Kitchen robots will revolutionize the entire food industry.

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  3. Kitchen robots will revolutionize the entire food industry.
Kitchen robots will prevent the need for processed and industrialized food and beverages, which have devastating consequences for our health.
Kitchen robot.

The whole food chain will undergo a dramatic change for the better. There will be no point in fast food preparation and unhealthy food when, at a reasonable price (the price of a small car), you will have a robot at home that will perform all the time-consuming tasks. The next nutritional revolution is the robots that will perform all the complex functions of cooking and serving food.


The entry of robots into the home and industrial kitchens will dramatically change nutritional habits.

Eating together is a social need; therefore, restaurants will not disappear; they will undergo a change that will allow quick preparation of food that requires a lot of time input.

  • Home robots will make it affordable to prepare quality food anywhere, without the need for fast food preparation that is usually industrialized and processed and highly harmful to our health. High-quality food served by robots on the spot at a competitive price is only a matter of time.

The fast-food (and unhealthy) catering giants have a decade to undergo a dramatic change before advanced robots enter industrial and home kitchens.

  • A dramatic perceptual change is needed in every area of fast-food restaurants. The entry of advanced robots into industrial and home kitchens will cause a severe crisis in the industry. (Especially the big chains) The required change is fresh and healthy food based only on natural ingredients. The main difficulty is that a completely different business model and particularly aggressive pricing are needed.

Large fast-food chains are experiencing a decline in revenue from traditional restaurants, so most of them have switched to complementary coffee and pastry products, where profitability is high. The image of industrialized food has not yet stuck with them.


Sitting in restaurants will not go away! Only the prepared food will gradually disappear. 

Sitting in restaurants will not go away! Only the prepared food will gradually disappear. 

 In the meantime, we should adopt proper eating habits outside the home.

It will minimize potential health damages.

  • Eating in restaurants is very popular for business, fun, and family occasions—many excellent restaurants with superb food, high hygiene conditions, and remarkable variety. Many people prefer to eat in restaurants during their lunch break. (Usually, they are familiar with the menu.) Coffee shops with salads and cold dishes are often perceived as having less potential for harm in the long run.

Potential health issues in restaurants.

  • The freshness of products and recycled food leftovers (Usually hard to know unless sick after dining.)
  • Recycled fats – overheating turns liquid fats into hydrogenated fats; they are toxic and harmful. (Sometimes hard to know; burned fat gets dark, but the light dish does not mean the oil used was reasonable.  
  • Poor Hygiene conditions. (A good restaurant will have its toilets cleaned regularly.
  • Unhealthy: There is a low variety of dishes and animal products without balancing fresh salads and vegetable recipes.
  • Lots of calories per meal.
  • Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages without a variety of healthier drinks.
  • Use of excessive amounts of salt.

Not many restaurants serve organic or vegan food. (It is more expensive but a good investment in one's health.)


The trend of food deliveries gained momentum during the lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ready-to-eat home deliveries are the pinnacle of processed and industrialized food. It is the most harmful food that exists to our health! 

  • If you are making deliveries of prepared food, you must order from a nearby and well-known restaurant that maintains good hygiene and freshness of the products and does not recycle food and oils. Ordered essential dishes of unprocessed dishes. (such as salads) 

Ordering ready-to-eat home deliveries via apps is not recommended!


The new trend is cheap fast food delivered to your home by courier. (Very comfortable but not recommended.)


  • Conveniently, the hot food comes to your home ready and packed at reasonable prices.


  • It is a very industrialized food that is designed for rapid preparation.
  • The reservation is sometimes via an app, which does not allow the restaurant to be chosen.
  • The frying is done with deep oil, often recycled, and creates hydrogenated fat. (Extremely toxic to the body.)
  • It is a terrible food for health. If you must eat fast food prep, you better order from the big chains with better quality control.  


Tips on how to choose the healthiest dishes in a restaurant and family occasions:

Main dishes: 

  • Check the menu for essential dishes like baked vegetables or fresh salads, beans, legumes, sprouts, mushrooms, good bread, lovely fruit desserts, and healthy drinks. 
  • If you are a fish-type lover (less acidic than meat and easier to digest), you should prefer deep-sea fish (less contaminated than other fish). For example, Halibut, Locus, or Salmon (preferably from the north sea, like the Norwegian or Scottish)
  • Eating ground meat like hamburgers or sausages is not recommended if you still need meat. Clean meat or steak is better. It better be served with vegetables. (To prevent over-acidity of the intestines.)
  • Cow's dairy product dishes are not recommended. (Goat milk products are much better.)  
  • Beans, legumes, sprouts, and mushrooms are great for starters or main dishes.
  • Eating starchy means you prefer rice or sweet potatoes over pasta or French fries. Quinoa or other moist cereals are a better choice if available.
    • Adding natural sauces is recommended as they help with the digestive emulsification process.

Deserts and beverages:  

  • Drink freshly squeezed juice (if available), black coffee, or tea. (Without sugar or a flat teaspoon.)
  • Red wine is better than white for wine lovers due to resveratrol ant-oxidants. 
  • Fruit salad is much better than any cack; nuts and berries are, of course, welcome.
  • Yogurt dushes with fruit are better than other sweet desserts if available; goat yogurt is the better choice.
  • Processed Ice cream is not recommended; natural yogurt ice cream, made with fresh fruit and no additives or preservatives, is a better option.    


Family and friends' occasions

Usually, on family and friends' occasions, there is no problem with the quality and freshness of products or recycled fats.

  • Of course, the main recommendations are the same for friends and family.
  • If invited to a late dinner (after 19:30), the dishes one eats should be very light; meat of any kind, especially with high glycemic starches, is not recommended. (Hard to digest)
  • Fish and moist starches (like rice) are easier to digest, especially when adding natural oils or fats. (Low quantities.) 


Street food can be delicious. However, avoiding prepared and processed street food, especially fried dishes, is advisable.

(The oil is often recycled and toxic.)

Street food can be very tasty. But it is advisable to avoid prepared and processed street food, especially fried dishes.

Food stands - Avoid eating processed and fried food in food stands. 

Food stalls exist in many places. It is essential to avoid foods fried in recycled oil, especially. (mostly burnt) and from industrialized foods such as sausages.

  • Hotdogs, hamburgers, and all fried food are not recommended. (Processed food with the risk of recycled hydrogenated trans-fats.) 
  • Bagels, Sandwiches, and cold dishes made of raw, unprocessed vegetables and fruit are safer.  
  • Drinking in fresh juice stands is recommended; freshly squeezed juice has many health benefits. 


Food and beverage industries that fail to internalize the dramatic change that is about to take place will not survive.

We are a step ahead of the nutritional revolution that will enable the public to have quality and healthy homemade food.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Is the penetration of robots into industrial and domestic kitchens expected soon?
Robots are still relatively expensive technological products. In 10-20 years, dedicated robots for kitchens will be commonplace at a price that a household can afford.
Will people stop eating at restaurants when they have a robot to prepare gourmet food at home?
People will not stop eating in restaurants that are social meeting places. The restaurants will switch to serving gourmet food that industrial robots will prepare.
What will happen to the fast-food chains after robots enter the kitchens?
The fast-food chains will have to adapt a new strategy to survive. There will likely be mergers in the industry and changes toward healthy and fresh food prepared and served by robots.
Should countries encourage and incentivize the revolution of domestic and industrial kitchen robots?
The entry of robots into domestic and industrial kitchens may dramatically improve the public's dietary habits. Improving public health justifies incentives, and the savings in health expenses is very significant.
When did the industrialized food revolution begin?
The fast food revolution began after World War II, along with accelerated economic growth. Eating in a restaurant used to be considered a luxury. Changes in eating habits and eating away from home have become routine! And along with them, chronic morbidity increased dramatically. Fast food preparation - is primarily industrialized and processed food.
What will happen to home cooking when we have a home robot in the kitchen?
A robot will cook us gourmet, healthy, nutritious, and delicious recipes. The preparation time will be longer than usual; the robot will prepare the food when we ask. The robot will clean the kitchen, take out the trash and order the ingredients for our favorite recipes for the next few days.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
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Kitchen robots will eventually stop the demand for processed food.
1. Why would robots in the home and industrial kitchen revolutionize dietary habits?
Ready-made, quick-prepared, processed, and industrialized food has become a consumer product in almost every home. The explanation for the phenomenon (which began after World War II) is the loss of leisure and the increased exit of women to higher education and the labor market.
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1. The most suitable answer is answer number 2.
Kitchen robots will obviate the need for processed and industrialized food that has devastating consequences for our health. The demand for industrialized and processed food will decrease dramatically, forcing food producers to make far-reaching changes for the benefit of consumers.
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