Forums' writing regulations

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  2. Forums' writing regulations
Please comply with the rules and regulations listed. Please note that commercial advertisement is prohibited, but personal promotion is permitted.
  1. Introduction to the open forums.
    1. The forums are an anonymous, open web-based community that encourages interaction among readers seeking advice on self-healing functional medicine interested in sharing their experiences, emotions, feelings, hesitations, ideas, and tips.
  2. Please do not mix messages between different forums.
    1. Each forum is dedicated to only one chronic disease or a group of similar conditions. Please do not mix information or questions about a forum dedicated to a different topic.
  3. Keep your comments simple, accurate, and unambiguous. 
    1. Remember that not all readers are native English speakers, so keep it simple. Since public health is often a topic, writing must be accurate and unambiguous.
  4. Respect the user's privacy.
    1. Maintain privacy and hide intimate information that could identify users.
  5. Do not leave identifying details, addresses, phones, emails, etc.
    1. Suppose you wish to communicate with other users directly. In that case, you can do so with discretion, but please do not leave personal information that might expose the user's identity against their will.
  6. Avoid invasive, intrusive, and offensive remarks.
    1. You might disagree with others' views, but keep your remarks polite, dignified, and courteous.
  7. Avoid sexist, violent, racist, and anti-religious comments.
    1. The forums contain theoretical content on sexual identities and orientations, and sexual behavior. Please refrain from content with pornographic descriptions and without racist and anti-religious comments.
  8. The debate is encouraged.
    1. In the various forums, there are topics, some of which are controversial, including dealing with extraterrestrials. Respectful criticism and differing opinions are an essential part of learning.
  9. Keep it legal.
    1. All views, ideas, information, and photos exchanged must be legal.
  10. Commercial Advertising is not allowed. Personal (private) publication based on personal testimony is permitted.   
    1. This site and its public forums are not for commercial purposes. Advertising of any kind is not allowed.
  11. The right to remove content or limit access.
    1. The forum moderator can remove content without further notice if users do not comply with the user guidelines.
  12. Please refrain from expressing political opinions.
    1. Expressions of moral opinions are permitted, but they must not mention the names of organizations, countries, improper acts, etc.
  13. Forum guidelines, rules, and regulations can be altered at any time by this site's administrator or Moderator.


I wish everyone a productive and fruitful reading and writing. Thanks


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