Alcoholic beverages addiction rehabilitation methodology.

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Alcoholics are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In a state of addiction, the subconscious partially paralyzes reason.
A glass of whiskey.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

This article places particular emphasis on the process of weaning from alcoholic beverages. Weaning from alcoholic beverages is considered one of the more difficult weanings. Without alcohol withdrawal, it is tough to rehabilitate a liver damaged by alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have devastating effects in all areas of life. This article presents a different conception of addictions and the underlying reward mechanism.


Alcohol use disorder - Introduction.

Link: Alcohol Key facts. (World Health Organization)

According to the World Health Organization, alcohol use disorder is one of the leading causes of death among young people aged 20-39.

  • Alcoholic liver disease is a widespread phenomenon with broad social, health, and economic impacts.

Alcohol is one of the most harmful substances to the liver. Increased alcohol consumption can cause severe liver damage within a few years.

  • One of the main reasons there is no early diagnosis of liver diseases is that the liver is not a pain-sensitive organ (until the advanced stages of the disease). 

Alcoholic liver diseases produce massive liver cell damage. (Similar to other chronic liver diseases.)

  • Liver cell damage (no matter the cause) causes the liver to produce less bile.
  • The balance between bile components is broken; the liquid bile solidifies and creates green hepatic stones that block the liver.
  • Furthermore, bile stones do not allow bile to flow to the duodenum. (Entrance of the small intestines.)
  • Liver and gallbladder obstruction causes an acidic environment in the intestines, enabling parasite overgrowth and creating a massive burden on the immune system.  

Because of the liver's diverse functions, patients with chronic liver disease can have various severe symptoms at multiple stages. 

  • The list of symptoms I suffered from was almost endless. 

The liver can regenerate entirely as long as 25% of the healthy tissue remains.

  • Being an asymptomatic chronic liver patient usually suggests that you have less than 25% of healthy tissue remaining! (As well as low blood circulation to the remaining part.)

Regeneration of the liver cells requires continuous removal of the damaged & scarred tissue.

The only means of " pushing" the unwanted tissues throughout the digestive system is a combination of fresh juices, coffee enemas, and liver and gallbladder flushes.

  • Patients with chronic liver disease who have passed the point of no return of the liver and will not perform a liver transplant (for any reason) expect a future of terrible suffering and endless pain. I do not wish anyone what I've been through for years of suffering beyond imagination.

The key to recovery from all chronic liver diseases. (Including alcoholic liver disease.) 

  • The key to recovery from chronic liver diseases is to empty the liver of all parasites and intra-hepatic stones (solidified bile stones) stuck inside it. Yes, it is challenging, but it can be done. Blood and bile circulation will only resume when the liver is not blocked and liver tissue regeneration starts.
  • If you follow the Self-healing principles, it will initiate the liver regeneration process. 
  • Unfortunately, for chronic liver & cirrhosis patients, it may be a challenging and long journey. (But the result will be above expectations.)

Link: Regeneration, Rejuvenation, and life expectancy.


Huge intra-hepatic bile stones were 3.5 inches long. (8.9 cm) There are many more disgusting photos in the Gallery.

Liver obstructions are a problem of all chronic liver patients, including alcoholic liver patients.

Huge intra-hepatic bile stones were 3.5 inches long. (8.9 cm) Many more disgusting photos in the Gallery.

The Self-healing approach - Weaning from alcoholic beverage addiction with its unique reward mechanism.

Link: Alcoholism. (Wikipedia)

This article Emphasizes strategies that will increase the chances of rehab from alcoholic beverages.

Link: The Unifying Model of Addictions with its unique Energy-reward mechanism.

The harsh attacks alcoholics witness during rehab result from addictive substances and the devastating consequence of energetic blockages.

  • My severe liver disease was due to the hepatitis C virus. (HCV). Still, the liver's damage is similar to that of alcoholics; its blockages' treatment is also identical. Besides, alcoholics must first of all deal with their drinking habits.
  • This article mainly deals with the weaning phase of drinking alcoholic beverages, mandatory lifestyle modification, and damaged liver. Rehabilitation of the liver can be a long and tedious task and is detailed in a separate article in the attached link. Chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis.

What is Addiction? 

  • Addiction is a compulsive, repetitive action that, over time, causes harm to the addict or the environment (or both) that the addict is aware of, except that they do not control the addiction. The reward mechanism of addiction is far more potent than any means of logic and persuasion.

Is Alcohol addiction a disorder or a mental illness?

  • Alcohol addiction is not a mental disorder or a mental illness; it expresses unresolved mental traumas that the subconscious mind cannot contain. When the traumas break out, they create anomalies in the form of addictions. (The high rate of the population suffering from addictions implies that it is not a disease or disorder.)

Is alcohol addiction a quantitative definition? 

  • Alcohol addicts often drink alcoholic beverages much more than non-addicts, but the definition is not quantitative. The definition of addiction is a loss of control and a strong urge to drink alcoholic beverages at any given moment without rejecting immediate satisfaction.

What is the difference between an addiction and just a bad habit?

  • The main difference is that addictions must have a reward mechanism, while bad habits have no real reward, so getting rid of bad habits is relatively straightforward. Still, it is tough to stop addictions.

The Genetic factors - The seemingly high weight attributed to genetics as a cause of alcoholism, in my opinion, reflects a methodological problem.

  • "Epidemiological studies estimate that genetic factors account for 40–60% of the risk factors for alcoholism." (Wikipedia) 
  •  Children of parents or drinking family members suffer from home traumas more than others. It is not necessarily the result of genetics with an alcohol predisposition.
  • Children of smokers and drinkers are more exposed, but the explanation is more profound than the question of accessibility. Other children also often have the option of obtaining alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. The potential mental trauma, on average, in the homes of alcoholics is higher.

Addictions are a widespread phenomenon. All addictions must have a common denominator. (Uniform laws govern nature.)

  • I expect to tend to addiction in other addictions if addiction is genetic. (Such as smoking or drug addiction.)
  • Even if there is some hereditary influence on various addictions, it is not exclusive; it is always combined with socio-environmental influence.

The implementation of the Kübler-Ross model regarding alcohol withdrawal.

Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.

The five stages of the Kubler-Ross model are Denial, Anger, Bargaining (only applicable in life-threatening situations), Depression, and Acceptance. 

Alcoholics who have been suffering for many years, unsurprisingly, pass through these four stages of the behavioral grief model, known as the Kubler-Ross model. (Similar to chronic patients.)

  • Initially, the Kübler-Ross model was only concerned with the stages of death and dying. Kübler Ross's model was later expanded to include personal loss. I do not doubt that being a long-term alcoholic has properties of grief and loss.
  • From my experience, what prevents making lifestyle changes is often Denial, Anger, and Depression.
  • Reaching acceptance as fast as possible is essential for elevating the spirit and gaining needed energy. It is necessary not to suppress the problem; alcohol withdrawal requires determination, perseverance, and strong willpower.
  • Real hope would give anyone the strength to endure the accompanying pain and suffering involved in the alcohol withdrawal process.


The explanation of the Self-healing approach to an alcohol use disorder. (AUD)

  • This article deals with alcohol use disorder as an addiction phenomenon that usually begins in adolescence and continues through adulthood. We will also explain the underlying causes of alcohol use and address them using self-healing rehab methodologies. 
  • All addictions, including alcohol use, allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.)

Why don't alcohol addicts respond to persuasion?

  • Alcoholics are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In addition, the subconscious partially paralyzes reason; thus, persuasion does not help heal alcohol addiction.

The explanation of the Self-healing approach to all Addictions.

  • All addictions allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of damage to many organs and systems.)

The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival.

  • Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from addictive substances.
  • Therefore, rehab from alcohol addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)
  • Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) has far-reaching consequences; this article will focus mainly on Alcohol Withdrawal as the first stage toward recovery from Alcoholic Liver Disease. This article is a direct continuation of an article on chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. 
  • Alcoholics who smoke can achieve rehab from both habits together using self-healing techniques. Alcohol and smoking addiction are very similar in energy levels, so weaning from both is identical to the treatment. In addition to smoking, damage can be done concurrently but more intensely.

How does the fear mechanism, in cases where the addict identifies a life-threatening situation, work to stop or weaken the addiction? 

  • Fear is not an emotion but an instinct inherent in every living being. Addicted smokers and alcoholics, in cases of tangible danger to life, often tend to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. The explanation is that fear is a powerful survival mechanism that bypasses (as long as fear exists) the effect of addiction. 
  • In drug addicts (hard drugs and hallucinogens), the fear mechanism is paralyzed, so even drug addicts who realize they are in mortal danger usually cannot stop taking drugs alone!
Why do many alcohol withdrawal programs fail in the long run?
  • The main difficulty in most alcohol rehab programs stems from the need to release from the subconscious mind the specific traumatic, non-resolved event that caused the energy blockage, creating the need to drink alcoholic beverages. Cleansing the body of the addictive toxins is relatively easy compared to the energy part, which does not get any attention, mainly because Western culture does not acknowledge the existence of life-force energy.
  • Often, alcohol rehab programs do not address the human body's psychological-energetic side, so success rates are usually relatively low.
  • Drug treatment cannot "cure" any addiction, including alcohol use disorder. 

The first task in the alcohol rehab program is releasing the subconscious mind's initial and painful traumatic memories.

  • Achieving successful rehab from alcohol addiction requires reconstruction of the past traumatic events that caused the energy blockage and created the need for alcoholic beverages. Traumatic memories are usually stored subconsciously (as part of the mental defense mechanisms). They are often challenging to retrieve (sometimes they involve memories of parents or family members who are no longer alive.) The rehab process requires releasing the trauma from the subconscious to the conscious, where one can be forgiven and let go of the painful memories. Trauma release does not require forgetting.
  • Most people are unable to reconstruct traumatic events on their own. I needed dozens of sessions in a type of treatment not available worldwide, similar to hypnosis. It is hard to believe in retrospect that these events at the time caused the severe liver disease I experienced.


Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

Alcohol Use Disorder. (AUD)

The consequences of AUD include many mental and physical complications in almost every possible health aspect.


  • Excessive alcohol consumption has severe physiological effects on most vital organs, including the brain, liver, heart, and lungs. Drinks that also smoke increase the risk dramatically. However, in my opinion, mental effects are even more devastating than physical ones.

Mental - Social.

Mostly recommended Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.

  • Heavy drinkers are usually depressive. It is not a state of choice but a result of alcohol addiction, damaging the social fabric.
  • The environmental impact is particularly devastating. Harm to the spouse, family, friends, and workplace presents the drinkers as losers, hopeless people with no future.
  • I met a charming American guy in China (the man was staying in my home in Israel for a unique medical treatment.) A young 30-year-old tried to quit drinking after having severe chronic prostatitis. A handsome, young, talented guy from an established family has suffered severe depression. (The guy's gone, and some claim to have committed suicide!)
  • Unlike most chronic patients, drinkers harm everyone, including spouses, family, friends, co-workers, etc.


Alcohol Liver Disease in all stages is not an incurable medical condition. 

Recovery from alcoholic liver disease is divided into three parts.

  1. Cessation of drinking habits - An essential requirement for recovery.
  2. Adapting to new lifestyle habits and a healthy diet.
  3. Restoring the cumulative damage to the liver. (A long and challenging process, but possible.)

Although the physical part is particularly challenging and involves tremendous physical and mental effort, I consider rehab from drinking the most difficult.


Why do many alcohol rehab programs have such low success rates?

Because the addiction process is first and foremost, the process of addiction stems from an energy blockage. It is not enough to detox from chemicals that have a psycho-chemical effect.

  • Renewing the energetic balance requires the spouse, family, and friends' love and support (not just logistical).
  • Severe side effects accompany the detox process, and there is a tendency to replace alcohol addiction with other psycho-chemical substances.
  • Often, the patient comes with a loser image, having previously failed. (Sometimes more than once) In such a situation, confidence and self-esteem are degraded and do not release the addiction's energetic blockage.
  • Detaching the patient from their home and surroundings on a healthy farm does not serve the purpose of love and support but the opposite. The patient becomes a burden.

Alcohol addiction not only manifests itself in certain addictive chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused the addiction is far more challenging than detoxification from the addictive substances.


The (unconventional) perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to recovering from ALD.

  • "To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

What are the characteristics of AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) and addiction? 

  • All addictions, including AUD, allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.) Therefore, rehab from addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the life-force energy blockages.)
  • Chemical rehab from neuro psychotic and other chemicals is the relatively easy part. The incredibly challenging part is the release of the life-force energy blocks.

How do we analyze the blocked energy centers? (We need the energy center chart with the respective emotions involved.) 

The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

General and Introduction -  The concept of energy centers. (Chakras)

Only Traumatic, Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past may block the life-force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental and spiritual events do not block the energy centers.) 

  • These principles come from traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicine, balancing the body. Western medicine completely ignores the human body's energetic being and misses an opportunity to understand many unexplained phenomena deeply.
  • When discussing stress and anxiety as significant causes of alcoholism, we must deepen and label the traumatic emotions to release them consciously.

Short analysis concerning Alcoholic Liver Disease.

My example is too simplistic but illustrates the idea and encourages self-searching.

  • The impact on mood (through the brain) indicates chakra 6 (the third eye). The traumatic emotions are probably related to intuition, imagination, wisdom, thinking ability, and decisions. 
  • According to this diagram, the mouth is in center 5. The possible corresponding traumatic emotions are communication and self-expression.
    • Boycotts and social networks are essential in the modern era to create the emotional traumas that lead to an alcohol use disorder.
  • The physical enjoyment of food and drink is located at Chakra 2 (the Sacral Chakra). The possible corresponding traumatic emotions are Sexuality, Pleasure, and creativity.

Short energetic analysis concerning Alcoholics who Smoke. (The energetic similarity between alcohol addiction and smoking is quite striking.)

  • This diagram shows that the initial relevant respiratory system organs are in centers 4-5. The possible corresponding traumatic emotions are Love, Relationships & self-acceptance, and Communication and self-expression.
  • Over time, the centers that control infections are also involved among heavy smokers. (Centers 2-3.) These matching traumatic feelings are probably related to Sexuality and Pleasure, creativity, wisdom, Personal Power, and channel ability.

Alcoholic Liver Disease causes many additional complications, blockages, and energy centers.

  • Severe liver damage reflected in chakra 3 - Wisdom, Personal Power, and the ability to channel.
  • Rejection by society and the environment creates low self-esteem - Chakra 4 - Love, Relationships & self-acceptance.
  • Alcohol affects the brain - chakras 6-7. The corresponding traumatic emotions are probably related to intuition, imagination, wisdom, thinking ability, and decisions—our connection to spirituality.
  • Note: Only the patient themself can interpret past traumatic events.
  • There is an initial energetic resemblance to smoking addicts. (This may explain why many alcoholics also smoke.)


The severe energy blockages in ALD patients may explain the enormous difficulty of alcohol withdrawal.

(Some claim it is more complicated than weaning from hard drugs.)


Self-healing withdrawal methods from Alcohol use addiction.

The events that caused drinking alcoholic beverages in the first place are usually buried deep in the subconscious, which stores unwanted memories, sometimes from the very distant past.

  • The subconscious mind is part of the mental defense mechanism. Extracting events into the conscious realm allows them to be released. (No need to forget.) The best alcohol withdrawal program should integrate Body, Mind, and spirit. 


Mental and Spiritual - Critical. (The two leading techniques can be combined.)

Link: Mental and Spiritual Empowerment.

Releasing traumatic non-resolved events from the past - Through Self-psychoanalysis.

  • Yoga and meditation are at very high levels. (Challenging)
  • Support groups sometimes have a meditative effect through katharsis. (Depends on the facilitator and group participants.)
    • Success in releasing traumas from the subconscious through support groups requires openness and courage to penetrate the most protected and difficult places. Catharsis (liberation of the mind) is an action on the subconscious.

Releasing traumatic non-resolved events from the past -  Through experts.

  • Hypnotists (qualified) can usually pinpoint the initial addiction's source and treat the problem to lower the chances of returning to drinking alcohol.

Acupuncture is a partial replacement that releases physical distress - without touching the subconscious.

  • Acupuncture manages to cope differently, without poking around, but opening the blocked meridians that affect the life-force energy causing the alcohol addiction.


Desirable - Social and communicative. (It is advisable to combine social and mental-energetic activities.)

All activities that combine company and communication are desirable.

  • Social activity of any kind is especially recommended. Detachment and remoteness may create isolation and depression.
  • Loners - Finding a meaningful relationship with a love and sex partner can significantly change! (Communication, love, and pleasure at the same time.)
    • A deep emotional relationship charges life-force energy and helps recovery.


Physical and pharmaceutical. (Drugs that penetrate the subconscious)

  • The harsh physiological effects experienced by alcohol drinkers during rehab require careful nutrition and detoxification to alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Natural squeezed juices may be beneficial. It is also necessary for drinkers with liver damage to initiate liver regeneration, taking considerable time.
  • Pharmacotherapy is appropriate for complex situations and only for short periods. Alcohol addicts often live with an injured liver. Every drug we take undergoes liver decomposition and burdensome activity. It may also replace one addiction with another.

The active substance MDMA in Ecstasy drug. (Not approved for use.)

  • MDMA may help with additional supportive care in releasing traumatic events. Studies have shown an effect on three brain neurotransmitters. Reactions to the MDMA drug were increased pleasure, reduced sense of fear, love, and acceptance of the environment, decreased criticism, and increased emotional openness.
  • MDMA treatment may be beneficial (if approved for use) not as a stand-alone treatment but as part of a supportive process for acute alcohol addiction.
  • I have to point out that I am usually against using drugs; this is an unusual case where a drug may treat the cause rather than the symptom. (MDMA is currently not approved for use.)


The harsh attacks alcoholics witness during rehab result from addictive substances and the devastating consequence of energetic blockages.


Which is the best strategy for alcohol withdrawal?

In addition to the physical rehab, combining the mental-energetic and social parts is most desirable.

  • It is essential to emphasize that treating alcohol addiction by chemical and pharmaceutical means without psycho-energetic and complementary social action has a low chance of success.

I recommend contacting a qualified hypnosis specialist for those with previous alcohol withdrawal failures. It is essential to know that rehab is a process that combines body, mind, and spirit.


 Alcohol withdrawal requires a significant lifestyle change. Family and friends, love, and support are essential.

  • The patient needs encouragement, trust, and logistical assistance in a dramatic lifestyle change. Without love, support, and understanding of the difficulty, the chances of success are much lower.
  • The immediate environment should see success as a shared project for everyone. Success is a group result.
  • Looking at the patient as a loser - is wrong. The alcoholic often loses control over himself and is unable to act otherwise.


Undoubtedly, the assistance of the spouse, family, and friends in weaning involves a significant sacrifice.

  • Success in the weaning process is challenging without the love and support of the spouse, friends, and family. The rehab should be carried out so that regular visits are accessible.
  • The most appropriate place to manage the detox process is one that radiates affinity, warmth, and love. (The house is sometimes emotionally charged and, therefore, unsuitable.)


Weaning treatment at rehab centers has its advantages but also disadvantages.

Engagement, support, and love for the spouse, family, and friends during the health farm's care are critical to success. The therapist team's role is to harness everyone into the process!


  • A quiet and calm environment with no temptations and no alcohol available.
  • Supportive professional staff.
  • Other patients in a similar state generate empathy.


  • It may mark the rehab patient as a social and economic burden.
  • There is a danger where the rehab patient feels lonely and abandoned by family and friends and deals alone!


Conduct during the alcohol detox attacks. (The process can take several months.)

  • After stopping, the seizures experienced by alcohol addicts are a phenomenon that results from the body's attempt to eliminate the harmful substances accumulated in the various systems. The use of replacement chemicals is not desirable.
  • Swimming, hydrotherapy, sauna, and jacuzzi may help reduce withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Drinking freshly squeezed juices (which involves a lot of work) will accelerate the detox process and sharply reduce the recovery period and side effects. 
  • There are tasty and healthy smoothie recipes that are somewhat reminiscent of liquor. (Especially ginger and coconut milk recipes.) They are recommended for drinking; their only drawbacks are preparation time and cleaning the juicer.
  • Rehab patients suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms can drink bentonite clay mixed with lukewarm water. It is a very potent antioxidant. 
  • Steam saunas, jacuzzi, and parsley tea cleanse the kidneys. 
  • Healthy, varied nutrition. Easy to digest. 
  • Liver & kidney mechanical cleansing may be needed in more severe cases.       


Alcoholics who also smoke can treat both addictions at the same time. (Especially difficult)

  • My father died of severe lung disease (though he had never smoked); the appearance of a fight over every breath characteristic of heavy smokers is etched deep in my memory. It is an inferior quality of life.
  • Many alcoholics also smoke. It is no coincidence that both addictions' energy levels have very similar characteristics. The physical harm caused by combining alcohol with smoking is particularly severe.
  • Alcoholism is perceived (and probably rightly) as more problematic. The explanation is that alcoholics hurt themselves and their surroundings, while smokers mostly hurt themselves.
  • For alcoholics who smoke, I recommend detoxing with hypnotherapy, which combines spirit, mind, and body.


Liver rehabilitation from alcohol abuse.

Link: Viral Hepatitis, Alcoholic liver disease, Chronic Liver Diseases, and cirrhosis.

  • Liver disease has many causes. Still, the treatment is very much the same because, in all cases, the damage is caused by the loss of liver cells, decreased bile production, blockages of cholesterol stones, accumulation of toxins, and internal and external surface scarring.
  • Symptomatic liver disease patients will require a lengthy rehabilitation process, but improvement is already evident in the early stages.
  • At the energy level alcohol withdrawal is more challenging at the energy level than the liver rehabilitation process. Some self-healing treatments naturally overlap.


Self-healing principles of alcohol withdrawal process - Summary.

The desired alcohol withdrawal program should integrate Body, Mind, and Spirit. 

Mental and Spiritual Empowerment - Critical

Link: Mental and Spiritual Empowerment.

  • Love and emotional support (not just logistical), knowing that having someone with you has immense meaning in these difficult moments. With love and support, hope strengthens the energy of life and dramatically improves recovery chances.
  • Hypnosis. (Authorized only) Traumatic events are often kept subconscious and complex to locate on our own. Hypnotherapy requires patient collaboration. I needed many hypnosis-like sessions. In my opinion, most alcohol rehab patients will need several treatments to achieve the desired results.
  • Releasing tension and spiritual calm. (Such as yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi )
  • Acupuncture has excellent benefits without any side effects. Although it begins as a physical act, it is essentially an energetic action aimed at opening blockages along the body's energy channels (Meridians). Successful acupuncture can be painful, but the pain usually indicates effective treatment. (The pain stems from energy flow in a blocked life-force energy channel!)
  • Controlled Solar-baths. (Essential for proper physiology and charges the life-force energy.) Fear of contracting skin cancer and working indoors for many hours has created a situation where many people, even in sunny countries, are deficient in vitamin D. The sun soothes the mind and improves the mood!


Lifestyle and Eating habits.

  • Goodnight's sleep is imperative to achieve a successful alcohol withdrawal. Daytime sleep has no similar effect; sleep hours cannot be completed during the day.
  • Use of drugs and supplements. All drugs (and sometimes some supplements) harm the immune system. Do not expect the support of doctors to reduce medication.
  • Eating habits- Do not eat late at night. Eat comfortably and well-chewed. Late-night eating takes essential resources from the immune system to the digestive system.
  • Diet sugar-free and soft drinks - soft drinks and diet drinks harm many vital organs and damage the immune system.
  • Food composition - It is highly advisable not to combine high doses of carbohydrates with animal protein; they substantially affect insulin resistance. Animal proteins should be eaten with plant foods containing dietary fiber. It is desirable to pour natural oil on carbohydrates (preferably with a low glycemic index); it helps emulsify the digestive system.
  • Sex with emotions strengthens the life-force energy. (The problem of alcoholics is that they often lose the spousal relationship. ) Rebuilding a stable relationship with sex is very important to the rehab process. Sex with deep emotions can charge the life-force energy. 


Recommended Diet and Natural physical therapies.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

  • Eating & drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food & beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
  • Mechanical Detoxification. (By unblocking and cleansing the liver & kidneys.) Especially essential during detox attacks.
  • Exercise and massage to improve blood & lymphatic circulation. Regular exercise is essential for moving lymph fluid, the second line of body defense.
  • Food supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) restore the body's balance and deficiencies.


Summary, conclusions, and recommendations. 

The desired alcohol withdrawal program should integrate Body, Mind, and spirit. 

Why don't alcohol addicts respond to persuasion?

  • Alcoholics are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In addition, the subconscious partially paralyzes reason; thus, persuasion does not help heal alcohol addiction.

Recovery from alcoholic liver disease is divided into three parts.

  1. Cessation of drinking habits - An essential requirement for recovery.
  2. Adapting to new lifestyle habits and a healthy diet.
  3. Restoring the cumulative damage to the liver. (A long and challenging process, but possible.)

Although the physical part is particularly challenging and involves tremendous physical and mental effort, I consider rehab from drinking the most difficult.

The explanation of the Self-healing approach to an alcohol use disorder. (AUD)

  • This article deals with alcohol use disorder as an addiction phenomenon that usually begins in adolescence and continues through adulthood. We will also explain the underlying causes of alcohol use and address them using self-healing rehab methodologies. 
  • All addictions, including alcohol use, allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of extensive damage to many organs and systems.)
  • The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving an organism's critical life-force energy.
  • Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from addictive substances.
  • Therefore, rehab from alcohol addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)
  • Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) has far-reaching consequences; this article will focus mainly on Alcohol Withdrawal as the first stage toward recovery from Alcoholic Liver Disease. This article is a direct continuation of an article on chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Viral Hepatitis, Alcoholic liver disease, Chronic Liver Diseases & Cirrhosis.
Why do many alcohol withdrawal programs fail in the long run?
  • The main difficulty in most alcohol rehab programs stems from the need to release from the subconscious mind the specific traumatic, non-resolved event that caused the energy blockage, creating the need to drink alcoholic beverages. Cleansing the body of the addictive toxins is relatively easy compared to the energy part, which does not get any attention, mainly because Western culture does not acknowledge the existence of life-force energy.
  • Often, alcohol rehab programs do not address the human body's psychological-energetic side, so success rates are usually relatively low.
  • Drug treatment cannot "cure" any addiction, including alcohol use disorder. 

Economic aspects.

  • The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
  • Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and low quality of life, invest in self-healing, mainly economical, in the long run.

Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.

Link: How do you get started with self-healing therapies?

  • Following the principles & guidelines of self-healing medicine will cure the entire body mentally and physically.
  • The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in lifestyle & habits. The transformation is enormous in every aspect.
  • After symptoms improve, continuing the properly controlled lifestyle and diet is essential.


It may be almost impossible for some, but it can be done! May God be with you—recommended link: Forum discussions about Addictions - Alcohol and Smoking rehab.

I wish everyone, wherever they live, a successful withdrawal from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
What is addiction?
Addiction is a compulsive, repetitive action that, over time, causes harm to the addict or the environment (or both) that the addict is aware of, except that addicts do not control the addiction.
What is the reward mechanism of alcohol addiction?
The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival.
Is alcohol addiction a disorder?
Alcohol addiction is not a mental disorder or illness; it expresses unresolved mental traumas that the subconscious cannot contain. When the traumas break out, they create anomalies in the form of addictions.
Is alcohol addiction a quantitative definition?
The definition of addiction is a loss of control and a strong urge to drink alcoholic beverages at any given moment without rejecting immediate satisfaction. (Not quantitative)
Why do many alcohol withdrawal programs fail in the long run?
The main difficulty in most alcohol rehab programs stems from the need to release from the subconscious the specific traumatic unresolved event that caused the energy blockage, creating the need to drink alcoholic beverages.
What is the self-healing explanation for all Addiction reward mechanisms?
All addictions allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of damage to many organs and systems.)
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Alcoholic Beverages Addiction Withdrawal Methodology.
1. Are alcohol withdrawal workshops a recommended treatment?
Without a methodology of the causes of addictions in general and addiction to alcoholic beverages, many alcohol rehabilitation workshops were opened.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Rehab workshops with carefully selected group facilitators and participants are recommended solutions, but they are insufficient. Withdrawal from alcohol addiction requires eliminating the unresolved traumas that caused the addiction in the first place.
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06/04/2020 15:01
Harel Samuel
Jaundice is a fairly common symptom among patients (usually symptomatic) in chronic liver disease. The yellow color originates from liver biliary obstructions causing an undesirable increase in bilirubin.


05/04/2020 21:16

Is there a relationship between alcoholic liver disease and Alzheimer's disease?

19/02/2020 18:57
Harel Samuel
Dear Dileep Balaram Baedeker.
I hope I understood your question. The answer is that the leading causes of Alzheimer's are not by drinking alcoholic beverages. However, Alzheimer's patients who drink alcoholic beverages may worsen their condition.

Beat regards and wishes for good health,
Harel Samuel

I didn't get answer specific, whether it will turn to alz

19/02/2020 18:21
Dileep Balaram Baedeker.
I did get true specific answer ,is possibility of alzimer or notto alzimer or not ?


18/02/2020 13:37
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The HCV antibody can be carried without being actively sick with the disease.

09/02/2020 18:30
Harel Samuel
Dear Kimiti Lai,
Not posing a particular question, but I'm guessing you're asking about a positive HCV finding?

About 15% to 20% of those exposed to the HCV virus do not have chronic liver disease, their immune system at the time of infection has been able to eradicate the virus. Unfortunately, I was among the majority who developed chronic liver disease, usually quiet until the outbreak.

If there is a suspicion of chronic HCV, most doctors will ask for additional tests, such as viral load. If an active virus does exist, the virus genotype will be checked, among other things.

I wish you good health,

Best Regards,
Samuel Harel

Hepatitis C

09/02/2020 15:58
Kimti Lal
Hepatitis C positive


09/02/2020 15:57
Kimti Lal
HAV postv

I am willing to be criticized, but it is desirable to have a reason.

25/11/2019 8:31
Harel Samuel
Dear Afzal Miyan,
The SF-healing website presents a different approach than usual. I am willing to listen and hear other opinions, preferably reasoned. (The site is primarily based on my many years of experience as a severe chronic liver disease patient.)

Best regards,
Samuel Harel


24/11/2019 9:41
Afzal miyan
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