30/08/2022 5:48
Whoever looks at the definition of inflammation will find that the answer to the question is implied from the definition.

Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense. Since cancer, by definition, damages cells, the manifestation of cancer is chronic inflammation.
The broad suggested definitions (without using synonyms) of inflammation and physical pain mirror each other.
Links: | What is inflammation? (Inflammation vs. Infection) | Pain (Wikipedia) |
If you look for definitions for physical pain, you will find that they are not uniform.
- "Inflammation - is a short or continuous immune response caused by temporary or permanent cell damage intended to rehabilitate the damaged tissue."
- "Physical pain - is a short or continuous alarm sensation caused by temporary or permanent cell damage (above a certain threshold) in tissue with sensory nerves (nociceptors)." Pain is a part of the self-defense mechanism.
Link: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories.
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Tags: Cancer underlying causes