Homeopathy and the Bach flower method. (Pros and cons)

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  4. Homeopathy and the Bach flower method. (Pros and cons)
18/09/2022 5:07
The advantage of homeopathy is that it is painless, easy to perform, and has no side effects. However, its mechanism of action is not rational.

Although the method is supposed to work even in severe diseases, homeopathy (like Bach flowers) is mainly intended for relaxation, especially when the patient believes the method works. Since homeopathy does not have a clear mechanism of action, I am not inclined to associate it with the group of self-healing treatments. At the same time, since it is harmless, I recommend trying.


Homeopathy is the most common alternative treatment. 

Homeopathy is based on my understanding of the placebo effect.

Links: Homeopathy (Wikipedia)  |  The placebo effect is genuine but requires deep belief!

My homeopathy experience.

  • My homeopathy therapist is a qualified doctor whom I met at a private clinic for patients in difficult situations. (Most of them were cancer patients.) The therapist was very attentive, kind, and empathetic. I went to his house several times for a very comprehensive question. After several attempts to take medicine specially formulated for me, I felt nothing! The subsequent attempts were more potent treatments, strangely at a much higher dilution. (Contrary to all the principles of chemistry) Finally, after several months of fruitless attempts, I stopped the homeopathic treatment.

Pros and Cons.


  • There are no contraindications, and no preparation is required from the patient.
  • The doctor's investigation was lengthy, thorough, and exhaustive.
  • Easy treatment without pain or discomfort. 
  • No side-effects.


  • I have made four attempts with the most potent homeopathic remedies available - With no effects!
  • The mechanism of action of the homeopathic method is unclear.
  • It only works when the patient fully believes he is recovering from homeopathic treatment. (Placebo effect


Bach flower remedies. (Method of homeopathic treatment)

Bach flowers are a homeopathic treatment designed primarily for relaxation. In my opinion, it is based on the placebo effect. 

The treatment method is named after an English homeopathic doctor named Edward Bach. The method is based on 38 plant extracts diluted with water and brandy extract. The concentration given is deficient and has no chemical-pharmacological significance. I believe Bach flowers (and homeopathy) are based on the placebo effect.

Link: Bach flower remedies (Wikipedia) 

My Bach flower experience.

  • I became acquainted with the Bach flower method with an acupuncturist (in Israel) who recommended I try it. Unlike acupuncture, which has a clear and immediate effect on Bach flowers, there was no reaction in my case.

Since the Bach flower method (at least to me) is reminiscent of homeopathy, its advantages and disadvantages are the same. Homeopathy's great advantage is that it is painless, easy to perform, has no side effects, and does not require prior preparations. Its primary disadvantage is that without an explicit action mechanism, it cannot treat the causes of chronic diseases!

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