Overcoming mental barriers toward a healthy lifestyle and diet.

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Chronically ill patients often require sharp changes in diet and lifestyle. There is an inherent difficulty in changing habits.
Too busy.

Leading a healthy lifestyle requires ample leisure, and this is a familiar paradox because, in the modern world, leisure is in constant shortage.


Chronic patients usually must change their lifestyle and dietary habits. 

Surprisingly, chronic patients often think they eat healthy food, but a closer look reveals this is false. Stress, anxiety, and lack of leisure are common phenomena for many people. Of course, the claim that it is possible today to live an immaterial life is unrealistic! Therefore, the main task is to create leisure while increasing productivity without significant economic damage.

I recommend that chronically ill patients who have difficulty making necessary changes in their lifestyle and diet familiarize themselves with the Kübler-Ross model that explains loss behavior. (of all kinds)

It should be emphasized that, given the appropriate terms (mental and physical), all chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!


Endless unnecessary stimuli in the modern world rob leisure of the critical importance of a healthy lifestyle.

The mobile phone is the enemy of healthy living in the 21st century! We must all learn to curb its use to the bare minimum necessary. The use of social networks is meant to stimulate us to respond repeatedly.

  • The various technologies require us to respond; the price is we are being enslaved! Everything that is not critical must be filtered out.
  • In modern reality, people have very few real friends. Give up Facebook and the like (do not disconnect). Whoever wants your company will get you. Facebook friends are not "friends" but only acquaintances.
  • Our natural curiosity is the driving force of social networks (except messaging software). You will learn to catch up on phone calls from time to time. Nothing will happen even if you are not updated on the latest juicy gossip!
  • Most people are not influential in managing time. It is essential to devote deep thought to the subject. Do not be afraid to make far-reaching changes.

Without leisure, relaxation, time for rest, regular exercise, a healthy diet, LOVE, romance, and sexual activity (for those with a partner), it is very challenging to recover.


Breathing is a spontaneous but significant act of introducing vital energy to our body.

Walking in nature, among trees, after rain, or especially immediately after a lightning storm (dress appropriately) is especially recommended. The air after pouring rain is cleaner. A lightning storm charges the air (briefly) with negative ions that charge the body energetically.

  • You will find many videos on how to breathe correctly. There are several breathing techniques and even pressure points of the lung meridian. Deep breathing can relieve specific pains, often temporarily.
  • I recommend that people learn correct breathing in a yoga workshop or similar techniques. The ability to form essential habits while watching videos on YouTube is often quite limited. Although breathing is spontaneous, regular breathing in inter-nostril techniques is complex and requires practice.
  • Walking in nature in the fresh air, especially after rain and a lightning storm, when the air is charged with negative ions, is highly recommended.

Correct breathing is vital in relieving pain and tension and introducing essential energy into our bodies. A lifestyle change is usually necessary, and it is not enough to watch videos on the subject.


Studies show that a planned reduction in working hours usually does not harm productivity, sometimes even increases!

Link: Unfortunately, happiness is tough to achieve!

Hard work often does not allow for free time, which is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. 

  • In the modern age, managing a healthy lifestyle is challenging. Sharp changes in diet and lifestyle most often come after suffering and pain.
  • It is highly recommended that time be reduced to reduce the distractions created by social networks. A significant proportion of them are not essential and are a luxury for patients undergoing far-reaching changes in diet and lifestyle.

Working reasonable hours with effective time management generally increases productivity and allows free time, which is critical to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. 


It is an excellent animated video depicting the modern lifestyle; everyone can interpret it differently. (3:27 m)

Proper nutrition has a significant impact on a healthy lifestyle.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

Most chronic illness patients who correspond with me believe they have a healthy diet. However, there are significant gaps between patients' perceptions of a healthy diet and the appropriate diet for their health.

The best diet is straightforward.

  • The widest variety of all-natural food and beverages is beneficial to our health. (Unprocessed or industrialized and not genetically modified.)
  • Much unprocessed natural food (preferably organic and not genetically modified) with all macronutrients and ingredients. Reduced quantities of animal protein, preferably grass-fed or organic range-free products. Much dietary fiber is mixed with natural oils & fats, enabling an effective emulsification process. Fermented products with natural live bacteria are essential for good health.
  • Vegetables, fruits, seeds, sprouts, roots, legumes, mushrooms, beans, berries, and nuts should be very high-volume diet components.

Healthy eating habits.

  • Eat a few full meals, with long breaks between meals. (The digestive system needs remission.)
  • Preferably, I would take home food to work and not buy it outside.
  • Chew well, take a break, and eat comfortably.
  • Do not eat late at night.
  • Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
  • Fresh vegetables should be sprinkled with olive oil or other oils such as hemp or flaxseed.
  • Add a little fat with a higher melting temperature, such as coconut oil or Ghee butter, boiled or baked starches, or vegetables. (Although they are saturated fats.)
  • Especially after a meal that includes animal protein (which is more difficult to digest), it is recommended to take a short 20-30-minute walk at a moderate speed. Walking helps the digestive process.

We eat with all our senses, so filling the plate with various vegetables seasoned with oils and spices is desirable. (This includes aromatic salt.)


Continuous 7-hour night sleep is essential for tissue regeneration and immune boosting.

  • The body's systems are at rest at night. In particular, the digestive system and the liver are inactive at night for digestive purposes, and essential resources are redirected to synthesize proteins necessary for tissue regeneration and immune boosting.
  • Daytime sleep is not equivalent to nighttime; melatonin is secreted only during night sleep, which triggers tissue regeneration.
  • A long day of sleep sometimes makes people go to bed very late and is not recommended.
  • If a light nap at noon helps you sleep better at night, it's recommended. (usually limited to one to two hours maximum)


Exercise (moderate) is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Regular exercise is essential for moving lymph fluid, the second line of body defense. 

  • Moderate physical activity is vital to achieving the immune effect. Walking, swimming, or cycling at low speeds, provided they are regular,  will also accomplish the goal. You should know that no strenuous activity is needed to lose weight!
  • Men, in particular, must be aware that strenuous exercise for muscle-building increases the male hormone testosterone. (Which improves sexual performance) Among other things, this hormone affects the body's metabolism. Athletes who stop exercising uncontrollably may suffer from unwanted effects.
  • If there is a choice between activities in nature and the gym, the gym is usually preferable to outdoor activities. The main advantage of the gym compared to exercise in the environment is mainly social.
  • I highly recommend relaxing in the warm currents of a hot tub at home or the country club. Directing the water streams on the kidneys effectively mechanically detoxifies them.
  • According to safety instructions, a steam bath is especially recommended (according to safety instructions) for relaxation, temporarily lowering blood pressure, and improving alertness and concentration.


Regular (age-appropriate) sexual activity is essential.

Link: The Unified Theory of Sexual Identities and Orientations.

People (even young people) have less sex in modern life with little free time!

  • Sex with emotions charges life-force energy.
  • Sexual activity manifests in the physical dimension, contributes to calmness and peace of mind, and enhances the sense of vitality.
  • Sex, for the sake of venting alone, does not charge life-force energy; the opposite weakens it. 


741 Hz Removes Toxins and Negativity, Cleanse Aura, Spiritual Awakening, Tibetan Bowls.

I recommend everyone to listen with their eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies.

  • Listening to music while lying down with eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room, is recommended. It is possible while meditating and using guided imagery. Frequencies are ineffective if they do not penetrate the subconscious. If you search YouTube, you can find several recommended frequencies, such as 432, 528, 741 Hz, and more. The sounds are very soothing and pleasing.
  • Link: LOVE is the most powerful elixir of life that exists in nature.


Dietary and lifestyle changes are difficult to make in the first stage. Significant personal empowerment is felt after adjusting to a healthy diet and lifestyle.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
What prevents people from making necessary changes in lifestyle and diet?
A hectic and demanding lifestyle does not allow people to seriously consider necessary changes, even though they understand the consequences.
Are you connected to your phone 24 hours a day?
Many people are attached to their phones, not out of necessity but of dependence. (semi-addiction) Technology companies produce feedback mechanisms that force people to respond.
Why do chronic patients have to find free time for themselves, even at the cost of minor social harm?
Recovery from chronic diseases requires leisure, mandatory to a healthy lifestyle, hobbies, romance, freeing the mind from stress, and a healthy diet.
Why don't people tend to change lifestyles and diets?
We tend to stick to old habits. Without a dominant cause, people are often in no hurry to change their lifestyle and diet.
Most people are not objective when asked if they eat a healthy diet.
Most people point out that they sin from time to time (for example, a cake on the weekend) but also often value the quality of the nutrition they run. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that there are no uniform and clear guidelines regarding recommended nutrition.
People usually change their lifestyle and diet only after morbidity or other significant events have been detected.
Dramatic changes in lifestyle and diet require adaptation and consume a lot of energy. Therefore, people do not change habits just like that! A significant trigger is needed, usually in the form of morbidity or other important events.
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Overcoming mental barriers toward a healthy lifestyle and diet.
1. How can we control addictive, leisure-destroying technologies?
The question of leisure is a critical issue in the modern world, especially for the chronically ill who need leisure to care for themselves or those close to them.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 1.
Lifestyle changes in chronic patients often result from accepting the need for change and hope for recovery.
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