"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)
Due to the need to take insulin, patients sometimes mistakenly think that their pancreas is the problem. In practice, type 2 diabetes poisons the body's cells, which cannot produce energy efficiently. Therefore, complications and side effects are also particularly severe. It is worth noting that diabetes has an evident mental-energetic dimension. Obesity is another symptom of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, but it is not the cause of diabetes! Diabetes has severe potential complications but can be cured naturally, without medication.
Type 2 diabetes short brainstorming.
The leading causes of type 2 diabetes, according to the literature.
- Overweight and obese, poor nutrition, and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is a broad definition but not very focused, thus making it very challenging to treat.
Type 2 diabetes is not a disease of the pancreas but the whole body. The cells are starved because they cannot efficiently utilize the energy in the food while the person fats.
- Type 2 diabetes is an acquired disease that mainly reflects an accumulative unhealthy diet and lifestyle. No medicine can cure type 2 diabetes. Returning to a healthy diet and lifestyle is the only way to restore your body.
- Insulin resistance is part of the body's self-defense mechanism and mainly reflects the condition of "poisoned body cells." Drug treatment damages this protective mechanism while creating a heavy load on the liver and kidneys, which are not functioning well anyway!
- Insulin and other drugs will only make you worse! Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.
- Patients with type 2 diabetes often have many symptoms and a risk of severe complications. This article presents an entirely different approach to lesser-known aspects of the disease, especially a natural cure for the disease, using self-healing methods without any drugs.
The distinction between the different types of diabetes. (1,2,3)
- Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that usually onsets in juveniles, where the immune system destroys the pancreas cells that produce insulin.
- Type 2 diabetes is a disease onset at relatively older ages and reflects an unhealthy lifestyle and diet.
- Type 3 diabetes - is most commonly referred to as Alzheimer's disease, which many claim has a few similarities to type 2 diabetes, just in the brain! (There is no consensus on this issue.)
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
One of the unknown leading causes of type 2 diabetes is consuming industrialized and processed food and beverages and trans fats.
Each food and drink has two digestive routing options.
- To become available energy for immediate exploitation. (Or fat storage.)
- To be used for building tissues & long-term maintenance.
A brief explanation of how industrialized and processed foods cause type 2 diabetes.
- Processed and industrialized food is unsuitable for tissue regeneration but only provides available energy. The pancreas secretes the insulin hormone to utilize energy production in the cells at a much higher than desired. Over time, this phenomenon causes insulin resistance and can eventually create type 2 diabetes.
The link between processed and industrialized foods and diabetes is unclear to the general public.
- A close relationship exists between processed and industrialized food intake and rapid obesity.
- Processed and industrialized foods, hydrogenated fats, low-calorie beverages, and soft drinks containing non-natural sweeteners harm the body more than natural sugar in fruits and vegetables.
- Surprisingly? Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods.
Type 2 diabetes is more prevalent among lower socioeconomic classes.
- Economically based people often enjoy quality, unprocessed, non-industrialized foods. (Sugar consumption is not the dominant factor.)
Industrialized and processed food has many side effects:
Over the years, industrialized and processed food has devastated the human body. You will not get a straight answer if you ask what industrialized food is. (It's important to know that almost all our food is industrialized.)
- Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
- Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories as natural foods.
- It causes a heavy load on the liver & kidneys.
- Processed food is unsuitable for tissue regeneration, affecting health and even older than usual appearance.
- Highly toxic to the body, causing severe inflammations in the body.
The outbreak of diabetes in China is an extraordinary example of the devastating impact of industrialized and processed foods. 
Link: Advanced Nutrition Computational Methodology. (Currently inaccurate)
A combination of an industrialized diet, an unhealthy, leisure-free lifestyle, stress, and constant stress devastates the body and mind.
Type 2 diabetes has become an epidemic in China. (Even today, the Chinese diet is not rich in sugars.)
- Diabetes type 2 patients rose from about 20 million in 2000 to about 110 million in 2015, and a forecast of 150 million in 2040. By 1980, type 2 diabetes in China was an uncommon disease.
The leading cause of T2D is transitioning from a plant-based diet to a highly processed and industrialized animal protein diet combined with a stressful lifestyle.
- The most notable dietary change in the period under consideration is a dramatic increase in meat, dairy, pastries, and fast food consumption. Chinese cuisine is based mainly on frying; switching to cheaply refined oils has turned them into trans fats.
- China's meteoric development has put heavy pressure on its population.
A similar phenomenon (but less acute than that of China) exists in Japan and Korea.
- The cultures of the Asian peoples are very competitive and disciplined, with complex work values that leave little leisure time.
Is rice the cause of diabetes? (The answer is no)
- The diet of Asian people is based on rice as the main carbohydrate. But rice is not to blame! Until 40 years ago, diabetes was a marginal disease in Asian nations, while rice is an ancient food.
The countries with the lowest diabetes rates are Lithuania, Estonia, Ireland, Sweden, Luxembourg, England, and Australia.
- These countries consume no fewer carbohydrates and sugars than exist in Asian nations. The British fish and chips are no better than the Japanese diet! The main difference is the leisure cultures.
Until 100 years ago, diabetes was a rare disease; until the mid-50s of the 20th century, it was a marginal disease.
- About 50 years ago, the fast-paced and industrialized food revolution erupted in full force. This revolution, combined with a demanding and leisure-free lifestyle, has created a record-breaking chronic illness—not just diabetes!
Diabetes is a symptom (of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle). It is worth noting that diabetes has a noticeable mental-energetic dimension. Obesity is another symptom of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. It is not the cause of diabetes!
Most diabetics and other patients (also healthy people) use the Glycemic and Insulin indexes without knowing their drawbacks.
Link: | Insulin index (Wikipedia) | Glycemic index (Wikipedia) |
- These metrics are inaccurate; they do not reflect interactions between foods and disregard food sources. (Natural vs. processed)
- Since most people consume different types of foods at once, a methodology that reflects the interactions between food ingredients and their effect on the two metrics, glycemic index and insulin, with marginal value matrices (Positive and negative) is needed. Such a methodology does not currently exist, so it is essential to understand the principles.
- The indices reflect a rise in blood glucose and insulin values after two hours of taking a fixed amount of calories. In reality, people eat mixed foods. The food composition and origin (natural vs. processed) are very significant!
- As calories can be summarized reasonably, neither glycemic nor insulin index can be compiled without examining its composition and source.
- Here are a few notable examples: (The current calculators are based on the simple model. More in-depth analysis is based on the principles, not just the numbers.)
- Consuming meat with carbohydrates will give high values in both indices beyond the summation of the two individual values. If you fry the meat with trans fat, you will get much higher values than the sum of the three ingredients.
- Enough to replace trans fats with natural fat with the same calorific values (such as coconut oil), and you will get both indexes with much lower values.
- Even with the same calorific value, there is a fundamental difference between values (in both metrics) of organic natural eggs and industrialized eggs. The natural egg will always reflect lower values in both metrics.
- Nutritional fiber and fermented natural products moderate both values, especially when different foods are in an emulsion state.
- Consuming meat with carbohydrates will give high values in both indices beyond the summation of the two individual values. If you fry the meat with trans fat, you will get much higher values than the sum of the three ingredients.
Nutrients that can raise both marginal (*) indexes. (Unhealthy foods.)
- Industrialized foods.
- Animal Foods: Meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs that the animals are fed in an unnatural diet, with supplements, hormones, and antibiotics.
- Processed, preserved, and smoked foods.
- Foods containing non-natural substances or artificial supplements.
- Dried foods.
- A quantitative combination of high-index insulin & glycemic foods raises the final measure beyond the simple numerical calculation. (Cumulative effect)
Nutrients that can lower both marginal (*) indexes. (Healthy foods.)
- Natural foods and beverages.
- Easy to digest foods such as cooked vegetables.
- Fermented natural foods.
- Foods are rich in dietary fiber, including fruits.
- Sauces, natural oils, and natural emulsifiers such as egg yolk, vinegar, mustard, lemon, etc.
(*) A positive marginal index reflects an increase in the index beyond the additional food item's addition. A negative margin index demonstrates the opposite.
Especially for diabetics, it is essential to distinguish between different types of foods containing sugars.
In people with diabetes (type 2 and 1), blood sugar levels rise to levels that sometimes impair critical processes, and therefore, people with diabetes should be careful about consuming sugars.
Non-recommended combinations. (Sugar with other foods)
- All synthetic sugar substitutes, diet drinks, and foods containing artificial sweeteners increase the body's damage. (Although they do not have sugar.)
- Refined sugars include cakes, biscuits, waffles, and Industrial ice cream.
- Eating a cake with the same calories as sweet vegetables such as beet or carrot is entirely different.
- Any combination of pastry containing sugar (or unnatural sugar) and hydrogenated oils.
- Sweet natural foods fried in trans fat. (Such as roasted fruit.)
Natural sweet foods allow for moderate consumption.
- Sweetness in fruits and vegetables comes with dietary fiber, minerals, enzymes, and electrolytes, which are essential for good health.
- Stevia, Date Honey, and honey are natural sugar substitutes but are limited in consumption. They are always superior to synthetic substitutes.
- It is advisable to combine natural sugars with natural green foods from plants; they neutralize the sugar's acidity.
- No problem drinking natural (not too sweet) juices, even though they contain sweet fruit. The liver needs juice for increased bile fluid production.
The first stage of recovery from type 2 diabetes - How to start?
Link: Getting started with self-healing therapies.
Self-healing is a challenging process that often involves changes in diet and lifestyle. The first stages of adaptation are the most difficult. Don't expect your attending physicians (they believe and know only the conventional methods), so support from your spouse, family, and friends is critical.
- It would help if you adopted the available treatments & lifestyle changes that best suit your condition. However, a Balanced diet and liver & kidney cleansing are usually needed.
- The benefits of adopting a self-healing lifestyle are immense; discipline and strong willpower are mainly required in the early stages.
- If you followed self-healing principles for at least three months without significantly improving symptoms, the more systemic inflammation you have, the more time and more intense treatments you will need.
- A urine pH of 6.0 or below usually indicates that the intestines are too acidic. It can suggest that gut flora is imbalanced!
Pressure cell therapy (identical to diver treatment) may save people with diabetes from amputation.
- Pressure cell therapy is considered an effective treatment for severe diabetics who suffer from wounds and necrosis that sometimes require amputation. The pressure cell allows nutrients to penetrate the "starved" cells. It is important to note that it is not just oxygen but nutrients that will enable metabolism and energy generation at the individual cell level.
- The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the treatments. It is important to emphasize that as effective as it is, treatment does not cure the disease but only relieves the symptoms of severe complications.
If you seek doctors' advice about self-healing from type 2 diabetes, do not expect your doctor's support for self-healing medicine.
Link: Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative) Medicine.
I recommend everyone delve into the principles of self-healing before deciding and learning the differences between conventional medicine and self-healing medicine.
- Deciding which way to choose is always the patient's decision; family and friends' support is critical.
- Doctors don't like undermining their authority; they usually consider themselves the ones who know what's right for you!
- Many questions arise in my experience of entering a self-healing process, especially from severe illnesses. Understanding and believing along the way is critical to success. Self-healing is a challenging process accompanied by ups and downs; it is effortless to break down in the healing process; success comes thanks to perseverance.
Self-healing medicine works on the physical body, mind, and spirit to eliminate the causes of type 2 diabetes.
I have listed only the main principles with links to the various articles, not to repeat all the self-healing principles and the recommended diet.
How do you cure type 2 diabetes naturally with the self-healing method?
Link: Self-Healing Medicine – Main principles and guidelines.
Treating adults with type 2 diabetes is particularly challenging, but the benefits are enormous.
The initial dietary change is the most difficult. It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Kubler-Ross model.
Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.
- Accepting the disease and understanding the need for change in diet and lifestyle.
- Comprehensive dietary change, with special adjustments for people with diabetes.
- Intermittent fasting is incredibly beneficial.
- Correcting the cumulative physical damage of the disease and restoring the body and mind.
- Adapting to new and healthier habits.
Mental and Spiritual enhancement principles. (Often underestimated.)
Link: Mental and spiritual enhancement.
- Lifestyle changes, with more relaxation and sleep.
- Releasing Non-resolved stressful events from the past. (To restore the life-force energy flow.)
- Strengthening positive emotions and faith.
Physical body enhancement principles.
- Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food & beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
- Mechanical Detoxification. (By unblocking and cleansing the liver & kidneys.)
- Liver cleansing includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coffee, and baking soda—probiotic enemas of live bacteria.
- Exercise and massage to improve blood & lymphatic circulation.
- Controlled Solar-baths. (Essential for proper physiology and charges the life-force energy.)
- Acupuncture can restore the life-force energy flow and relieve pain.
- It uses mainly herbal food supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) to restore the body's balance and deficiencies.
A healthy diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.
Nutritional recommendations for diabetes patients.
Recommended link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
In my experience, very few diabetes patients have a proper diet and eating habits, even though many believe they are eating healthy!
- Fats, protein, carbohydrates, and natural sugars are needed; it is wrong to deny one of the macronutrients completely.
- The need for various foods (mainly from plants) allows the body to get all the nutrients (enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, dietary fiber, antioxidants) through food and drinks. High-quality and varied foods and sun-controlled exposure almost eliminate the need for sometimes harmful supplements and absorb less than quality food.
Diabetic patients may suffer from severe farting.
- Imbalances in intestinal flora often manifested themselves in farting. Farting during the recovery period is often a positive sign! (Contrary to what is commonly thought) they reflect attempts by good bacteria to control the parasites. (Dead parasites release gas.)
- Taking control of the good bacteria over the parasites is usually accompanied by much farting. This process can take several months. There is no need to panic and see the recommended diet as if it failed. On the contrary!
Recommended food:
- Start your morning by drinking one cup of squeezed lemon juice with lukewarm water. (It is even better if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + one tablespoon of olive oil.)
- Vegetables, seeds, sprouts, roots, nuts, legumes, beans, lentils, mushrooms, fruits, and berries.
- Moist low-medium glycemic index starches such as rice, sweet potato, taro root, and spelled quinoa. (You better add a teaspoon of coconut oil, ghee-purified butter, or other natural oils for better absorption.)
- Organic range-free eggs (especially egg yolk) are excellent emulsifiers due to their high lecithin content. (Good quality egg yolk has an orange color.)
- Egg yolk is rich in vitamin D3.
- Eat wild deep-sea fish two to three times a week. (They are less contaminated and also have a high omega-3 content.)
- Fish is easy to digest and does not create a very acidic environment in the intestines.
- Berries are among the most potent antioxidants, and they can be combined with fruit, goat yogurt, cinnamon, and walnuts. (Like all probiotics, yogurt may cause gas bloating, which is usually a good sign.)
- The liver, in particular, benefits from all-natural bitter foods. (Such as grapefruit and dark chocolate.)
- Dietary fiber (found only in plant-based diets) is essential for gut recovery. It might cause a reaction like gas bloating. (Fiber helps to feed the good bacteria.)
- Fermented products with natural live bacteria, such as goat yogurt or natural kombucha, are essential for good health.
- Consuming high-quality fats like Olive oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, Ghee (purified butter), and coconut oil, together with fiber, helps lubricate the lining of the intestinal walls. It is essential to replenish the good bacteria and help regenerate intestinal wall tissue.
- Regular eating of bone marrow (possibly in soup) is especially recommended.
- Consuming Iodine regularly (for proper thyroid function) is essential. (The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt.)
- Consuming sulfur foods such as avocado, onion, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale is recommended to strengthen the immune system.
Which bread is the healthiest? (Sprouted bread, rye, spelled, or whole flour sourdough bread.)
- Healthy bread is dense and tends to be massive. (Especially bread made without yeast.)
- Bread with low gluten is best. Most healthy bread has low gluten. (Although not zero percent gluten)
- There are many bread recipes. Most people do not bake their bread, so buying bread from a reliable source is essential. The best are small specialized bakeries that deliver organic whole-grain sourdough bread.
- Sprouted bread is most recommended for everyone. Sprouting releases enzymes that break the grain shell. Sprouted bread has low gluten and is much easier to digest because enzymes start breaking the grain shell. (which is hard to digest)
- Low-calorie bread is less dense and weighs less. Heavy bread makes you feel full faster.
Minimize eating white flour and yeast bread; it disturbs the gut flora balance.
Recommended beverages:
- Water, tea (without sugar or milk), black coffee (without sugar or milk), and freshly squeezed juice. (It should not be too sweet.)
- Drinking fresh juice may cause gas bloating. It is inevitable and part of the recovery process.
Due to intestinal wall damage, appropriate discipline in eating and drinking is required.
- Until symptoms significantly improve, the list of foods and beverages not recommended is quite long, but that should not surprise anyone.
- Eating cooked, soft, warm, and moist food is recommended. (Easier to digest)
- The additional nutrients that the body needs for recovery will come from drinking natural, fresh-squeezed juices.
Food and beverages are not recommended; minimize consumption.
- All Processed food, smoked food, preservatives, and canned food. (Huge category.)
- Soft drinks of all kinds, including diet beverages.
- Plain sugars and high glycemic starches. (Such as white flour products, potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cakes, etc.)
- Eating high doses of sweet fruits. (Grapes and watermelon, especially, contain glucose.) Sugars can create an imbalance in gut flora.
- Trans-fats (found in many industrialized products) like Margarine are very harmful.
- Yeast bread. (Sourdough bread is much better.)
- Dairy products are unsuitable for type 2 diabetes patients because they contain too many proteins and create an acidic environment in the intestines.
- Goat's milk or yogurt yogurt is better. (Limited quantities.)
- High gluten content products. (Gluten protein is found in most cereals. Gluten tends to adhere to intestinal walls and will probably aggravate symptoms.)
- Reduce meat and poultry consumption by 50% or more. (Meat and poultry are hard to digest and create a high-acidity environment in the intestines.)
- Leafy greens. (Until significant relief in symptoms. They tend to stick to the inflamed intestinal walls.)
- Spicy hot foods are usually beneficial, but they may worsen symptoms. (Dead pathogens release toxins and gas due to the Herxheimer effect.)
- It is not recommended to eat large amounts of carbohydrates and animal proteins. (This includes meat or dairy products with potatoes or other high-glycemic starches.)
Recommended eating habits.
It is advisable to eat two main meals a day plus snacks (for those who need them). Dinner should be easy to digest and early, maximum up to 7 in the evening, because most tissue regeneration occurs during sleep. The digestive system needs constant rehabilitation; prolonged breaks between meals are preferable to continuous eating.
- Minimize eating away from home, preferably taking home food to work and not buying outside.
- Prepared food deliveries are a terrible alternative! They contain processed and industrialized food at the most harmful levels.
- Chew well, take a break, and eat comfortably.
- Do not eat late at night.
- Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
- Fresh vegetables should be sprinkled with olive oil or other oils such as hemp or flaxseed.
- Add a little fat with a higher melting temperature, such as coconut oil or Ghee butter, boiled or baked starches, or vegetables. (Although they are saturated fats.)
- Especially after a meal that includes animal protein (which is more difficult to digest), it is recommended to take a short 20-30-minute walk at a moderate speed. Walking helps the digestive process.
We eat with all our senses, so filling the plate with various vegetables seasoned with oils and spices is desirable. (This includes aromatic salt.)
Coffee and baking soda enemas are beneficial.
Prolonged type 2 diabetes patients will usually need detoxification of the liver and kidneys.
The liver and kidneys fill a long list of critical metabolic processes. A burden on one creates a strain on the other; therefore, it is essential to cleanse both the liver & kidneys.
The Ultimate Liver Mechanical Detoxification is explained.
- Fresh juices supply the body with all the needed nutrients, such as vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes, and antioxidants. They elevate the body's energy and help the liver produce more bile.
- Drinking two cups of freshly squeezed juice once in two days (at least) flushes the kidneys.
- Liver flushes (especially when adding apple cider vinegar) can dissolve and remove solidified bile stones resulting from high toxicity levels.
- Coffee enemas are much more effective when the bile ducts are not blocked. (Because the movement inside the liver is through the bile ducts.)
- Coffee enemas have an almost immediate effect on the liver and intestines. The liver's pressure pushes all the toxins (with the stones) out through the duodenum to the intestines by producing more bile. The peristaltic movement is seven times stronger than usual; it pushes everything stuck inside the intestines through the colon.
- When the body has low toxicity levels, the body's energy will improve significantly. Therefore, the immune system can fight all pathogens much more effectively.
Cleansing the liver and gallbladder link: Liver and Gallbladder flush. Instructions, Benefits, and Risks.
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.
- Type 2 diabetes is a widespread disease with symptoms that severely impair patients' quality of life. The disease has many complications.
There is a solid unknown connection between the consumption of industrialized & processed foods and type 2 diabetes.
- Processed and industrialized food is unsuitable for tissue regeneration but only provides available energy. The pancreas secretes the insulin hormone to utilize energy production in the cells at a much higher than desired. Over time, this phenomenon causes insulin resistance and, eventually, type 2 diabetes.
The leading causes of type 2 diabetes, according to the literature.
- Overweight and obese, poor nutrition, and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is a broad definition but not very focused, thus making it very challenging to treat.
Type 2 diabetes cannot be cured with drugs.
- Insulin and other drugs will only make you worse! Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.
Pressure cell therapy (identical to diver treatment) may save people with diabetes from amputation.
- Pressure cell therapy is considered an effective treatment for severe diabetics who suffer from wounds and necrosis that sometimes require amputation. The pressure cell allows nutrients to penetrate the "starved" cells. It is important to note that it is not just oxygen but nutrients that will enable metabolism and energy generation at the individual cell level.
- The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the treatments. It is important to emphasize that as effective as it is, treatment does not cure the disease but only relieves the symptoms of severe complications.
By following the Self-healing principles, recovery from type 2 diabetes is achievable.
- Type 2 diabetes reverses without medication using a balanced, natural, unprocessed diet. Severe long-term diabetics may need liver & kidney detoxification as well.
Economic aspects.
- The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
- Despite the enormous expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and low quality of life, investing in self-healing is exceptionally economical in the long run.
Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
- Following the principles & guidelines of self-healing medicine will cure the entire body mentally and physically. (Including both bacterial and Non-bacterial prostatitis.)
- The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in lifestyle & habits. The transformation is enormous in every aspect.
- After symptoms improve, continuing the properly controlled lifestyle and diet is essential.
Recommended link: Forum discussions about Type 2 diabetes. (T2D)
I wish all people, wherever they live, full recovery from type 2 diabetes—good health and a better quality of life.

The combination of industrialized food coupled with a lack of leisure, constant stresses and anxieties, and a hectic lifestyle are the leading causes of the onset of diabetes to the proportions of a global pandemic.