Disgusting images of liver stones, liver worms, cysts, and polyps.

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  3. Self-healing natural medicine recovery philosophy.
  4. Disgusting images of liver stones, liver worms, cysts, and polyps.
22/04/2022 5:24
These images illustrate how resilient the human body is! You can always recover from any acquired chronic illness, even one that seems impossible.
Mechanical detoxification.

All chronic acquired (non-genetic) illnesses are curable by complying with fundamental self-healing requirements. (Mental and physical)

  • Recovery is always achievable, even from severe, long-term chronic diseases, including addiction-related illnesses. Following Self-healing methods is challenging mentally and physically, mainly because it takes discipline and self-confidence to serve as your medical advisor.


link: Gallery (Disgusting)

Liver (Intrahepatic) biliary stones & Gallstones in the toilet - Removed by Liver flushes & Coffee enemas.Giant Liver Fluke Worms - Removed by liver flushes & Coffee & Baking soda enemas.Liver Cysts & Rotten liver tissue - Removed by liver flushes & Coffee and Baking soda enemas.Liver and Gallbladder, and bowel & colon flush. (Mechanical detoxification) - Instructions, Benefits & Risks.Decayed digestive tissues and polyps.Prostate calcifications removed by 3d clinic, Changsha, China.


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