Chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH.

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Chronic prostatitis is a depressive disease that drugs cannot cure, nor are Chinese remedies. Strengthening the immune system is the only option.
Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis.

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

This article presents, in a simple way, the rich experience of 18 years, including prolonged stays in China, and all the ways to achieve full recovery from chronic prostatitis using the self-healing method. Anyone looking for shortcuts in the form of miracle drugs will find that there are none!


Introduction to chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, and BPH.

  • Exposure to various pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites) is the catalyst that triggers chronic prostatitis. Still, the underlying cause of the disease is a weak immune system, unable to overcome the invaders even though it recognizes them. Chronic prostatitis, including exotic "miracle" drugs, cannot cure chronic prostatitis. Healing requires prolonged strengthening of the immune system using self-healing tools.
  • Urologists sometimes refer to chronic prostatitis as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. (CPPC) It is the same disease, only under a different name. Chronic prostatitis often causes many annoying symptoms, including sexual dysfunction. The immune system fights the infection and inflammation it creates. It takes a lot of energy from the body; not much is left for sexual activity. If you cure chronic prostatitis, your sexual function will return to normal. The mood, too, will soar to the sky!

The immune system begins to weaken significantly between 45 and 50. Therefore, young chronic prostatitis patients' are usually due to unresolved mental traumas subconsciously stored. Chronic prostatitis is always the result of a weak immune system. The pathogen is the trigger, even if you get sick because of a bacterial, parasitic, or viral infection. The leading cause of the disease is the weakness of the immune system.


Both chronic prostatitis and chronic epididymitis are closely related to one another. I will treat both as one disease.

Both chronic prostatitis and chronic Epididymitis are closely related to one another.

Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis - Introduction and Brainstorming. 

Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis occurs only when the causes of the diseases (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.

  • All promises of miracle cures that bring about a quick recovery are false. The body does not work with schedules.
  • Symptomatic treatments (such as medications) usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.

Chronic prostatitis and epididymitis are very common for several reasons:

  • As there is a short distance from the penis to the prostate gland and the testicles, many prostatitis patients become exposed to sexually transmitted disease pathogens. (STD)
  • The prostate gland is moist with nutrients, providing pathogens a warm and nourishing environment.
  • The prostate gland has poor blood circulation and internal barriers preventing effective antibiotic treatment.

Chronic prostatitis short brainstorming. 

Unfortunately, conventional medicine does not fully understand chronic prostatitis. Therefore, it tries to kill the various pathogens unsuccessfully. In the chronic stage of any chronic infectious disease (including chronic prostatitis and epididymitis), pathogens are not the cause; they are only the triggers! The leading cause is a weak immune system.

  • Antibiotics and other medications are ineffective in curing chronic prostatitis because they treat the symptom, not its cause. Bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens are tools the body uses for detoxification.
  • The self-healing method's principles of combining body, mind & spirit allow the body to independently rehabilitate the immune system, thereby recovering from any acquired (non-genetic) chronic illness, including chronic prostatitis.
  • Internalizing the Holistic approach is essential - The prostate itself cannot be curable separately from the rest of the body. The entire body's immune system has to recover as well.
  • Since no single treatment or medication can cure chronic prostatitis, it is recommended that you read the entire article.

This article presents a different treatment approach and complete recovery from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis based on self-healing principles.

  • The self-healing method's principles of combining body, mind & spirit allow the body to rehabilitate the immune system, thereby initiating recovery from any acquired chronic illness, including Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis.

My experience with chronic prostatitis and epididymitis is immense. 

  • Chronic prostatitis and epididymitis are the ones that brought me to China in the first place at the age of 50. After two unbearable years, the Chinese doctor informed me I had chronic hepatitis C.
  • It turned out that I had been suffering from liver disease (HCV) for many years. (Decades before I first came to China.)
  • My struggle for recovery lasted 15 years of a daily battle for survival, during which I tried every possible treatment.

Are home remedies beneficial for chronic prostatitis and epididymitis patients?

  • Coconut oil has anti-parasitic properties, is easy to swallow, and has a soft buttery texture. Unfortunately, coconut oil alone cannot cure chronic prostatitis or chronic epididymitis. Lemon enemas, coffee, baking soda, and live probiotics can help strengthen the liver and are recommended as a comprehensive treatment.
  • Link: Therapeutic Enemas: Coffee, Baking soda, Lemon, MMS, and Probiotics.

Should chronic prostatitis and Epididymitis patients be advised to take a colloidal silver water solution? 

I do not recommend the treatment of silver ions because silver ions are not naturally found in the human body, and the treatment is only symptomatic. It is not treated by strengthening the immune system.

Chronic prostatitis cannot be cured by drugs of any kind or by Chinese herbal medicines. 

The massive use of antibiotics, anti-antifungal steroids, anti-parasitic drugs & herbal medications (including Chinese herbal remedies) cannot cure chronic prostatitis. 

I have extensive Chinese medical experience and have stayed intermittently in China for 17 years. Unfortunately, there is no effective herbal or pharmaceutical remedy for chronic prostatitis. 

  • Most men with chronic prostatitis took high antibiotic dosages in many cases combined with an antifungal treatment over long periods. Unfortunately, few are cured.
  • Some clinics promise a cure within 30- 60 days, but the body does not operate within time limits.
  • The body is designed by nature to be healthy and free of chronic disease. If you have one or more chronic inflammatory diseases, you probably need to change your lifestyle.
  • Frequent ejaculation takes a lot of Qi life-force energy. (Especially if it is empty sex without love.) It also weakens the immune system.

You can perform lab tests to determine which pathogens you carry (I did tests in China). However, this is unnecessary because your immune system should overcome all pathogens when you recover. 


Pathogen detection is often complex, but it is not critical. A robust immune system can eliminate any intruder.

There are two main methods of diagnosing the disease. (Both tests do not cover all possible diversity.) 

  1. Cultures of prostate fluid and seminal fluid. (Not very common.)
  2. Blood and urine tests to identify different pathogenic antibodies. 

The antibody in the blood does not necessarily indicate an active disease; the patient has been exposed to this pathogen, and his immune system "recognizes it."

  • The desire to discover what hit us when and where is human and clear. The main problem is that the information misleads the patient and makes him think he will recover through medication!
  • It will only be for knowledge, even if you know which pathogens you carry.
  • Drugs are unable to destroy pathogens in chronic conditions. The various pathogens are just catalysts, but the disease causes must be eliminated for recovery.
  • Doctors' diagnosis of bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis does not matter how they are treated using self-healing medicine.

Conventional treatment of the prostate's viral and fungal infections is exceptionally violent; it harms the liver and the immune system. It is not recommended.


Chronic prostatitis-related images.

Chronic prostatitis-related images.

Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis — Common Symptoms and Complications.

Urinary system.

  • Frequent Urination (Nocturia) is the result of a body with a high level of toxicity due to inflammation.
  • Urination pain & Discomfort - During urination.
  • Hesitant Urination - This is especially difficult at first in urination.
  • Burning Sensation. (Dysuria) - Infections in the groin area release potent toxins that cause a burning sensation in the urine.

Male reproductive system.

  • Erection difficulty - Partly due to fears and a feeling of discomfort.
  • Premature Ejaculation - The toxins create a strong stimulus that triggers premature ejaculation.
  • Painful Ejaculation - A widespread phenomenon.
  • Sperm fluid is present in a smaller amount than usual and sometimes murky and dark in color. (It may also contain blood residue.)
  • Nocturnal emissions result from the immune system's attempt to clear out accumulated toxins and start tissue regeneration, which occurs most of the night.
  • Redness & "Sweating" and Discomfort or Pain in the groin area - The body attempts to release toxins through sweating.

Common complications. (A detailed overview of best practices is below.)

  • Men with calcifications in the prostate. 
  • A hydrocele testis. (Accumulation of fluids around a testicle.)
  • Prostate Enlargement. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH) 
  • Varicose veins. (Varicose veins are one of the common causes of non-fertility in men.)

These distressing and severe symptoms will gradually subside after the infections in the groin area heal.


The fundamental causes of chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis. (Body, Mind, and Spirit.)

Exposure to pathogens is the catalyst for chronic prostatitis. However, the underlying cause of the disease is a weak immune system that cannot overcome the invaders even though it recognizes them.

  • In chronic prostatitis, pathogens are not a cause of the disease but only catalysts. The fundamental cause is always a weak immune system.

Lifestyle vs. Genetics.

  • An unhealthy lifestyle (Mental and physical)  is the leading cause of Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis. (80% or more). Genetics explains only a small part of the failures. (20% or less.)

The age factor - An unhealthy physical lifestyle vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As symptoms onset at a younger age (30 years or less), it is more likely that the weight of unresolved mental traumas is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that cell aging and death are cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.

Physical Body.

  • An unhealthy lifestyle reflected in Improper nutrition, high body toxicity, low physical activities, exposure to the sun, and lack of sleep manifests itself in:
    • The low flow of body fluids. (Blood, lymph, bile.)
    • Gut flora imbalance and parasite overgrowth cause a heavy load on the immune system.

Mind and Spirit.

Happiness, Love, Satisfaction, and other positive emotions charge life-force energy.

Anxiety, stress, disappointment, hate, fear, guilt, envy, and negative emotions deplete the life-force energy.

  • Traumatic, Unresolved mental and spiritual events from our past (usually subconscious) can cause low life-force energy flow. (Blockages in the flow of life-force energy have far-reaching physical and mental effects.)

The combined effect of body, mind, and spirit is a list of symptoms (Physical and mental).


  • Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
  • Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they cannot eliminate the disease's causes.


The perception of the human body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity is essential to achieving full recovery.

"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

  • By nature, we are focused on the disease we suffer from. Still, to understand and heal these diseases, it is essential to discover the mechanism common to all non-genetic long-term immune failure diseases.
  • Understanding the entire process will help us recover from the illness we are suffering from, improve our health, and prevent future diseases.
  • Link: The 4 groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.

The location and severity of the symptoms are not accidental. (This analysis is simplistic but thought-provoking.)

Link: Chakra (Wikipedia) Note: A simple search will provide more detailed diagrams with elaborated information. (Recommended)  

The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)

General and Introduction -  The concept of energy centers. (Chakras)

Only Traumatic, Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past may block the life-force energy. (Traumatic resolved mental & spiritual events do not block the energy centers.) 

  • These principles come from traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicine, balancing the body. Western medicine completely ignores the human body's energetic being and misses an opportunity to understand chronic disease formation deeply.
  • Diseases break out where life-force energy does not flow smoothly.
  • When discussing stress and anxiety as significant causes of chronic morbidity, we must deepen and label the traumatic emotions to release them consciously.


Mental-energetic analysis concerning chronic prostatitis and epididymitis, using the Chakras (energy centers) method. 

  • The diagram shows that the relevant male reproductive system organs are in centers 1-2. The corresponding possible traumatic emotions are probably related to Basic trust (fear), career, money mindset and sense of belonging, Sexuality, Pleasure, and Creativity. 
  • It was probably related to sexual trauma, betrayal, or sexual frustration.
  • Chronic inflammation is also related to energy centers (Chakras) 3,4. The corresponding possible traumatic emotions are probably associated with Wisdom, Personal Power, channel Love, Relationships, and self-acceptance.
  • Only the patient himself can interpret the traumatic events.
  • It is worth mentioning that only Traumatic, Unresolved mental and spiritual events from the past can block life force energy. 

My example is too simplistic but illustrates the idea and encourages self-searching.

  • The symptomatic organ should be adjusted to its energy center, and the traumatic emotions that block it must be identified and released.
    • You should consider assisting a certified hypnotist if the result cannot be reached through an internal search.
  • Prolonged and severe multi-system diseases must be restored according to the chronological order of symptoms.
  • In many cases (as in mine), the mix of traumatic emotions and several energy centers makes locating the energy block source challenging.
  • The right side is the male at the energetic level, while the left is related to the female and the offspring. Therefore, trauma with the mother or a brother, for example, will be expressed in different locations!

The severity of symptoms. 

  • The intensity of the symptoms is related to the body's general energy (in the central energy channel) and the energy level of the specific organ or organs.


Common complications of Chronic prostatitis and epididymitis. (Partial list)

These complications often lead to decreased sexual function and premature ejaculation caused by the stimulating toxins in the prostate.

A brief overview of each of these complications and recommended treatments.

  1. Men with calcifications in the prostate. 
  2. A hydrocele testis. (Accumulation of fluids around a testicle.)
  3. Prostate Enlargement. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH) underlying causes & treatment.
  4. Varicose veins and BPH - The Gat & Goren by Catheterization procedure.  


Men with calcifications in the prostate. 

Calcified sediments were removed from my prostate by the Chinese 3d clinic.

Prostate calcifications removed by 3d clinic, Changsha, China.  Prostate calcifications removed by 3d clinic, Changsha, China.

Causes and symptoms of prostate calcification.

  • The leading cause of prostate calcification is chronic prostatitis.
  • Prostate inflammations cause a build-up of toxins; without proper blood flow in the prostate, toxins cause crystallization that calcifies over time.
  • Common symptoms of prostate calcification:
    • The symptoms of prostate calcification depend on the location. (Often asymptomatic.)
    • The common symptoms are pain and discomfort during ejaculation and sexual intercourse.
    • Burning sensation and difficulty in urinating. (Sometimes also associated with benign prostatic enlargement.)


Self-healing methods to dissolve prostate calcifications.

It is possible to dissolve calcifications (sometimes partially) with the following protocols: 

  • Reduce inflammations all over the body by using self-healing detoxification and other anti-inflammatory methods.
  • Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed foods and beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.

Detoxification of the liver and Kidneys is helpful.

  • Drinking natural squeezed juices and liver and gallbladder flushes (it is also desirable to combine them with coffee enemas) releases many toxins. It allows the body to rehabilitate the damaged coronary arteries.
  • Regular kidney flush and steam sauna may help dissolve the formed toxins.

Vitamin K2 (Fat-soluble) regulates calcium and iodine homeostasis. Link: What to know about vitamin K-2.

  • Vitamin K-2 is present in small quantities in organ meats and fermented foods. Gut bacteria also produce vitamin K-2.
  • Vitamin K-1 occurs naturally in dark, leafy green vegetables and is the primary dietary source of vitamin K.

Food Rich in Vitamin K2.

  • Fermented soybeans.
  • Ground beef, chicken breasts, chicken liver. 
  • Egg yolks.
  • Ghee. (Purified butter)
  • Salami. - not recommended – smoked & processed.
  • Soft and Hard cheese – not recommended – processed dairy products.

Unprocessed food containing K2 is better absorbed. 

Regular food rich in vitamin K2 (only from natural sources) can help dissolve prostate calcifications.

  • Vitamin K1 (more available in many greens) can be converted to Vitamin K2 in the intestines. (With the help of good bacteria.)

Iodine regularly (for proper thyroid function) is essential to regulate calcium homeostasis. (The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt.)

Other Non-food methods:

  • Regular walking up and down stairs produces pressure on the prostate, improving blood flow.
  • Prostate massage to improve blood circulation in the groin area.
  • Control Sun baths produce vitamin D naturally. Vitamin D has a vital role in calcium homeostasis.
  • Acupuncture may help with the process. (Not exclusively)
  • It uses mainly herbal supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) to restore the body's balance and deficiencies.


Chinese 3D prostatitis clinic. Can dissolve calcifications with direct prostate injections. (Currently unavailable)  

I do not have any financial or other incentives from the Chinese clinic.

Link to the clinic website: 3D Urology and Prostate Clinics 

  • If prostate calcifications dissolve naturally and produce uncomfortable symptoms, they can take the 3D cure Chinese treatment.
  • It is much more effective to do this treatment in China without having severe prostate infections.
  • Treatment in China is recommended after reducing inflammation symptoms and practicing self-healing medicine for a few months.

I have many years of experience in 3D clinics in China. The attending doctors are experienced, skilled, decent, and honest, and they use advanced diagnostic techniques to identify the disease's pathogens. However, antibiotics and antifungal treatments are ineffective in the long term without profound lifestyle and nutrition changes and other essential self-healing therapies. The proposed 3D treatment for dissolving prostate calcifications is helpful, especially in mild infections.


A hydrocele testis. (Accumulation of fluids around a testicle.)

 A hydrocele testis. (Accumulation of fluids around a testicle.)

The cause of A hydrocele testis is usually chronic inflammation of the testicles and the groin area. (Epiiddimitis and Orchitis)

Hydrocele is a symptom caused by high toxicity levels in the groin area. Hydrocele formation is a self-defense mechanism that prevents further damage to the inner parts of the testicle. 


  • The fluid sac around the testicle usually does not cause pain but creates an unpleasant sensation and appearance.
  • Chronic prostatitis & epididymitis patients often develop hydroceles. It is rather unpleasant and may cause embarrassment.
  • Hydroceles may appear if the body cannot correctly detoxify, especially in the groin area. It might signify long-term chronic prostatitis or a more severe condition.

Hydrocele testis size fluctuates.

  • The hydrocele size is not constant; it fluctuates according to the toxicity levels of the groin area.
  • Pumping the fluid reduces swelling for a few days. Unfortunately, the liquid returns to its previous condition within a few days.
  • Hydrocele testis cannot be cured with drugs or Chinese herbal remedies.

Hydrocele surgery. (Not recommended)

  • Medical centers worldwide perform the surgery with assurances that the phenomenon will not return in the future! (I doubt that is the case.)
  • Symptomatic treatments such as hydrocele surgery usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.
    • Watching videos of the surgery leaves me doubt about the future damage to the testicle, not to mention the risks of infections and other hazards.
    • The main problem with this type of solution is that it treats the symptoms (without eliminating the cause), and many patients report that their hydroceles return after a few years!  
  • If an operation is suggested, postpone it until all tests and symptoms show that the entire body's inflammation and groin area are cured. Then, the hydrocele will disappear, so you do not need surgery!

Natural and non-invasive treatment using self-healing medicine. 

  • Self-healing is the only root alternative that guarantees a complete and long-term solution.
  • If the groin area is cleansed of toxins, the hydrocele will gradually shrink until it completely disappears. (There are no causes, and there are no symptoms.)
  • The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in lifestyle and habits. However, the transformation is enormous in every aspect. 


Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH) underlying causes & treatment.

Prostate Enlargement. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH)
Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH)
  • Benign prostatic enlargement (BPH) is widespread, especially among men aged 40.
  • BPH side effects often meaningfully impair life quality; searching for solutions is understandable and natural.
  • The various drugs offered (including herbal medicines) are not helpful in the long term. (Exactly for the same reasons I have said that chronic prostate inflammation cannot be cured by medication.)
The underlying causes of BPH are recurrent inflammation of the prostate and genitals. (Usually without acute symptoms) 
  • Varicose veins result from high blood pressure, caused by the need to pump more blood into the inflamed area; over time, the blood vessels dilate and form varicose veins.
  • As a result of varicose veins, the male hormone testosterone reaches the prostate (instead of the bloodstream). It causes an increased division of cells that leads to benign prostate enlargement.


The Gat-Goren procedure. (Varicose veins and BPH)

Varicose veins are one of the common causes of non-fertility in men.

Link: Gat Goren clinic.

Dr. Yigal Gat and Dr. Menachem Goren have found the origin of the evolution of prostate enlargement. In articles published worldwide, they reported the newly found testosterone route to reach the prostate in high concentration directly from the testes. (Instead of getting the bloodstream.)

I underwent this procedure in 2009. It saved me from further prostate damage due to my terrible liver condition. 

  • The Gat-Goren catheterization treatments have many benefits. (This is not only for patients with enlarged prostates (BPH).
  • The main benefits are improving blood flow and regulating blood pressure in the groin area.
  • It is a relatively simple procedure with no side effects.
  • It might not be available everywhere, and it is also quite expensive.
  • In my opinion, the Gat & Goren procedure is the most fundamental and successful invasive solution today.
The most effective treatments for benign enlargement of the prostate. (BPH) 
  • The catheterization of the blood vessels using the Gat-Goren method is the most effective invasive treatment. The main drawback is that the problem may recur if prostate inflammation is not treated. It is also a relatively expensive treatment that is not available to everyone.
  • Self-healing that naturally eliminates the body's inflammation, including the prostate, may improve the condition. It will allow the body to shrink the prostate and restore the damaged blood vessels.
    • Of course, this is the most fundamental treatment; its main disadvantage is maintaining a strict lifestyle and diet. (Not a simple task in modern times.)
  • Combining treatment with the Gat-Goren method and eliminating infections through self-healing methods will bring about the best possible outcome for those who can afford it.


Full recovery from chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis 


The first stage of recovery from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis - How to start?

Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.

Links: | Self-Healing Medicine – Main principles and guidelines.How to get started with self-healing therapies? |

Self-healing is a challenging process that often involves changes in diet and lifestyle. The first stages of adaptation are the most difficult. Don't expect your attending physicians (they believe and know only the conventional methods), so support from your spouse, family, and friends is critical.

  • Adopting the treatments and lifestyle changes that suit your condition would be best. However, "The Balanced diet," Liver & kidney cleansing, is usually needed.
  • The benefits of adopting a self-healing lifestyle are immense; discipline and strong willpower are mainly required in the early stages.

If you followed self-healing principles for at least three months without significantly improving symptoms, the more systemic inflammation you have, the more time you need and the more intense treatments you will need.

  • A urine pH of 6.0 or below usually indicates that the intestines are too acidic. It can suggest that gut flora is imbalanced!

If you seek doctors' advice about self-healing from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis, do not expect your doctor's support for self-healing medicine.

Link: Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative) Medicine.

I recommend everyone delve into the principles of self-healing before deciding and learning the differences between conventional medicine and self-healing medicine.

  • Deciding which way to choose is always the patient's decision; the support of family and friends is vital.
  • Doctors don't like undermining their authority; they usually see themselves as the one who knows what's right for you! 
  • In my experience of self-healing, especially from severe illnesses, many questions arise. Understanding and believing along the way is critical to success. Self-healing is challenging and accompanied by ups and downs. It is effortless to break down in the healing process, but success comes thanks to perseverance.


Self-healing medicine works on the physical body, mind, and spirit to eliminate the causes of chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis.

(Beneficial for both bacterial chronic prostatitis and non-bacterial chronic prostatitis.)


List of main self-healing principles and guidelines concerning chronic prostatitis and epididymitis. (In one sentence each.)


  • Changing one's lifestyle is usually the main obstacle to achieving recovery. But the rewards are outstanding. 
  • Adopting the treatments and nutrition recommendations that best suit your condition would be best. However, liver and kidney cleansing is usually necessary.
  • Do not underestimate the importance of the mental & spiritual parts.

We are harnessing the extraordinary capabilities of Self-Healing.

  • Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.
  • Our body, mind & spirit are reflections of each other.
  • The influence of our mind & spirit on our physical body is immense. 
  • I prefer to call it Complementary Alternative Medicine. (CAM) "Self-healing medicine."

Chronic prostatitis - The Holistic approach of self-healing.

  • The location of symptoms does not necessarily reveal the main problem.
  • A single organ or system cannot be cured independently of the rest of the body. The entire immune system must also recover.

Desirable sexual conduct during the recovery period.

Men with erectile dysfunction need to know that the condition is reversible. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, your erection will return to normal!

  • It is important to emphasize that the disease does not harm the sexual fantasies of men with the disease; there is no point in fighting the fantasies through suppressing sexual arousal (this does not work) but through recovering from the illness.

Link: Sex with love - Elevates the Life-force energy, making it essential to maintain good health.

Men with permanent spouses should tell the truth and explain their situation. Support is vital in the recovery process.

  • Avoiding a binding relationship is understandable but perpetuates an undesirable traumatic situation.
  • An excellent married relationship can significantly help a man's recovery process. A deep emotional connection with a woman will allow the spouse to support and assist in healing. Assuming that no woman will be interested is fundamentally wrong.
  • An excellent married relationship will make a recovery much quicker and more comfortable. Love plays a significant role in this process.
  • Some men have erectile dysfunction that makes it difficult to put on a condom, so it is advisable to have non-ejaculating sex inside a vagina.  
  • Sexual discharge in prostitutes (including a condom) is a low recipe for recovery. Some of them are the carriers of many pathogens.
  • Anal sex is not recommended - mainly due to hygiene problems.

Women can also contract chronic infectious diseases of reproductive organs.

  • It is usually necessary that the spouse is checked to ensure that she is not a contagious infectious disease patient carrier.
  • It is essential to strengthen the emotional connection with the spouse. Many women enjoy sex without penetration—a spouse's emotional and physical
  • assistance - critical to recovery.

Self-Healing Lifestyle Recommendations.

  • Try to minimize your medication intake. (It all harms the immune system.)
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) are not recommended, damaging the immune system.
  • Chew well, take a break, eat comfortably, and do not eat late at night.
  • Squeeze one lemon and drink it with lukewarm water each morning on an empty stomach. (You can add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.)
  • Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
  • Regular physical exercise and massage.
  • Sound 7-8 hours of night sleep.

Chronic prostatitis - Specific lifestyle recommendations.

  • Moderate ejaculation frequency to prevent Qi Life-force drainage.
  • Try to Improve blood circulation to the prostate and groin area:
    • Walking regularly improves blood circulation.
    • Prostate massage is a bit painful but can improve blood circulation.
    • Sitting for many hours or riding horses or bicycles blocks blood circulation to the prostate; it is not recommended.
    • Putting a sponge pillow under your chair is recommended to improve blood circulation.
  • Drinking plenty of water or green tea (sugar-free) is especially recommended. Drinking helps to wash the toxins out of the body.

The self-healing allegedly paradox - A few symptoms during recovery may be more severe, but other symptoms disappear!

  • Be aware that self-healing has ups and downs; it does not indicate it does not work. The last stage might be the hardest because the immune system becomes more responsive. (Light fever and fatigue during self-healing are usually signs of recovery.)     


Mental and Spiritual enhancement principles. (Often underestimated.)

Link: Mental and spiritual enhancement.

  • Lifestyle changes, with more relaxation and sleep.
  • Releasing Non-resolved stressful events from the past. (To restore the life-force energy flow.)
  • Strengthening positive emotions and faith.

Chronic prostatitis patients should consider hypnosis. (Authorized only)

The use of hypnosis may be perceived by many as unrelated to their illness, but releasing mental distress has far-reaching effects on the body. 

  • The traumatic non-resolved issues may be from the distant past; in most cases, it is difficult for the patient alone to reconstruct the events independently.
  • Since the energetic flushing technique is unavailable to most patients, you may want to consider using hypnosis experts to release traumatic, non-resolved stress from the past that blocks the Qi life-force energy.
  • Through hypnosis, it may be possible to reconstruct traumatic non-resolved events and release the stress that blocks the Qi life-force energy and thus causes sickness.
  • Hypnosis may be an essential therapeutic tool but not an exclusive treatment.


Physical body enhancement principles.

  1. Eating and drinking a large, balanced variety of unprocessed food & beverages helps initiate the body's natural regeneration process.
  2. Mechanical Detoxification. (By unblocking and cleansing the liver & kidneys.)
    1. Liver cleansing includes drinking natural squeezed juices, coffee, and baking soda—probiotic enemas of live bacteria.
  3. Exercise and massage to improve blood and lymphatic circulation.
  4. Controlled Solar-baths. (Essential for proper physiology and charges the life-force energy.)
  5. Acupuncture can restore the life-force energy flow and relieve pain.  
  6. It uses mainly herbal food supplements and antioxidants (as little as possible) to restore the body's balance and deficiencies.


Detailed overview of physical body principles to recover from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis.


An anti-inflammatory diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.

An anti-inflammatory diet and proper eating habits are essential for recovery.

Nutritional recommendations for chronic prostatitis patients.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

In my experience, very few chronic prostatitis patients have a proper diet & eating habits, even though many believe they are eating healthy!


  • Fats, protein, carbohydrates, and natural sugars are needed; it is wrong to completely deny one of the macronutrients.
  • The need for various foods (mainly from plants) allows the body to get all the nutrients (enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, dietary fiber, antioxidants) through food and drinks. High-quality and varied foods and sun-controlled exposure almost eliminate the need for sometimes harmful supplements and absorb less than quality food.

Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis patients may suffer from severe farting.

  • Imbalances in intestinal flora often manifested themselves in farting. Farting during the recovery period is often a positive sign! (Contrary to what is commonly thought) They reflect attempts by good bacteria to control the parasites. (Dead parasites release gas.)
  • Taking control of the good bacteria over the parasites is usually accompanied by much farting. This process can take several months. There is no need to panic and see the recommended diet as if it failed; on the contrary!


Recommended food: 

  1. Start your morning by drinking one cup of squeezed lemon juice with lukewarm water. (It is even better if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + one tablespoon of olive oil.)
  2. Vegetablesfruits, seeds, sprouts, roots, legumes, and berries.   
  3. Low-medium-glycemic-index starches such as rice, sweet potato, taro root, spelled, and quinoa are good choices. (Add a teaspoon of coconut oil, Ghee pure butter, or other natural oils for better absorption.)
  4. Eat deep-water fish 2-3 times a week. They are less contaminated and also have high omega-3 and vitamin D3 content.
    • Fish is easy to digest and does not create a very acidic environment in the intestines.
  5. Organic range-free eggs (especially egg yolk) are excellent emulsifiers due to their high lecithin content. (Good quality egg yolk has an orange color.)
    • Egg yolk is rich in vitamin D3.
  6. Berries are among the most potent antioxidants, and they can be combined with fruit, goat yogurt, cinnamon, and walnuts. (Likeyogurtrobiotics, YoYogurtay causes gas bloating, which is usually a good sign.)
  7. The liver, in particular, benefits from all-natural bitter foods. (Such as grapefruit and dark chocolate.)
  8. Dietary fiber (found only in plant-based diets) is essential for gut recovery. It might cause a reaction like gas bloating. (Fiber helps to feed the good bacteria.)
  9. Fermented products with natural live bacteria, such as goat yogurt or natural kombucha, are essential for good health.
  10. Consuming high-quality fats like Olive oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, Ghee (purified butter), and coconut oil, together with fiber, helps lubricate the lining of the intestinal walls. It is essential for replenishing good bacteria and helping regenerate intestinal wall tissue.
  11. Regular eating of bone marrow (possibly in soup) is especially recommended.
  12. Consuming Iodine regularly (for proper thyroid function) is essential. (The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt.)
  13. Consuming sulfur-rich foods such as avocado, onion, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale can strengthen the immune system.

Which bread is the healthiest? (Sprouted, rye, spelled, or whole flour sourdough bread.) 

  • Healthy bread is dense and tends to be massive. (Especially bread made without yeast.)
  • Bread with low gluten is best. Most healthy bread has low gluten. (Although not zero percent gluten)
  • There are many bread recipes. Most people do not bake their bread, so buying bread from a reliable source is essential. The best are small specialized bakeries that deliver organic whole-grain sourdough bread.
  • Sprouted bread is most recommended for everyone. Sprouting releases enzymes that break the grain shell. Sprouted bread has low gluten and is easier to digest because enzymes break the grain shell. (which is hard to digest)
  • Low-calorie bread is less dense and weighs less. Heavy bread makes you feel full faster.

Avoid eating white flour and yeast bread; they disturb the balance of gut flora. The typical Indian Chappati bread is dense and often unsuitable for chronic prostatitis patients. 


Recommended beverages:

  • Water, tea (without sugar or milk), black coffee (without sugar or milk), and freshly squeezed juice. (It should not be too sweet.)
    • Drinking fresh juice might cause gas bloating. It is inevitable and part of the recovery process.

Due to possible damage to the intestinal wall, adequate discipline is required in eating and drinking.

  • The list of foods and beverages not recommended until symptoms significantly improve is pretty long, but that should not surprise anyone.
  • Eat food that is mainly cooked, soft, warm, and moist early is recommended. (Easier to digest)
  • The additional nutrients that the body needs for recovery will come from drinking natural, fresh-squeezed juices.


Food and beverages are not recommended. Minimize consumption.

  • All Processed food, smoked food, preservatives, and canned food. (Huge category.)
  • Soft drinks of all kinds, including diet beverages. 
  • Plain sugars and high-glycemic starches (such as white flour products, potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cakes, etc.)
  • Eating high doses of sweet fruits. (Grapes and watermelon, especially, contain glucose.) Sugars can create an imbalance in gut flora.   
  • Trans-fats (found in many industrialized products) like Margarine are very harmful.
  • Yeast bread. (Sourdough bread is much better.)
  • Dairy products are unsuitable for chronic prostatitis patients as they contain too many proteins and create an acidic environment in the intestines. Yogurt milk or yogurt is much better. (Limited quantities.)
  • High gluten content products. (Gluten protein is found in most cereals. Gluten tends to adhere to intestinal walls and will probably aggravate symptoms.)
  • Reduce meat and poultry consumption by 50% or more. (Meat and poultry are hard to digest and create a high-acidity environment in the intestines.)
  • Spicy hot foods are usually beneficial, but they may worsen symptoms. (Dead pathogens release toxins and gas - the Herxheimer effect.)
  • It is not recommended to eat large amounts of carbohydrates and animal proteins. (This includes meat or dairy products with potatoes or other high-glycemic starches.)


Recommended eating habits.

It is advisable to eat two main meals a day plus snacks (for those who need them). Dinner should be easy to digest and early, maximum up to 7 in the evening, because most tissue regeneration occurs during sleep. The digestive system needs constant rehabilitation; prolonged breaks between meals are preferable to continuous eating.

  • Minimize eating away from home, preferably taking home food to work and not buying outside.
  • Prepared food deliveries are a terrible alternative! They contain processed and industrialized food at the most harmful levels.
  • Chew well, take a break, and eat comfortably.
  • Do not eat late at night.
  • Intermittent fasting (not with zero calories) has many benefits.
  • Fresh vegetables should be sprinkled with olive oil or other oils such as hemp or flaxseed.
  • Add a little fat with a higher melting temperature, such as coconut oil or Ghee butter, boiled or baked starches, or vegetables. (Although they are saturated fats.)
  • Especially after a meal that includes animal protein (which is more difficult to digest), taking a short 20-30-minute walk at a moderate speed is recommended. Walking helps the digestive process.

We eat with all our senses, so filling the plate with various vegetables seasoned with oils and spices is desirable. (This includes aromatic salt.)


Coffee and baking soda enemas are beneficial.

Coffee and baking soda enemas are beneficial.

The ultimate liver, gallbladder, and kidney detoxification are explained.

Recommended links: | Juicing principles | Coffee enemas | Liver and Gallbladder flush |

The liver and kidneys fill a long list of critical metabolic processes. A burden on one creates a burden on the other, so it is necessary to address both.

Liver detoxification: Freshly squeezed juices, coffee enemas, liver flushes.

  • Why is combining freshly squeezed juice with liver and gallbladder flushes and coffee enemas powerful? 
  • Fresh juice supplies the body with all the needed nutrients, such as vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes, and antioxidants. It elevates the body's energy and helps the liver produce more bile.
  • Liver flushes (especially when adding apple cider vinegar) can dissolve and remove solidified bile stones resulting from high toxicity levels.
  • Coffee enemas are much more effective when the bile ducts are not blocked. (Because the movement inside the liver is through the bile ducts.) 
  • Coffee enemas have an almost immediate effect on the liver and intestines. When the body has lower toxicity levels, the body's energy will improve significantly. Therefore, the immune system can fight all pathogens much more effectively.


Exercise and massage, Controlled Solar-baths, Acupuncture, and Food supplements.

  • Regular exercise is essential because the lymphatic fluid (3 times the amount of blood in our body) is a significant part of the immune system and cannot function without the body's movement.
  • The sun has extraordinary healing properties. It is not the cause of skin cancer, and moderate, controlled exposure has beneficial effects, especially on many systems in the body, including the immune system.
  • Acupuncture does not involve any side effects and has exceptional properties when combined with a comprehensive treatment.
  • Good-quality food and beverages with high nutritional value should always be preferred over supplements. However, a few (though not many) carefully selected supplements might be necessary during the recovery process.


Summary, conclusions, and recommendations.

  • Chronic prostatitis cannot be cured with drugs or Chinese herbal remedies. But only by strengthening the immune system using the self-healing method. 

Chronic prostatitis underlying causes.

  • Chronic prostatitis is not an incurable disease! The underlying causes of chronic prostatitis are an unhealthy lifestyle combined with anxiety & traumatic Non-resolved events from the past.
  • Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
  • Symptomatic treatments usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.

The age factor - An unhealthy physical lifestyle vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As symptoms onset at a younger age (30 years or less), it is more likely that the weight of unresolved mental traumas is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that cell aging and death are cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect.

Prolonged use of medications and supplements. (Including herbal supplements.)

  • Taking analgesics for relatively short periods is sometimes necessary when the pain does not allow proper functioning.
  • Painkillers cannot cure the disease but only moderate the symptoms, so the aim is to minimize their use to the minimum possible.
  • Prolonged use of most drugs, especially non-herbal drugs, has side effects (sometimes intolerable) and cumulative damage to the body that comes out of balance.
  • The use of dietary supplements is excessive and sometimes even harmful. A balanced and appropriate diet with naturally fermented products (or live probiotics) and controlled exposure to the sun are recommended to minimize dietary supplements for those who are not vegan.

Common complications of chronic prostatitis and epididymitis.

  • Calcifications in the prostate.
  • A hydrocele testis. (Accumulation of fluids around a testicle.)
  • Prostate Enlargement. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH.)
  • Varicose veins & BPH - The Gat & Goren by Catheterization procedure.  

Economic aspects.

  • The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
  • Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and low quality of life, make self-healing exceptionally economical in the long run.

Self-healing is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed.

Link: How do you get started with self-healing therapies?

  • A good married relationship makes a recovery much quicker and more comfortable. Love plays a significant role in this process. 
  • Following the principles & guidelines of self-healing medicine will cure the entire body mentally and physically. (Including both bacterial and Non-bacterial prostatitis.)
  • When prostate infections are cured, the complications may as well disappear. 
  • The main drawback of self-healing is the need for changes in lifestyle and habits. However, the transformation is enormous in every aspect.
  • After symptoms improve, continuing the properly controlled lifestyle and diet is essential.


Recommended link: Forum discussions about Chronic Prostatitis, Epididymitis, and BPH.

I wish all men, wherever they live, full recovery from chronic prostatitis and epididymitis—good health and a better quality of life.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why is drug treatment ineffective in curing chronic prostatitis?
Because the immune system is too weak to overcome the various pathogens.
Is it possible to heal from chronic prostatitis and epididymitis?
It is possible to completely recover from this terrible disease, not through drug treatment but through strengthening the immune system.
Why is it not critical to identify the pathogens that damage the prostate and cause chronic prostatitis?
It is pretty challenging to identify the wide variety of potential pathogens. Even if you know precisely which pathogens caused the disease - drug treatment is not practical. Strengthening the immune system will make your body eliminate them all!
Why does chronic prostatitis impair sexual function and achieving an erection?
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis impair the ability to experience pleasure from sex. The immune system's energetic effort to neutralize the pathogens that have damaged the prostate weakens sexual ability. Frequent depression affects sexual function, especially if the patient experiences trauma with a partner who is close to him.
What is very characteristic of young chronic prostatitis patients? (ages 35 and under)
Patients with chronic prostatitis at young ages often remain single. They are in a deep depression that prevents them from thinking clearly. They tend to try wonder remedies that only deepen their depression. There are no miracle cures!) only recognition of acceptance will allow recovery from the disease. (It is recommended to get acquainted with the Kübler-Ross grief model.
Is it recommended for patients who have chronic prostatitis to get married?
Living with a loving and supportive partner dramatically improves the chances of recovery. Prostitutes are an inferior solution that perpetuates the disease. The spouse is supposed to know the subject of the disease; there is no reason to ruin life because of chronic prostatitis. It is essential to understand that this is a curable disease, but only by naturally strengthening the immune system.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Chronic Prostatitis, Epididymitis, and BPH.
1. Whether recovery from chronic prostatitis requires complete identification of all pathogens that caused the infection and inflammation.
Many patients are faced with this issue, not knowing that it is not mandatory to identify all the pathogens that cause chronic prostatitis.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
The only way to recover from chronic prostatitis is through continuous strengthening of the immune system, which is built to eliminate any invader! Including bacteria, viruses, and various parasites.
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Herpes Cure

23/10/2024 16:05
Dr Tunde
Do you know that Herpes (HSV) has a cure?
My name is Dr. Tunde Francis, I’m a traditional Herbal Medicine Doctor. I specialize in treating all kinds of diseases and infections using Herbs and Roots. My Major areas of concentration are Shexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). I have the Herbal Cure for Herpes (HSV). I have treated more than 165 patients that have Herpes (HSV 2) and all of them were cured. My herbal medicine is 100% safe, there are no side effects and You will start seeing clear results as early as 7 days. You can reach me on Phone [ +2348029666702 ].

I also treat other infections, like Human papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Diabetes, Leukemia, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Autism, insomnia (Herbal Medicines to stop insomnia & give you good night sleep), Fibroids, Infertility, Overweight (Obesity) and Alzheimer and other deadly infections. My herbal Cure for Obesity is very effective, you can lose as much as 10KG in 21 days with my herbs. If you have been taking conventional medicines for that Herpes infection and you are still having those re-occuring outbreaks, why don't you try Herbal Medicines and see it get cured in weeks.  For more information, send me an E-mail [ ]

Visit my website:

Prostatitis symptoms

13/05/2024 9:50
Prostatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland, which is a part of the male reproductive system. Symptoms of prostatitis can vary depending on the type of prostatitis and its severity. Here are some common symptoms associated with prostatitis:


08/05/2024 14:03
Prostatitis can have various causes, including bacterial infections, pelvic muscle tension, nerve damage, or even autoimmune reactions. Lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise can also contribute. Understanding the root cause is essential for effective treatment and prevention strategies. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help identify individual triggers and develop a tailored plan for managing this condition.


How i got rid of HSV-2 completely through natural remedies

29/08/2022 13:00
Alley Erica
I tested positive for HSV-2 a few months ago. At first, yes, I was devastated thinking I have an incurable STD for life. After doing hours of research I quickly realized genital herpes is a filthy parasite that just likes to hide in your body. Yes, there’s no “medical cure” but that doesn’t mean your body can’t get rid of it. I literally flush it out of my system with the help of Dr. Azu natural herbal medication which I ordered after doing some research. And now I’m HSV-2 Negative, I never believed it until my doctor finally gave me the test results and behold I was HSV free. I’m so glad that I found you Dr. Azu. Thanks so much for your goodness I’m grateful. You can also get your help from him through his Whats App Contact for fast communication +2347087313747 OR  Email: .

prostatitis cure

09/03/2022 1:16
Ivy Hoos
My Dad's BPH symptoms started with frequent urge to urinate, delay in initiating urination, and moved to a slow urinary flow. When he told us, he had BPH; we did not take it seriously. Other symptoms followed and it became a concern for the family as he began to feel pains. He took medications as treatment for several years with no cure, coupled with side effects he had. In order to get help, I spent time and searched for a natural treatment on the internet. About 2 years ago, I stumbled on a cure review of enlarged prostate, I followed the link shared, and got to read about Dr. Mohan natural medicine, I obtained the herbal medicine and in 3 months after treatment, scan revealed normalized prostate size with all symptoms gone. Write Ajay for inquiry.


27/08/2020 14:37
Hi! Dealing with prostatitis can be very frustrating and a lot of men start to feel depressed. But there is a great number of us out there struggling with the same or similar problems. I had severe prostatitis episodes for years. It completely ruined my sex life and social life. The urge to pee almost constantly had led me to avoid social gatherings ( I felt embarrassed to be forced to excuse myself from the room to use the toilet for the 100th time ). So after some time feeling depressed I decided I will try my best to find a way out of the situation. I consulted my urologist and took my medications regularly. And I started researching. I changed my eating habits ( no spicy food, no more too much salt, lots of vegetables, cooked food, less fried foods, and fast foods), I started to do some mild exercises for prostate ( you can find them on youtube), I started taking hot baths ( felt instant relief), I also masturbated less and I researched herbal remedies that could help with my symptoms. I started taking saw palmetto, zinc, and lycopene and it did me good. All that in combination with my medications and continuing with that lifestyle didn't erase the symptoms and from time to time it strikes me back but comparing to what it was before this is nothing. I am adding you a link where you can get more information and I hope you will feel better soon. don't give up!

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle and proper diet?

10/05/2020 13:45
Harel Samuel
Surprisingly, a large number of patients who contact me believe that They are eating a healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. After a more in-depth look (in my private email), it turns out that this is not a correct picture.

Yours sincerely,
Samuel Harel

Chronic prostatitis

29/04/2020 7:42
I was addicted to mastrubation from early twenties but never felt any issues apart from mild IBS, but in 2018 I was diagnosed with sever typhoid due to food poison, and under antibiotics for over 3months, even I have mastrubated several times during this time also felt weak body due to strict diet, one day I was mastrubated twice in early morning only felt nerve damage at left flank area that's it till now I am facing problems of severe IBS and weak urine flow, frequent,low output, but from one last 2months prostatitis symptoms where triggering like anything I am helpless depressed feeling lonely.

I am aware that this is a long article full of details. I recommend printing and reading carefully.

27/11/2019 1:11
Harel Samuel
Dear Nuru Jamal,
The self-healing method requires an understanding of its principles before a lifestyle change begins. I recommend you read the entire article carefully.

You can contact me directly via the website email

Best regards and wishes for fast recovery.

Samuel Harel


26/11/2019 12:23
Nuru Jamal
Please suggest us about the treatment of Prostatitis . I have badly suffer this disease . Please also help me to give your address details .


Nur Jamal

How to get started natural Self-healing therapies.

09/11/2019 3:12
Harel Samuel
Hi Fulchan Ali,
I recommend you first read the entire article. You should understand the main principles of Self-healing. The first physical step is usually changing eating habits & nutrition, along with juicing. If you need additional guidance, try to be more specific.
I am available anytime on the website e-mail.

I wish you a full recovery as fast as possible.
Harel Samuel

Chronic prostatitis

08/11/2019 21:06
Fulchan Ali
Sir , many many thanks to you for share your experience , I read all this pages , I have chronic prostatitis since 6 years and continue ..... , I think it is effective for me ,can I sms with you for my problem.


15/09/2019 7:56
In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak to every spirit of infirmity in my body, any infections, or illnesses; I speak to you all along with all your leaders, backup, forces of retaliation, your root sources, and all your associates. I bind you all! Disable you all! Bind your excrement to you all! And demand you all to go directly to the feet of Jesus Christ and to never return to me! For the power and authority has been handed down to me from Jesus, and it is written that; ‘No weapon formed against a Child of God shall prosper’ there for you must obey! I call upon my Holy Warring angels for backup and reinforcements, and to see to it that all evil spirits would leave now! I demand these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, and I plead down the blood of Jesus Christ from heaven to wash me clean of any infirmity. Amen!


28/06/2019 3:46
Harel Samuel
Dear Antony Gordon,
• The surgical procedure you have undergone is characteristic of young people. Symptoms of frequent urination usually indicate a body with a high toxicity level.
• The antibiotics that you take are powerful, it also systematically destroys the good bacteria in your intestines, causing an imbalance between the good bacteria and the parasites, which creates a heavy burden on the immune system.
• A bad smell of seminal fluid (which in your case contains only the prostate fluids) indicates inflammation that has probably not yet passed.
• Recommend you to read the juicing article and the balanced diet article as well, you will find their essential information.

Recommended :
• You are a young person; it is essential to make sure that your liver and kidney functions are normal. If your urine test indicates urine with a pH of 6 or less, it is systemic inflammation. (One that can be cured quite easily.)
• If you are still taking any medication - recommend that you stop immediately. (Note that oral antifungal drugs are strictly prohibited.)
o Do not expect your doctor to support ending the medication.
• Start your morning by drinking one cup of squeezed lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water. (It is even better if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + one tablespoon of olive oil.)
• Because you have taken a strong antibiotic for a long time, you must restore the intestinal flora. The best way is by using fermented natural ingredients such as goat yogurt or cambuca tea.
• The addition of probiotics of living bacteria (only) stored in the refrigerator may be beneficial to you. Note that gas reactions may occur. (Indicative of the presence of parasites in the digestive tract)
• You probably manage a reasonably healthy lifestyle. Recommend you to make a list of the products you take. I estimate that some of the products you are eating are not suitable for your current situation. Note that you better switch to sourdough bread and gluten-free products. It is imperative to eat vegetables with oil (olive or other natural oil), and other dishes must contain natural fat. (Coconut oil and ghee butter helps restore the bowel tissue)
• After dinner (not before bedtime) you can take bentonite clay, it absorbs toxins in vast quantities. It will cause frequent urination, followed by prolonged relaxation. (cheap)
• If you can get into a steam sauna, sit in the sauna twice for 10 minutes each, in between, you can take bathe in lukewarm water. The sauna is very relaxing, lowers blood pressure (temporary) and releases excess salts. After a sauna, you will feel a sharp drop in urinary frequency.
Drinking fresh juice at least 2-3 times a week will help you to improve your immune functions. Although you already drink fresh juice, I advise you to read the article concerning the juicing principles.

There is a full list of all the nutritional recommendations that are appropriate for you in the balanced diet article.

You can contact me direct email whenever you need additional advice.

Best wishes for fast recovery,

Samuel Harel

Chronic prostatitis cannot be treated with medications.

20/06/2019 3:44
Harel Samuel
Dear Sachin,
I understand that you have been suffering from severe symptoms for a long time. Chronic prostatitis is a non-fatal disease, but severely affects the quality of life.

Your English is excellent; I recommend you take a few days to read the materials on the site, you will probably need more than a change in diet. The treatment is not expensive and can be done in your home under the conditions that are convenient for you.

Unfortunately, I have a rich and extraordinary experience of 13 years of uncontrolled infections because of severe liver disease. There is no medication (regardless of price) for chronic prostate infections. The Chinese pills are a fraud. I have been staying alternately in China for over 12 years. If there were a pill that would cure everyone, they would use it all over the world.

Is likely to be required for specific lifestyle changes, so it is essential that you understand the process and believe that this is the only way to recover. The entire immune system must heal. It is not possible to heal a single organ in the body.

The benefit of self-healing is enormous because you will be able to get your life back in, and the exact process may be prolonged. (Depending on your pace) But the quality of your life will improve dramatically. Excellent quality of life brings calm and tranquility.

Best wishes for a full recovery,

Samuel Harel

Spicy foods

19/06/2019 2:57
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir,
The answer to your question is written at the site; Recommend that you read the food & beverages chapter in more depth.

There are many types of hot peppers. In China, spicy peppers are usually red. (But there are also spicy green peppers.)

Eating spicy foods can worsen the symptoms of the disease. The reason for this is that hot foods irritate the intestinal walls and can also kill many parasites, but dead parasites secrete potent toxins.

Best wishes for fast recovery,

Samuel Harel

Determination and perseverance play an important part in recovery.

16/06/2019 17:50
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir,

I do not doubt that you will be able to recover; you are determined and thorough and ask the right questions. Urologists have no patience for patients with chronic prostatitis and their nutritional background in most cases is weak.

1 Lemon juice, preferably natural juice with a tablespoon of apple vinegar in warm water and a little olive oil (also separately), preferably on an empty stomach. As I mentioned, the effect is alkaline within the body.

2 Recommend you stop with any medications and do not take any supplement of vitamins. A varied and proper diet provides all the necessary vitamins.

3 In your (relatively light) mode, you do not need any food supplements. If your diet does not include fish, it is necessary to take an omega-3 supplement from a source of marine fish caught in the wild. (Quite expensive) there is a possibility of omega-3 plant origin such as flaxseed oil. (Fish oil is better)

4 Recommend reading the article discussing juices. Purple urine is a normal phenomenon for those who drink juice with beets.

5 The symptoms of weakness and pain, and even mild fever are indicative of the healing processes of the body you are undergoing. The strengthening of the immune system leads to attempts to eliminate the residual inflammation throughout the body. The result is weakness and pain. This situation may take a month to two months, but you will feel tremendous changes for the better later on.

Best wishes for a full recovery as fast as possible.

Samuel Harel

Some important recommendations

16/06/2019 8:40
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir & others,

1 Proper diet produces an optimization of health, immune system, and weight, the goal is not weight loss. Thin people are not necessarily healthier than people who are overweight.

2 Compressed carbohydrates such as Indian Chapati become sugar very quickly since they have little moisture absorption is less efficient. It is advisable to eat compressed carbonated food with moist food, preferably with natural fat. (Slightly) like ghee butter.

3 Tests of prostate fluid often do not detect all types of pathogens. More accurate tests are also based on the antibodies found in the blood.

4 An acidic body is a clear result of an imbalance in the flora of the intestinal bacteria. To balance the gut flora, it is imperative to eat a lot of dietary fiber (vegetables and fresh fruits) along with natural fat, very desirable with fermented products like goat yogurt. (Which may not be available in India) you should look for other naturally fermented products.

5 There are no restrictions on drinking; it is advisable to drink a lot to eliminate toxins that have accumulated.

6 Regular walking and massage of the prostate have a positive effect on blood circulation to the prostate.

7 I repeat. Lemon juice is an acid, but the effect of the inside the body is alkaline. All green leaves and most fruits and vegetables have an alkaline impact.

8 Although the site contains a lot of information, it is essential to read carefully, most of the answers are found in the article itself and the various chapters.

Best regards,

Samuel Harel

Please contact me by email at

16/06/2019 3:17
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir,
Please contact me by email at You attach many questions, in a way that is difficult to understand what you are exactly asking. Please write an email with points 1.2.3 and I'll reply to you one by one.

Answering the site when I am in China requires me to use the VPN, and the website does not allow the answers to be edited.

Beat regards,

Samuel Harel

Chapati recommendations.

14/06/2019 10:43
Harel Samuel

Dear Jasvir,

Chapati bread according to the recipes I saw on YouTube does not contain yeast - a significant advantage, but the big disadvantage is that it is white flour that quickly converts to sugar. (High glycemic value) and therefore it is recommended to reduce its consumption.

Recommend that you switch to consuming cooked white rice with a little coconut oil. (Lubricates the intestines and helps in the renewal of intestinal tissue)

You can consume all types of fruits and vegetables available in India, preferably wash thoroughly before eating. Fresh and varied fruits and vegetables have more nutritional values than cooked foods. It is advisable to drink natural squeezed juice from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables at least 2-3 times a week.

All the roots are excellent for food, capsules have low absorption, and therefore, it is better to consume the nutrients through eating and drinking. You can put the turmeric root in the dishes.

You are probably a young man, and therefore the ejaculation rate can be higher, but it is advisable not to exhaust yourself. Meditation and yoga are, of course, great tools for peace and relaxation and are highly recommended. Love has profound meaning on the energy level.

Sorry, since I'm in China on the move, I'm not available for phone calls. As mentioned, it is best to contact us via the email of the website that comes directly to me.

Best regards,

Samuel Harel

Lemon juice & Apple cider vinegar.

14/06/2019 2:47
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir,
Lemon juice is acid, but inside the body, it has alkaline properties. Apple cider vinegar can dissolve solidified bile stones.
Urgent urination is usually a sign of a toxic body.
Please contact me via my email I am currently staying in China; The WhatsApp application is blocked.

Best regards,

Samuel Harel

Chronic prostatitis - Moderate ejaculation

13/06/2019 11:16
Harel Samuel
Dear Jasvir Singh,
• Since you have chronic prostatitis for a relatively short time, I estimate that your recovery time may be short. (Depending on your age as well)
• You can perform an exercise without any problem; it is advisable to avoid the too often ejaculation. (Weakens the body)
• The question of nutrition in your condition is significant. It is better to eat fish on meat. And is very encouraged in your state to drink juice freshly squeezed, preferably with beets regularly. (If you cannot eat fish, it is essential to consume omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, which may be quite expensive.)
• Recommend you to read the article in its entirety, and you will find important information.

Recommended food:
• Start your morning by drinking one cup of squeezed lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water. (It is even better if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + one tablespoon of olive oil.)
• A large variety of vegetables, seeds, sprouts, roots, legumes, fruits, and berries.
• Low glycemic index starches. (You can add a teaspoon of coconut oil, ghee purified butter for better absorption.)
• Eat wild deep sea fish 2-3 a week. (They are less contaminated and also have a high omega three content.)
• Fish is easy to digest and does not create a very acidic environment in the intestines.
• Berries are among the best anti-oxidants – combined with goat yogurt and cinnamon; they are delicious. (Yogurt, like all probiotic, might create gas bloating. It is a good sign.)
• Dietary fiber (found only in plant-based diets) is essential for gut recovery. It might cause a reaction like gas bloating. (Fiber helps to feed the good bacteria.)
• Fermented products with natural live bacteria such as goat yogurt or natural kombucha are essential for good health.
• Consuming high-quality fats like Olive oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, Ghee (purified butter) and coconut oil, together with fiber, helps lubricate the lining of the intestinal walls. It is essential to replenish the good bacteria and helps regenerate intestinal wall tissue.
Recommended beverages:
• Water, tea (without sugar or milk), black coffee (without sugar or milk), freshly squeezed juice. (Not too sweet.)
• Drinking fresh juice may cause gas bloating. It is inevitable and part of the recovery process.
Not recommended Food & Beverages - Minimize consumption.
• All Processed food, smoked food, preservatives, canned food. (Huge category.)
• Soft drinks of all kinds, including diet beverages.
• Plain sugars and high glycemic starches. (Such as white flour products, potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cakes, etc.)
• Trans-fats (found in many industrialized products) like Margarine are very harmful.
• Yeast bread. (Sourdough bread is much better.)
• Dairy products are not suitable for Fibromyalgia patients as they are loaded with sugar (lactose) and too many proteins. Besides, they create an acidic environment in the intestines.
• Goat’s milk or yogurt is much better. (Limited quantities.)
• High gluten content products. (Gluten protein is found in most cereals. Gluten tends to adhere to intestinal walls and will probably aggravate symptoms.)
• Reduce meat & poultry consumption by 50% or more. (Meat & poultry are hard to digest; they create high acidity environment in the intestines.)
• Leafy greens. (Until significant relief in symptoms. They tend to stick to the inflamed intestinal walls.)
• Spicy hot foods are usually beneficial, but they may cause symptoms to worsen. (Due to the Herxheimer effect, dead pathogens release toxins & gas.)
• It is not recommended to eat large amounts of carbohydrates and animal proteins together. (Especially meat or dairy products with potatoes or other high glycemic starches.)

There is a full list of all the nutritional recommendations that are appropriate for you in the balanced diet article.
You can contact my direct email whenever you need additional advice.
Best wishes for fast recovery,
Samuel Harel

Varicose veins & Herbal remedies

12/06/2019 4:42
Harel Samuel
Dear Ron Wright,
If you ask two separate questions, I will try to answer them both. I think that you will find all the answers in the article, and recommend that you reread the entire article.

The most effective treatment for high blood pressure in the groin area is catheterization, known as the Gat-Goren method to the best of my knowledge is also available in other parts of the world, except for Israel, the main problem is an expensive treatment.

Foods that can dissolve (partially) the calcification formations in the prostate are natural foods that contain vitamin K2. (A detailed explanation will be found in the article.)

You can write to me directly using the

My best wishes for fast recovery,

Samuel Harel


11/06/2019 15:38
Ron Wright
To my first question basically what would you say is best medications to get rid of pain from having varicose vein in testicle I had embolization done to tie vein years ago but still have major pain on area and pain when I pee bacteria in prostate cloudy urine

Bacteria prostatitis

11/06/2019 15:35
Ron Wright
I have testicle pain and bacteria prostatitis for 10 years. I know you recommend eatting better and drinking alot water but what kind of herbs or medication would you recommend to get rid of clarification in prostate.


08/06/2019 3:29
Harel Samuel
Dear Antonio,

Most patients with chronic testicular and prostate infections catch the pathogens through sexual intercourse, but I doubt incubation is a matter of several hours. (Usually, it takes a few days)I recommend that you do not get in pain and look for the culprits and that it is not very important to detect pathogens, because even if you take antibiotics or other drugs, they will not help you. Recommends that you focus on strengthening your immune system and then all the inflammation in your body will disappear, including that in your testes or prostate.

Best wishes for fast recovery,

Samuel Harel


07/06/2019 0:54
I had prostatis issues hours after receiving oral sex. I’m still suffering from the lapse of judgement. My prostatis was intense and then wavered for a few years with some small flare ups. Do you think it was a std that caused this? All std tests are negative.


07/06/2019 0:52

Nonbactrial chronic protatis

01/06/2019 21:27
I face this problem since longmedicines work for short time i will try your nstural treament thanking you


23/04/2019 14:49
Harel Samuel
Dear Michael B,

Following my initial recommendations to your private email, I would be happy if you let me know your progress.

Your sincerely,

Harel Samuel


19/11/2018 8:10
Michael B
Hi thank you for sharing this. My prostate problems started about two months ago. I will try the self healing you recommend. Hope it works
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