Our body never functions randomly. Any acquired (non-genetic) chronic disease or addiction type, location, and intensity are not accidental. Unlike conventional medicine, Self-healing functional medicine eliminates the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms. The self-healing method combines body, mind, and spirit. The benefits of self-healing functional medicine are enormous beyond healing chronic diseases, primarily because it generates personal empowerment.
By complying with fundamental requirements(mental & physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!
All body organs, including the brain, have an incredible natural regenerative capacity! Provided we don't interrupt the process. Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses. Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical advisor. The in-depth analysis points to a mirror image between modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine's weaknesses and strengths. Integrating modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.
LOVE is the most powerful elixir of life that exists in nature.
Continue reading Self-Healing Functional Natural Medicine – Principles and Guidelines.