Improving sexual function In chronic patients.

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Chronic patients and disabled people are not at their peak sexual fitness. Still, they need love, touch, intimacy, and sex. The ability to fantasize is not impaired.
Sex with love.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

Sex is perceived by most of us as a pleasurable physical act, the primary purpose of which is to produce offspring. But sex is critically important in a couple's energetic recharge. Couples who do not have touch, hugs, caresses, kisses, and sexual contact (even without penetration) usually do not survive for years but sometimes only stay together. Spontaneous sex is, of course, very empowering and desirable but usually non-existent in people with chronic diseases. This article extensively describes tools to improve sex life and sexual communication between chronic patient partners.



Giving up sex because of poor performance is a very common mistake among the chronically ill with a partner, which only pushes the couple further away.

  • Many couples who suffer from a problem in which one partner is sick or physically incapacitated do not engage in an open dialogue in the sexual context. The premise that the chronically ill do not need sex stems from a misunderstanding, which only exacerbates the problem.
  • Sex with love inspires happiness and charges the life force. The marital relationship is of critical importance in the recovery of patients from any chronic illness. Stories of recovery from severe illnesses are often stories of great love.
  • Sex in couples, when one partner has a chronic illness, requires maximum consideration and coordination of expectations. Improving one's health gradually leads to an improvement in sexual production as well as sexual abilities.

Remember, the touch of the bare body, the hug, the kiss, and the caressing have a deep, energetic meaning. Performance is not the point!


Chronic patients have no restrictions on receiving and giving love. 

  • Sex with a deep connection has an energetic meaning because it also serves as a charger for the life-force energy vital to our health. Even if the sexual ability is impaired, the desire and longing for touch still exist. The ability to fantasize sexually also exists at any age!
  • There is no reason to avoid sex for health reasons. The frequency and expectations, of course, need to be tailored to the situation.
  • Often (as has happened to me), one of the spouses\' prolonged illnesses has devastating consequences that sometimes lead to separation or divorce.

The question of how to behave with a sick spouse is a question that few talk about.

  • Living with a spouse who suffers from a prolonged chronic illness is the ultimate test of any relationship, not just sexuality. Chronic diseases usually intensify the relationship, positive or negative. Some couples strengthen their bond during sickness, but other relationships may not survive. The decision to stay together is a joint decision between the two partners, but the healthy spouse must not feel he is making a painful sacrifice.

Many years ago, a naturopathic therapist told me that if the emotional connection between the couple before the prolonged outbreak of the disease were excellent, the relationship would only deepen. And if the bond weren't proper, it probably wouldn't survive, either! (I am not an expert in the field. I believe she was right.)


Prolonged betrayal of the healthy spouse is not only sexual but emotional abandonment!

  • The sick spouse, usually aware of the infidelity, sometimes consciously ignores it to avoid conflict with the spouse "doing him or her a favor" by staying with them. But the patient pays for it an energetic price of "humiliation" and a feeling of inferiority.
  • As a severe chronic Liver-kidney patient, after many years of struggling with survival, including prolonged treatments in China, I no longer felt any emotional connection between my wife and me, only an economic relationship. I realized that I had to end a long marriage despite the difficulties. The decision is, of course, individual, as everyone is in a different situation.
  • I gained courage only when I felt I was in advanced recovery. Divorce and separation can deplete the life-force energy. For patients in severe conditions, it is advisable to avoid conflicts.

Despite the many difficulties of getting divorced at an older age, I am happy with my decision. It is a personal decision that others cannot deduce.


Improvement of sexual function (men and women) through self-healing tools.

Patients with chronic diseases often exude unpleasant body and mouth odors. It is essential to make a habit of bathing and brushing your teeth before getting into bed or before having sex.

Erectile dysfunction is frequent among chronically sick men.

  • It does not indicate a lack of sexual desire or fantasy. It can also happen in healthy young people who experienced a painful sexual failure that traumatized them.
  • Erectile anxiety is a negative vicious cycle in which men may enter a prolonged frustration of a sexless life. Medicines such as Viagra and Cialis may help, but they are not a magic solution. Without the cooperation of a loving, considerate, and understanding partner, it is tough to get out of the situation, except when there is a dramatic change for the better in the medical condition that improves the erection and libido naturally.
  • Those who have erectile dysfunction and have a supportive partner must stop being ashamed and teach the partner what to do. (It's not always obvious.)

Women with chronic diseases may suffer from decreased libido and sexual function, only in a different way than men.

  • Sexual expression in women is more emotional, eliminating thoughts about sex, lack of interest in the subject, or vaginal dryness during intercourse. At the same time, the need for support, love, and warmth only increases.

General recommendations for sexual behavior for couples where one partner has a chronic illness.

  • It is essential to bathe and brush your teeth before sexual intercourse. Chronically ill patients often smell unpleasant body odors.
  • It is essential not to despair and give up, even if you fail to achieve satisfaction. Chronically ill patients often need prolonged stimulation. Make unlimited time for yourself.
  • Place your phone in a place that won't interfere in the middle.
  • The patient must try to satisfy the partner in every possible way. Mostly, not concurrently.

An emotional relationship also provides security in sexual relations. Emotional detachment makes it challenging to have sex, especially in the chronically ill.


Man with erection. 

Erectile dysfunction is frequent among chronically sick men. But It does not indicate a lack of sexual desire or fantasy.

Improvement of sexual function in chronically sick men having a spouse  - The woman should take the initiative.

Weak sexual function and erectile dysfunction are widespread in men who suffer from chronic morbidity, often accompanied by poor self-esteem, depression, and anger.

  • Sex with penetration (only if it's not stressful), it is advisable to achieve a firm erection by rubbing the penis on the woman's upper buttock after applying a lubricant (water-based); it is also possible between the thighs or breasts. Once you get a good erection, penetration is much easier. A supportive and understanding woman means a lot.

Having sex with a sick man requires patience and early planning. (Spontaneity can cause disappointment.) Drug therapy is usually not effective in chronic patients. (Viagra and Cialis have many side effects.)


Citrus-rich foods (mainly found in watermelons and melons) may improve erection.

Citrulline-rich foods (mainly found in watermelons and melons) may improve erection.

Aphrodisiac foods and other tools.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency impairs the body's energy level and ability to achieve a good erection. Detection is carried out with the help of a simple blood test.
  • Controlled sunbaths can elevate the male hormone testosterone, which has numerous additional benefits. They also benefit women without any side effects.  
  • A series of acupunctures (not one or two) may greatly help improve erection. (Expertise required)
  • Muscle-strengthening activities, such as swimming, weight lifting, and cycling, increase the level of testosterone in the blood and improve erection.
  • A balanced, varied, healthy diet is essential for proper sexual function.
    •  Amino acid Citrulin-rich foods (mainly found in watermelons and melons) improve erection.
  • Drinking freshly squeezed juices is a simple tool anyone can use. The increase in body energy significantly and immediately improves sexual ability.
  • A steam sauna will allow men, particularly, an improved sexual erection. (It improves blood pressure temporarily.)
  • A good night's sleep is essential for proper sexual function.


Sexual behavior.

For sick men with erection problems who have a supportive and understanding partner.

  • Sick men often have an erection problem. A woman must learn not to end sexual acts without anger or disappointment. Even if the male spouse cannot have sex with penetration, this is not a reason to avoid sex. Many women are capable of satisfaction in other ways. (Oral sex or sex toys.)
  • Relaxation may improve sexual ability later on. It is possible to rub the penis with a lubricant (water-based) over the buttocks (when the woman is lying on her stomach, between the thighs, or the breasts. Shame causes a mental disconnection and not just a sexual disconnection. The healthy partner should take the initiative. Oral sex, with proper hygiene, is a possibility of mutual satisfaction. 
  • Sick men can be exhausted in the late evening and night. It is essential to have sex when the partner feels comfortable. (Good timing is vital.)
  • Making sex a love game is desirable, calm, slow, and relaxed. Most women know what their spouse loves and try to fulfill small fantasies that the sick spouse loves. It's a question of attention and not just sex.


Sick or disabled women have the need and capacity to give both love and sexuality.

Sick or disabled women have the need and capacity to give both love and sexuality.

Improving sexual function in chronically sick women having a spouse - The man should take the initiative.

Sexual behavior.

Women have a more emotional need for speech, feeling, and support. (This is due to the positive energy center\'s location in the chest versus that of the man in the groin area.)

  • Sick women have both mental and sexual needs. It is worth practicing sex in which you dress in sexy clothes your partner likes. Ask him to caress your hair, breasts, and lower abdomen area. Body contact is essential. Even if you cannot have penetrating sex, suggest that your partner lie on top of you and rub the penis over your buttocks, thighs, or breasts (preferably using a water-based lubricant). The touch itself and the feeling of togetherness are of paramount importance. Shame and avoidance of contact are a recipe for emotional detachment, not just sexual.
  • Oral sex, with proper hygiene, is a possibility of mutual satisfaction. A sick woman\'s spouse can give the woman intense physical and mental satisfaction through romance, intimate touch, caressing, aromatic oils, and asking the woman for an erotic dress that emphasizes her femininity. If a woman cannot reach orgasm through penetration, the man should know how to please the woman even without penetration. (Oral sex, sex toys, etc.)
  • Women need sex but are biologically and mentally capable of living without sex with less frustration than men. 

Aphrodisiac foods and other tools.

  • Moderate exercise, massages, and sun exposure enhance sexual desire, but the leading arousal is usually mental-emotional.
  • A balanced diet of quality, varied, healthy foods containing antioxidants is essential for women\'s proper sexual function.


A healthy spouse's love and support are critical to recovery.

Living with a loving spouse provides love, stability, happiness, and partnership that contribute to inner joy and thus increase life-force energy. Love at any age has energetic properties that can boost life-force energy.

  • Recovery stories show that the spouse, family, and friends\' love and support are significant.
  • Supporting a sick person (man or woman) always involves sacrifice and suffering. The patient always feels whether support is by choice or by necessity.
  • The support that comes from love strengthens the sick spouse.
  • Support, by default, weakens the chronically ill patient because he feels they burden the healthy spouse.
  • In many severe chronic illnesses, sexual ability (also in women) is impaired, but the ability to give love increases because a sick person feels grateful to a healthy spouse.
  • Contact, intimacy (even without penetration), interpersonal relationships, and romance are essential in continuing the relationship.


Chronically ill patients who do not have a spouse. 

The problem arises when the patient loses hope of healing and enters a vicious life cycle in solitude. When patients feel they are recovering, they often ask for parity. Self-healing does not involve incurable diseases; it is a matter of time and determination.

  • Many chronic patients who are not in a relationship do not seek significant parity, thinking they are not desirable because of their illness. (Perpetuates an unwanted situation.)
  • In my experience, chronic patients are not motivated to go out for entertainment, so it\'s essential to fill their schedules with other content besides watching TV.
  • Contact with people is of enormous importance in recovery processes:
    • Classes or Workshops.
    • Group trips. (Adapted to capabilities.)
    • Volunteering for any cause. (For those who are capable.)
  • Whenever possible, it is advisable to adopt a good-tempered pet.
  • Living near family members or close friends who serve as friends and attentive ears is advisable.
  • For those who can afford it, it is advisable to host someone suitable in their home. Human contact is of great importance in the healing process.


Partner Tantra Exercise (Connect Deeply)

Tantric sex is suitable and recommended for everyone, sick and healthy alike. It is soothing and does not emphasize sexual performance.

Tantric sex emphasizes the romantic connection, full of emotions, warmth, love, and romance. They were hugging, caressing, and kissing while trying to prolong the moment of sexual climax or avoid it altogether while feeling transcendent. Tantric sex is (rightly) perceived as sex that charges the life-force energy. Thus making it the perfect choice, especially for chronic patients. (For those who have a loving partner)  

  • Tantric sex can produce an orgasmic experience for both partners without penetration, which does not fall short of the pleasure of couples having sex with penetration. It is suitable for equally mixed and same-sex couples. Tantric sex is the best "medicine" for women with vaginismus and men with erectile dysfunction. Its primary disadvantage is that it requires a spouse willing to participate in the shared experience.
  • Tantric sex creates a powerful, energetic bond between spouses. It provides, relaxes, and contributes to harmony and love between the couple.
  • Tantric sex has no age limits; it is not dependent on sexual performance, which sometimes causes stress.
  • Women, in particular, will enjoy tantric sex because the woman\'s positive magnetic pole is in the breast, and the man\'s positive pole is in the groin. Women often need more emotion in sex than men.
  • Tantric sex is also suitable for couples who have decreased sexual function. Tantric sex, thanks to the emotional closeness and energetic charge it produces, may also help improve sexual ability in the long run.


Recommended link: Discussions about Love + Emotions, Relationships, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual functioning.

The most potent health drugs are love, touch, warmth, romance, intimacy, and sex.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Should sex with a chronically ill partner be spontaneous?
Spontaneous sex may be fantastic, but it is often unsuitable for chronic patients who need advanced preparation.
Do patients whose sexual function is impaired have sexual needs and sexual fantasies?
Even when sexual ability is significantly impaired, the need for warmth, love, romance, and touch is not impaired. The ability to fantasize sexually even increases. (As compensation for the lack of ability) At the same time, the patient can give warmth and love without limitations.
Do women with chronic illnesses lose the need for sex?
Chronically ill women have sexual needs, often repressed, sometimes because of male stigmas. Although women can abstain from sex for more extended periods than men, they need touch, caress, love, and romance to reach sexual awakening.
Are physically disabled people in the same category as chronically ill patients in the sexual context?
Physical disability has many aspects; disability is not necessarily a physiological condition like a disease. But in terms of body image and social elements, there are similarities to patients with chronic illnesses.
The main barrier for couples in which one of the spouses has a chronic illness is the inability to converse openly.
Couples in which one of the couple members has a chronic illness often avoid discussing the topic of sex. The subject is repressed as if the patient does not have sexual needs.
What are the consequences when the healthy spouse betrays the sick spouse?
Infidelity with a sick partner is an emotional infidelity and not only a sexual one. Infidelity with an ill partner means severing the emotional bond. Most often, the patient knows that the healthy partner is unfaithful but is forced to give up with no choice for fear of being left alone.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Sex with love inspires happiness and charges the life force.
1. Does sex have other roles besides reproduction and pleasure?
Most of us take for granted sex is meant to have offspring and pleasure. The hidden meaning of sex is unfamiliar to many people.
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1. The most suitable answer is answer number 1.
The significance of energy charging is vital. It is no coincidence that married couples live longer! Even as the frequency of sex decreases, love continues and recharges the energy of life.
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