The question extends to whether we live in a simulation. It is precisely Alan Turing's halting problem; therefore, there is no definitive answer.
"To discover the universe's secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibrations. (Nikola Tesla)"
The only universal language in the universe is the laws of mathematics and logic combined with sound and image. (which have mathematical expressions)
The premise is that all activities humans perform, including physiological processes, movement, thinking, emotions, memories, and even the hidden parts of the subconscious, have a mathematical expression. Otherwise, complete algorithms cannot be maintained. It is important to emphasize that proving or disproving this claim is impossible. Link: Gödel's incompleteness theorems. (Wikipedia)
- If intelligent extraterrestrial life has been created at a level appropriate for communication with us - they must master mathematics and logic.
- Mathematics is the language of nature, and even if the extraterrestrial symbols are different from ours, deciphering mathematics is not relatively complex.
Although not romantic, concepts like beauty and love, positive and negative emotions, and memories have mathematical expressions.
Continue reading: Deterministic human simulation—Pinnacle of scientific achievements.