local culture in all of East Asia. A pampering massage to release and relieve tensions is also present everywhere worldwide.
My massage experience is immense, including traditional Chinese massage, reflexology, Hydrotherapy, Shiatsu, and Thai massage.
- During my 15 years of being very sick, I did more than 500 traditional Chinese massages (body and foot) in China, about the same number of Thai massages in Israel, direct liver massages, and Jacuzzi massages. Long ago, I started to add massage to my treatment regularly. (See my views concerning the message below.)
Why are there dozens of different massage techniques?
- Some massage techniques are applied while standing, sitting, or lying down, and some are in the water (hot or cold), requiring the patient's cooperation and activation. Although the techniques look pretty different, they work very similarly. The differences lie in the rest of the area being treated. Sometimes, these are also traditional techniques.
- The massage is usually performed by hands, sometimes also by feet. Different techniques combine different lubricants, such as aromatic oils. The masseur sometimes uses various accessories designed to enhance the effect of the massage.
- Massage beds and armchairs are less valuable than humans and inherently more sensitive to massage. A good masseur immediately notices the problem spots and works on them intensively.
In skeletal and muscular injuries, you will find extensive use of hydrotherapy.
- Water resistance is much higher than air resistance, requiring significant effort on the patient's part. Other techniques are used in internal organ diseases; however, water (warm) has a calming effect.
Therapeutic Massage benefits.
- Pain relief.
- It is relaxing and relieves tension.
- Helps sleep.
- It causes a temporary decrease in blood pressure.
- Increases sex drive.
- Increasing the flow of blood & lymphatic fluid.
How does one know massage works well? (My personal experience)
- Due to my severe liver condition, I had frequent urination (the kidneys work much harder to compensate for the liver deficiency). During a massage of 90 minutes, I almost always needed to urinate twice as frequently as usual (2-3 for 90 minutes). After the massage, I experienced relaxation for a few hours, and my sleep was usually deeper. Since I have had this reaction hundreds of times, I firmly believe it is not random; massage is helpful in many ways.
- Massage works well for everyone, but it is a slow process and usually cannot be a standalone treatment.
The Biological Benefits of Frequent Massage.
Reflexology and acupuncture as diagnostic tools.
Recommended link: Acupuncture – Enhancing Qi flow.
- Foot massage – Reflexology covers the body. I did it hundreds of times in Changsha, China. If you get a professional massage, which employs a lot of pressure, you will usually feel pain when the area of the organ creating your primary symptoms is pressed. Incredibly, the pain was always where it was supposed to be: the liver, kidneys, blood pressure, small intestines, colon, etc.
- Although acupuncture is a different technique, it gives the same results. The sensitive spots reflect the body's blocked organs, precisely as reflexology does.
Liver acupressure direct massage. (Mainly needed for chronic liver patients)
This type of massage requires particular skills and compassionate hands. It should be performed on an empty stomach, and it should only be tried by a professional therapist.
- Direct liver massage is not standard. (I tried it for the first time in a big TCM massage hospital in Changsha, China.)
- Direct liver massage does not refer to Acupuncture Liver Point No. 3, located on your foot between the big toe and the next toe join.
- Later, I requested the same massage from my Thai massage therapist in Israel. The results were excellent, combined with coffee enemas, liver flushes, and fresh juicing.
- Direct liver massage gently breaks the bonds inside the bile ducts that produce solidifying bile fluid and block your liver. Massage improves the blood supply and elevates the Qi energy flow.
- After a direct liver massage, a coffee enema is recommended.
- Direct liver massage is also recommended before doing the liver flush. It helps release green intra-hepatic stones. (Solidification of bile due to high toxicity and lack of bile production.)
Exercise and massage have many benefits for the body and mind. They are particularly recommended in modern life, which is full of constant stress.

Regular, even moderate, exercise is incredibly essential. Walking regularly for about an hour a day, preferably immediately after dinner, provides an excellent health solution. Of course, other sports are always recommended.