Kidney cleansing: Parsley tea, Steam sauna, Jacuzzi hot water jets.

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Poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles burden the kidneys (and liver), so it is essential to cleanse the kidneys regularly. It has a massive impact on the immune system.
Cleansing the kidneys.
The modern diet, rich in animal proteins, industrialized food, and artificial drinks, puts a heavy burden on the kidneys and liver and creates deposits that tend to crystallize, creating inflammations that harm the kidney's functions. The liver and kidneys fill a long list of critical metabolic processes. A burden on one creates a strain on the other, so it is often essential to cleanse both the liver and kidneys. The kidneys are susceptible to existential and economic crises, a common phenomenon in a world that goes through frequent crises.

Cleansing the kidneys has a significant impact on strengthening the immune system.

There are several types of kidney flushes. Cleaning the kidneys is intended to release sand, stones, and toxins. In this article, I give a few techniques for kidney flush in greater detail. Kidney cleansing is more powerful if combined with the liver, gallbladder, and intestines flush.

I recommend everyone (healthy people included) start their day (on an empty stomach) with squeezed lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water + 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It cleanses the kidneys and the liver. 
  • Our modern lifestyle also places a heavy burden on the kidneys. Sand, stones, and toxins may be stuck inside and block the kidneys. Due to this heavy burden, kidney cysts are prevalent.
  • When the kidneys are not blocked, they perform their many roles much more efficiently.
  • The kidneys and the liver share many metabolic processes; cleansing the kidneys will help the liver function better and vice versa.


Possible side effects of kidney cleansing. (Usually minor)

  • Usually, the side effects and risks of kidney cleansing are not acute and manifest in frequent urination and burning when urinating.
  • Sand secretion in the urine is a fairly common phenomenon among chronic patients. It can be seen as sedimentation at the bottom of the vessel, where urine is collected.
  • Sediments in the urine after kidney cleansing may indicate inflammatory processes of the urinary system. 

For patients with chronic diseases, urine collection is recommended to detect sediment.


Parsley tea is a natural diuretic.

Parsley tea is a robust natural diuretic.

The parsley tea diuretic recipe. (There are many)

Parsley is a vegetable available everywhere. The preparation of parsley tea is straightforward.

Best timing for parsley tea kidney flush.

  • Rest during the kidney flush; the best hours to do it are in the afternoon.
  • Eat a small, light meal 1-2 hours before a kidney flush. Doing a kidney flush on a full stomach causes discomfort.


  • If possible, put a bundle of organic parsley (if possible) in 1.2-1.7 liters of clean, pure water and let it boil for 15- 20 minutes. Filter the tea from the rest of the parsley and pour it into a glass jar. You can add (optional) a tablespoon of Ghee (clarified butter) or lemon juice. 

It is advisable to drink tea while it is lukewarm. A large amount can be consumed gradually, over an hour or more.

  • Parsley is a potent diuretic, so you may need to urinate frequently.
    • If you urinate a lot (like I do), it is usually a sign that you are getting rid of toxins. I had many discharges of cloudy white sand that were blocking my kidneys.


Steam Sauna.

Steam Sauna is used to cleanse the kidneys. (Caution)

Steam saunas and the sweating benefits.

The Finnish sauna is known worldwide; its origins are thousands of years old. Steam in a sauna temporarily lowers blood pressure and heart rate and contributes to a feeling of freshness.

I did hundreds of steam saunas over my 15 years of illness.

  • After a steam sauna, my high-frequency urination always dropped dramatically for several hours. So, I believe it is a sign that a wet sauna releases harmful salts and lowers blood pressure and pulse.
  • As a severe liver patient with weak liver function, I used to sweat, even after a very light walk. My sweat had a powerful, lousy smell. My kidneys were trying to compensate for my malfunctioning liver by the high urination frequency and discharging large quantities of toxic waste in the sweat.
  • I usually had a burning substance discharge through my eyes during steam saunas. So yes, a wet sauna releases harmful chemicals from the body. (Mainly ammonia, in my case) 

The desired temperature in the sauna is the one that makes you feel comfortable. (I usually aim for 49 degrees Celsius, about 120 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • Preferably, shower with lukewarm water every 5 minutes or according to your feelings and wash your body. After that, you can return according to the safety instructions.

If you have ever wondered why one sweats a lot when running a high fever:

  • Sweating is controlled mainly by the kidneys. Fever is a natural mechanism to fight infection, as most bacteria, viruses, and parasites do not tolerate high temperatures.
    • Drugs that lower body temperature do the opposite of what the body wants. They fight only the symptoms.
  • Enhanced sweating without any physical effort during fever reproduces the exact mechanism of a sauna. It releases salts and maybe also toxins.
  • To a certain extent, a wet sauna mimics a "fever," producing increased sweating that positively impacts the immune system due to lower blood pressure, relaxation of toxic salts, and other harmful chemicals excreted with the sweat.
  • I feel more alert after a steam sauna, and this is directly related to heat lowering blood pressure and pulse. Steam helps to relax the body and raises Qi levels.

You can combine a steam sauna with a dry sauna; it is advisable not to burden the systems too much. It is possible and desirable to combine it with a jacuzzi, which is also very relaxing. (If available)


Tips for taking a safe steam sauna.

Patients with heart, lung, respiratory, or blood pressure problems should consult a specialist before entering a steam sauna.

  1. A wet floor is an excellent place for fungus growth. Do not enter the sauna barefoot.   
  2. After a sauna, you usually feel more alert. The best time to take a sauna is between meals on an empty stomach, not before sleep.
  3. In many saunas, users can control the temperature. Do not allow the heat to exceed 48-49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit).
  4. Take a bottle of fresh, clean water with you inside the sauna. You can add one teaspoon of baking soda to it. (Baking soda is a chemical buffer that reverses alkaline or acidic environments.)
  5. You should get out of the sauna after 5-10 minutes and take a warm (not very hot) shower. Then you can stay in for another 10 minutes. Do not remain in the sauna for more than 20 minutes in total.
  6. The steam and heat are suitable for hair or face (with natural ingredients only).


Jacuzzi water jets – Aquatic kidney massage.

Jacuzzi water jets – Aquatic kidney massage.

Jacuzzi hot water jets – Aquatic kidney massage. (Gentle kidney massage)

A warm water jet gently massages your kidneys when sitting in the jacuzzi corners, directing the water jets toward the kidneys.

  • A jacuzzi is an aquatic massage inside a bath filled with warm water, usually about 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). It is very relaxing, and if you find the right spot, you can gently use the water jets to massage your kidneys.

If you do not find the point where the currents are precisely directed to both kidneys, massage each kidney separately, using a direct current to each side separately.

  • Kidney massage is a vital therapy (along with kidney and liver flushes) to eliminate sand and other chemicals blocking the kidneys. The jacuzzi and the sauna are often in the exact location.


A combination of kidney, liver, gallbladder, and intestinal cleansing significantly strengthens the immune system.

Cleansing the kidneys is beneficial and relatively easy to perform, with minor side effects. 

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why do the kidneys tend to clog?
The modern diet is rich in industrialized and processed food and drinks and burdens the liver and kidneys.
I have high blood pressure; can I still do kidney flushes?
I had high blood pressure all the years I took care of myself without medicine. Using a steam sauna (especially) requires complete adherence to the safety instructions.
Do I have to combine a kidney flush with a liver and gallbladder flush?
There is no obligation to combine the two, but the liver and the kidneys are related, and a liver malfunction affects the kidneys and vice versa.
What are the possible side effects of cleansing the kidneys?
The side effects of cleaning the kidneys are usually mild and include multiple urination, possibly with burning in the urine, accompanied by weakness.
I have kidney cysts. Is it risky to perform kidney cleansing?
Kidney cysts are a common phenomenon, highlighting the need to carry out the cleaning of the kidneys. Cleaning the kidneys may help reduce the size of kidney cysts.
My doctor does not support cleaning the kidneys as a treatment tool.
Medicine treats detoxification with dismissal, although medicine uses a dialysis device that simulates the natural action of the kidneys in cleansing water-soluble toxins.
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Kidney cleansing: Parsley tea, Steam sauna, Jacuzzi hot water jets.
1. Why is there a close relationship between kidney and liver function?
Poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles burden the kidneys (and liver), so it is essential to cleanse the kidneys regularly. It has a massive impact on the immune system.
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1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
The liver and kidneys fill a long list of critical metabolic processes. A burden on one creates a strain on the other, so it is often essential to cleanse both the liver and kidneys. There are several types of kidney flushes. Cleansing the kidneys is intended to release sand, stones, and toxins from the kidneys.
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