The pineal gland is small but with unimaginable importance.

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  4. The pineal gland is small but with unimaginable importance.
15/03/2022 4:50

Its location, direct blood supply, and the fact that it is unaffected by the brain's barriers have made it the "supreme synchrony" gland. Many mystics, philosophers, and scholars see it as the connection to other worlds and the gland that produces intuition and telepathy.

Pineal gland.

At the physical-mathematical level, it can be assumed that a "superior synchronization" organ is necessary. Its unique location, blood supply, endocrine function, and physiology have made this small gland a candidate (almost particular) for the "subconscious gland." The fact that it exists in other mammals should not surprise us.


The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain's center between the two hemispheres.

Many cultures refer to this area as the "third eye." Surprisingly, this unique gland has been studied very little beyond endocrine function.

The pineal gland's known properties:

  • The pineal gland tends to shrink with age to a few millimeters in size. It is larger in women.
  • The pineal gland mediates nerve stimulation and hormone secretion; it regulates the biological clock, sleep and wake cycles, and seasonal cycles.
  • The pineal gland produces two hormones essential for the brain, related to physical and mental health: melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, which helps maintain a balanced mood and mental health.
  • The pineal gland is the only area in the brain that is not affected by the blood-brain barrier (a membranous structure that aims to protect brain tissue from the flow of pollutants and antibodies from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid), allowing it to release the hormone melatonin, directly into the bloodstream.

Does a larger pineal gland indicate better intuitive and telepathic ability? (Probably so, but this supposition has no scientific support or basis.)

  • Millions of brain MRI scans are performed worldwide every year. (In other contexts.) Post-mortem surgeries can also be used to study the presence of abnormalities in the pineal glands. Brain researchers' lack of initiative is astounding.

French philosopher Rene Descartes believed the human pineal gland is "the main seat of the soul."

  • In many cultures, the third eye symbolizes supreme mystical reason. In Indian culture, the sixth chakra is called the third eye and controls the imagination, intuition, purpose, and direction in life.

The subconscious is a potent tool for self-defense, so it is not surprising that females have a larger pineal gland.

  • Evolution has given women a more vital intuitive ability than men to protect their offspring.

The fact that most mammals have a pineal gland should not surprise us. The subconscious has a vital role in self-defense, even in developed animals.

  • Whether other mammals have the intuitive ability will probably remain unresolved.

The fact that the pineal gland shrinks is part intentional and part consequential. 

  • Shrinkage of the pineal gland with age may be due to insufficient use. Children have a higher intuitive ability, which may cover the lack of life experience that helps them survive.

Calcification is an undesirable result of an unhealthy diet from fluoride salts. (Found in drinking water and toothpaste)

  • Calcifications are a destructive and unlikely process. The idea that crystals in the calcifications enhance communication sounds unfounded.


Continue reading: The Subconscious is the bridge that connects the Mind to the Body, making it Spiritual.

The pineal gland and the subconscious practice open up a new and fascinating world of concepts that borders on the mystical realm.


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