"To discover the universe's secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibrations. (Nikola Tesla)"
The unified model of all sexual identities and orientations presents a consistent, energetic-magnetic explanation of the phenomenon for the first time rather than biological-genetic or social-environmental explanations, as researchers have believed for many generations.
- This model explains all sexual identities and orientations in one unified and consistent model. The physical principles of the model are based on known magnetic and physical properties such as attraction and repulsion—Harmonic and disharmonious synchronization. Any living creature has two magnetic poles (red—-positive pole, negative—-blue), between which there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex, illustrated below.
- This theory is dedicated to my wife Alixin, whose love and support saved me from a cruel death and inspired me to the energetic role of sexuality. Link: The tremendous healing power of LOVE.
Many researchers are occupied by the question of how sexual identities and orientations are determined, but there are no clear conclusions.
- Studies have ruled out the possibility that it is a genetic, environmental, or combined phenomenon (epigenetics), leaving science with a big question mark. The solution I propose is different and consistent with all existing findings. This model suggests looking at sexual identities and orientations as an energy-based phenomenon rather than a genetic or social one.
The model does not contain mathematical formulas and is not difficult to understand, but reading it requires concentration.
Are people born gay? It preoccupied many researchers worldwide for an extended period.
I can summarize that there are only two main options. (with a few combinations in between)
- People are born gay due to Genetic causes. (They are born gay)
- People become gay due to social, environmental (epigenetic) causes, or psychological reasons. (They are not born gay.)
The genetic and social-environmental (epigenetics) approaches failed to explain all sexual identities and orientations.
The theory I present here is bold and requires much imagination. It is challenging to prove but logical, consistent, and uniform.
- This theory's validation may end the age-old persecution of people with sexual orientations and identities perceived as abnormal.
- Forums recommended the following link: Discussions about Love, Sexual Identities, and Sexual Orientations.
This theory hypothesis suggests an entirely different approach to the causes of all sexual identities & orientations in one unifying model. It is not trivial and requires imagination, but its basics are simple: attraction and repulsion.
- My approach to describing all sexual orientations and identities is not routine; thus, I have not found a similar concept. I would love to receive your response and comments on the ideas I put forward.
The laws of Nature are whole and uniform.
- Sexual attraction exists even before reaching puberty. The human body can sense and analyze the preferred sex partner's gender (Female or male) to optimize the energetic flow in the long term.
- Nature is complete; a functional theory should cover and apply to all sexual Identities and orientations with one unifying theory.
- My approach is not routine, so I tried to simplify reading as much as possible. I hope you find it interesting.
Sexuality has a very significant role in most people's lives.
- Sexuality is something we are born with, which accompanies us all our lives to death. Sexuality has a very significant role in most people's lives. There are many articles on the "causes of gay sexual orientation." (Without reaching a consensus.)
- From an energetic point of view, sex is like a bi-directional wireless energy charger. To enable it, we need to find the exact charger that matches. (partner)
- Couples who live happily ever after enjoy a longer life expectancy, not by chance! They charge each other energetically.
Sexual identity, sexual orientation, and asexual behavior. (Simplified definitions)
We all have a sexual identity, sexual orientation, and sexual behavior. These three definitions are related but not the same.
- Sexual identity - refers to the sex to which we feel emotionally-energetically connected; most often, it is our biological sex. Occasionally, there is a conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and the sex we feel connected to.
- Sexual orientation -usually answers the question of which sex we are attracted to. (Opposite sex, same as ours, both sexes, or neither.)
- Sexual behavior - How humans experience and express their sexuality. (Sexual behavior (Wikipedia)
Each of us has a definition of sexual identity and sexual orientation. In total, there are 9 combinations. (Plus asexual)
Sexual identity is one-valued and uniform (one of three options—each side of the black triangle). Sexual orientation also has three options, allowing continuous values (within the blue triangle). The diagram of the two triangles schematically represents sexual identity and sexual orientation.
Below is a brief list of all the possible combinations (without the probability that they will occur). Sexual identity is a dichotomous trait (yes, no), while sexual orientation is continuous.
- There is no conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex (Most of the population). The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex (heterosexuals), the same sex (gays and lesbians), and bisexuals.
- With a conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex. (Transgender), The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
- With a "special conflict" between the biological sex (with which we are born) and our energetic sex. (Androgynous), The possible sexual orientation is the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
Asexuals are, by definition, non-participants. (They have no conflict with sexual identity and have no sexual orientation.)
All Sexual Identities and Orientations are explained by known magnetic properties: Attraction and Repulsion.
Sexual intercourse is not intended solely for reproduction or pleasure; it can generate a bi-directional life-force energy charging. This theory assumes that all sexual identities and orientations are explained by the human body's magnetic poles' configurations (positive and negative), which creates a 3D magnetic field vortex.
- The premise is that we subconsciously feel the sexual identity and sexual orientation of the potential partner. The human body can sense and analyze the most suitable gender and the matching person to optimize the energetic transaction in the long term.
Sexual intercourse is, in that sense, exchanging energy! To succeed in the long run, it has to be a win for both sides.
- It is convenient to look at this model in an analogy we are all familiar with from cell phones. Humans also regularly need energy recharge. Food alone does not provide energy recharge. One common way is through having sex. The couple's characters must be compatible; it is a sexual identity without conflicts by analogy. In addition, the physical connection must be compatible. Otherwise, there is no charging (the body has no adapters). It is a rather simplistic analogy, but it illustrates the general idea.
Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual repulsion.
Heterosexual woman and a man with the illustration of the magnetic poles and energy flow. (Positive (red) to negative (blue))
Between the magnetic poles, there is a three-dimensional magnetic field vortex.
Principles of the human magnetic poles and energetic charging during sexual intercourse.
There are two magnetic poles in our bodies. (Positive and negative) Between the magnetic poles, there is a three-dimensional vortex. (Illustrated above)
- The Female's positive pole (red) is located in the chest, near the heart area. The negative (receiving) pole is in the Female's groin area. (In blue)
- The male's positive pole (in red) is in the groin area. The male negative pole (receiving pole) is in his chest, near the heart. (In blue)
Usually, the positions of both sexes' magnetic poles are opposite.
The configuration of the magnetic poles, their position regarding biological sex, and the vertical and horizontal tilt of the magnetic field determine sexual identity and sexual orientation, as will be explained later.
- The magnetic field is already created in the fetal stage, long before puberty, and cannot be changed in any way.
- Sexual identity and sexual orientation have no biological manifestation but are only energetic. Early diagnosis of sexual identity and sexual orientation is not possible at this stage but will be possible for the foreseeable future.
- The human magnetic field is weak and felt only over a limited distance. It does not appear in pictures and is felt only by human contact. (Not in photos or videos)
- The subconscious mind is the organ that interprets our identity and sexual orientation. A malfunction in decoding the magnetic fields causes the phenomenon of asexuality.
- All living creatures have positive and negative magnetic poles. Between the poles, there is a vortex. (Electromagnetic field)
Because of the magnetic field's properties, this model can be explained more simply using the known magnetic properties of attraction and repulsion.
Sexual intercourse postures are not just for fun!
The geometry of the magnetic field determines sexual identity and sexual orientation.
Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual repulsion.
Why do we need to recharge our energy?
- The life force (Qi in Chinese culture) keeps us balanced and in good health, but anxiety, envy, fear, hate, lack of sleep, and exercise with highly toxic foods and beverages deplete our energy. Love, joy, and happiness charge the life force, while negative emotions consume energy.
The magnetic poles' tilt alignment geometry determines all sexual orientations. (Excluding asexuals)
General assumptions.
- Tilt in both axes is limited because both magnetic poles are inside the physical body.
- The Tilt can be Vertical, Horizontal, or both.
The magnetic poles' tilt alignment determines sexual orientation.
- V.T. (Vertical Tilt)-Vertical alignment tilt (Angle of Tilt) No tilt = 0.
- Vertical alignment to the ground or Tilted from the body center.
- H.T. (Horizontal Tilt)-Horizontal alignment tilt (Angle of Tilt) No tilt = 0.
- Horizontal alignment to the center of the body.
The tilt does not affect sexual identity.
Unsurprisingly, everyone will imagine this picture according to their sexual orientation.
Sexual intercourse postures are not just for fun!
Sexual intercourse postures attempt to find the best position to connect energetically to your partner.
- It does not contradict the physical satisfaction each position enables.
- You can find closer proximity to the opposite pole of the sexual partner in many positions.
- The missionary position (usually between heterosexuals) is not a coincidence. It allows both females and males to charge energy simultaneously, making it energetic and efficient.
- Since most people's inner magnetic poles are not precisely located in identical palaces, sexual intercourse is an exciting way to explore the best suitable position to charge the life-force energy.
- Kissing alone cannot charge energy, but it might be a sign of love that significantly impacts energy transfer between sexual partners.
Charging the life-force energy takes place only when the opposite poles are nearby. Charging life energy brings happiness, relaxation, and joy, often associated with a sexual climax.
Charging energy helps (especially women) reach sexual climax, but it is not mandatory.
- Charging energy can also occur without a sexual climax if deeper emotions are involved.
- The charging can take place only if the opposite poles are nearby. It means at least one good charging position must be accomplished during successful intercourse.
If the donor has low life energy, they cannot transfer it to others. That is why it is claimed that sexual intercourse with love or deep feelings is more effective. (Love charges the energy)
- Sexual intercourse consumes energy (not only calories), especially for men. Frequent ejaculation depletes the body's energy, especially without deeper feelings, to recharge the energy!
- Eating can replace calories while recharging the body's energy, which requires mental and spiritual enhancement.
- Both sides don't need to recharge their energy simultaneously. (Even for heterosexuals.) Charging takes only a few seconds if the two opposite poles are close enough and charged with enough power.
Sexual Identities (Dichotomous scale) in detail.
No conflict in sexual identity. (Most people)
- Without conflict in sexual identity, there is no contradiction between the biological identity and the one we feel associated with.
All Sexual Identities are predetermined at birth.
- Sexual identity is not entirely genetic; sex organs evolved genetically, but they do not define sexual identity as a single variable.
- I believe that sexual identity is primarily energetic, and since the magnetic poles are stable, the identity will remain for a lifetime.
Every person's sexual identity can be described energetically with two variables:
- E.S.I.C. – Energetic Sexual Identity Conflict. (Values are 0 or 1)
- N.M.P.S. - Number of Magnetic Poles Sets. (Values are 1 or 2)
The leading sexual identity issues are manifested in transgender & Androgynous. (Both sexes.)
Sexual identity conflict — transgender people. (Women & Men)
Transgender people - The two magnetic pole configurations are at the opposite location of what was supposed to be according to their biological sex.
- In transgender people, a mismatch creates a conflict between the biological sex and the energetic sex. Sex reassignment surgery is designed to bring the physical entity closer to the energetic, more powerful entity. Sex reassignment surgery makes transgender people feel whole about their sex.
In transgender people (women & men), the magnetic poles are switched opposite their biological position.
Therefore, there is a conflict between the energetic and biological bodies. (Illustrated below)
Sexual identity mismatch — Androgynous (non-binary) people. (Women & Men)
Androgynous (non-binary) people have two sets of magnetic poles (Instead of one): one feminine and one masculine.
- Androgynous people, both men and women (often referred to as non-binary), look energetically the same. At the energy level, androgynous people are simultaneously male-female twins; contrary to transgender people, they are usually not in a conflict that requires sex reassignment surgery. Androgynous people have a dual, feminine, and masculine identity, not necessarily with conflict in sexual identity.
Energetically, females and males look the same. It might also explain the visual resemblance!
Androgynous # Hermaphrodite.
Androgynous people feel like they have a dual energetic-emotional sexual identity (even their appearance is sometimes reminiscent of a mixture of the two sexes.) In contrast to Hermaphrodites, they are people with a mixed sexual organ system. (Rare condition)
Androgynous people - Androgynous people are simultaneously male-female twins at the energy level.
Dual energetic identities. (Without the urge to change the sex.)
Sexual Orientations (Continuous scale) - In greater detail.
The magnetic poles' tilt alignment geometry determines all sexual orientations. (Excluding asexuals) 1-Asexuals, 2-Heterosexuals, 3-Gay men, 4-Lesbian women, 5-Bisexual. (Men & Women)
Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual repulsion.
Sexual orientations. (A continuous scale.) General assumptions.
- Tilt in both axes is limited because both magnetic poles are inside the physical body.
- The Tilt can be Vertical, Horizontal, or both.
The magnetic poles' tilt alignment determines sexual orientation.
- V.T. (Vertical Tilt)-Vertical alignment tilt (Angle of Tilt) No tilt = 0.
- Vertical alignment to the ground or Tilted from the body center.
- H.T. (Horizontal Tilt)-Horizontal alignment tilt (Angle of Tilt) No tilt = 0.
- Horizontal alignment to the center of the body.
The magnetic poles' tilt alignment does not affect sexual identity.
1. Asexuals. (Non-Sexual - both genders.)
A malfunction in the mechanism of decoding and transmitting energies through sexual intercourse. Asexuals are not emotionless!
- In asexual people, the energetic communication( transfer and receive) mechanism does not function properly. Since they cannot transfer and receive energy through sexual intercourse, they do not gain anything from sex and, therefore, do not participate.
- Asexuals are ordinary people with emotions but without sexual attraction.
- Part of the asexual community is dating romantic feelings, and in many cases, they fantasize (in different ways) and masturbate. Physiologically, they can perform sex; it is a matter of lacking attraction.
- Since every living organism has magnetic poles, the lack of magnetic poles has been revoked.
- Asexual dating in a romantic relationship is indirectly healthier than not dating because love and attention (even without sex) charge the life-force energy.
Heterosexual woman and a man with the illustration of the energy flow. (Positive (red) to negative (blue))
2. Heterosexuals. (Women and men)
There is no tilt alignment of the magnetic poles on both axes.
- This simplistic diagram (2D) shows that the male positive pole (in red) transfers energy through sexual intercourse to the negative pole of the woman (In blue)
- The woman transfers energy through love from her negative pole located in the heart (In red) to the male positive pole (In blue)
- Both sides gain from sexual intercourse. (Not always!)
Does sexual intercourse always bring energy charging to both sides? (The answer is No.)
- Men transfer energy throughout sexual intercourse; over time, it depletes their energy unless they can gain it back from the woman through love. The woman must have felt toward the man; otherwise, she would not have generated enough energy to transfer from her body.
- The phrase "empty sex takes energy, but sex with love gains energy" makes a lot of sense. Ejaculation does not transfer energy; without deep feelings, neither side gains energy charging.
A gay man with a vertical tilt of the magnetic poles. (Both directions.)
The poles' vertical tilt among both gay men enables, in the long run, better life-force energy charging capabilities with a partner of the same sex.
The same methodology is also applicable to lesbians.
3. Men's gay sexual orientation.
Only vertical tilt of the magnetic poles.
- The gay sex can gain the same energy transfer qualities that heterosexuals have.
- Since charging can occur only when the opposite poles are nearby, the anal sex is probably not in the charging energy position. (The positive (Red) poles might be very close)
- What are the relevant charging positions? Since I do not have a gay experience, I will leave it to the reader's imagination. But no doubt, there are quite a few possible charging positions that probably are not associated with sexual climax.
- I could not determine if the role each partner (roles might change) takes during gay intercourse is energetic.
- I believe that identifying the sexual orientation of an unknown individual is not pure intuition; we have these energetic sensors that are constantly working subconsciously.
- Vertical alignment direction (Tilting towards the heart) may influence cognitive behavior! (This may explain the hypersensitivity among gay men.)
What causes the two role-playings among gay men and lesbians?
Role-playing among gays and lesbians, which has been maintained over the years, is common. The explanation for this phenomenon is related to the direction of the vertical tilt of the positive magnetic pole (giving pole) inside the human body.
- Tilting to the left (heart direction) among lesbians causes the passive-accepting side, while tilting to the right becomes the aggressive-penetrating side. With men, the directions are opposite.
- This phenomenon largely dictates the long-term preferred spouses. The preferred mate is with an inverted vertical tilt of the magnetic poles.
A Lesbian with a vertical tilt of the magnetic poles. (Both directions.)
The vertical tilt of the poles among b lesbians enables, in the long run, better life-force energy charging capabilities with a partner of the same sex.
The same methodology is also applicable to gay men.
4. Lesbian. (Women gay sexual orientation)
Only vertical tilt of the magnetic poles.
- Nature is uniform, so the principles I described for gay men (in 3.) should be the same for gay lesbians.
- Of course, the main energetic difference between gay men and gay women is the opposite location of the poles.
- Women's breasts are very close to the woman's positive (giving) pole. No wonder it attracts. (Not only men!)
- I believe that this attraction is based on energetic patterns, as well as other reasons.
Bisexual woman and man magnetic poles alignment configuration illustrated. (Tilt on both axes)
Bisexual people are sexually attracted to members of both sexes simultaneously.
5. Bisexuals. (Women and men.)
Both axes of the magnetic poles have been tilted. (Vertical & Horizontal)
Bisexuals are not necessarily leading double relationships. It is not a phenomenon of sexual promiscuity but a situation in which sexual attraction is dual, which can be imaged as a magnet that pulls in all directions.
- This unique configuration allows them to attract both sexes, but the cost is an energetic imbalance. Bisexuals are not hidden as gay. (As sometimes argued.)
- The causes of why bisexuals have the worst health among heterosexuals and gays are unknown.
A dual magnetic pole's tilt creates an energetic imbalance. It may impact health.
- Having a horizontal tilt might cause problems with energy reception and transfer. Improper charging of energy also causes imbalances in the physical body, which are probably reflected in health issues.
Summary and Conclusions.
There can be no separate explanation for each sexual identity and orientation; there must be a unifying model because that is how Nature works.
- Just as physicists have been looking for a unification of the four physical forces, a unified model that will explain all sexual identities and orientations with uniform tools can also be expected.
This theory assumes that all sexual identities and orientations are the outcomes of the magnetic poles' geometric configurations. ( The magnetic poles can have several configurations.)
- The human body can sense and analyze the most suitable gender and person (with their sexual orientation) to optimize the energetic transaction in the long term.
- Sexual intercourse is, in that sense, exchanging energy! To succeed in the long run, it has to be a win for both sides.
Sexual attraction exists even before reaching puberty. The human body can sense and analyze the preferred sex partner's gender (Female or male) to optimize the energetic flow in the long term.
- This theory assumes that all sexual identities and orientations are the magnetic poles' outcomes (positive and negative) inside the human body.
- ( The magnetic poles can have many configurations.)
- Sexual intercourse is not intended solely for reproduction or pleasure; it can generate a bi-directional life-force energy charging.
- This model is comprehensive, consistent, and unifying; it explains all sexual identities and sexual orientations.
- This theory gives tools and shows why sexual orientation is a continuous scale rather than a dichotomous scale. This theory also links the possibility of social and environmental impact (in a few cases) to sexual orientation.
Unfortunately, it is tough to substantiate this theory; it requires analytic tools and unexplored knowledge.
- Life-force energy (Qi) plays a significant role in our lives; it balances our health, emotions, sexual identity, and orientation.
According to this theory—All sexual identities and orientations are the outcome of the geometric configurations of the magnetic poles in the human body.
Sexual identities. (Dichotomous scale)
- All Sexual Identities are predetermined at birth.
No conflict in sexual identity. (Most People)
- Without conflict in sexual identity, there is no contradiction between the biological identity and the one we feel associated with.
Conflict in sexual identity versus biological identity exists (in both sexes), primarily among transgender and androgynous people.
- Transgender people are switching poles in the opposite direction (from the expected position for biological sexual identities).
- In transgender people, there is a conflict between the biological sex and the energetic sex. Sex reassignment surgery is designed to bring the physical entity to the energetic, more powerful one. I believe sex reassignment surgery makes transgender people feel whole about their sex.
- Androgynous people have a dual, feminine, and masculine identity, not necessarily with conflict in sexual identity.
- Androgynous people have two sets of magnetic poles (instead of one) – energetic twins! (Androgynous men and women look energetically the same.)
Every person's sexual identity can be described energetically with two variables:
- E.S.I.C. – Energetic Sexual Identity Conflict. (Values are 0 or 1)
- N.M.P.S. - Number of Magnetic Poles Sets. (Values are 1 or 2)
Sexual orientations. (Continuous scale)
- The magnetic poles' tilt alignment geometry determines all sexual orientations. (Excluding asexuals) Harmonic angles of the magnetic fields allow synchronization of the couple's magnetic fields. They are expressed in the potential for charging life-force energy and are reflected in sexual attraction. Non-harmonic angles of the magnetic field do not allow synchronization and express sexual repulsion.
Asexuals, Heterosexuals, Lesbians, gays, and Bisexuals are prominent sexual orientations.
- The location of the magnetic poles in the human body is predetermined at birth but not part of heredity. It is likely an environmental impact on their final spot in the newborn baby. (This fits a well-known paradox in which identical twins with identical genetic characteristics do not have the same sexual orientation.)
- Sexual Orientations are predetermined at birth for the majority of the population. Since it is a continuous scale, social and psychological reasons likely take place when people are close to the "separator range." (Virtual range)
What causes the two role-playings among gay men and lesbians?
- Role-plays are usually maintained over the years among gays and lesbians. The explanation for the phenomenon is related to the direction of the vertical tilt of the positive magnetic pole (giving pole) inside the human body. Tilting to the left (heart direction) among lesbians causes the passive-accepting side to become the aggressive-penetrating side while tilting to the right becomes the aggressive-penetrating side. With men, the directions are opposite.
- This phenomenon largely dictates the long-term preferred spouses. The preferred mate is with an inverted vertical tilt of the magnetic poles.
Are our sexual identity and sexual orientation permanent?
- I believe that the locations of both magnetic poles are determined at birth and cannot be changed.
- What can be changed is the power and intensity of both poles; it can change sexual behavior and maybe also, in a few cases, change sexual orientation.
Recommended link: Forum Discussions about Love, Sexual Identities, and Sexual Orientations. (The energetic approach)
This innovative theory unites all sexual identities and orientations in one uniform and consistent model.

Mental disorders are relatively rare. Nature made sure mishaps were not routine! While the LGBT phenomenon is quite common, the possibility of it being a mental disorder is ruled out.