Summary table of physical self-healing integrative therapies.

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  3. Summary table of physical self-healing integrative therapies.
This table is intended to summarize all types of physical treatments to make it easier for readers starting self-healing therapies.
Summary table.

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

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Each chronic patient has different needs. (Therefore, the frequency of therapies and supplements is individual.)

Recommended Lifestyle Habits.

  • Minimize your medication intake. You should seek professional advice to prevent contraindications if you take medicine regularly.
  • Avoid or minimize smoking & drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and smoking are harmful, suppress the immune system, and gradually destroy liver and lung cells.

Frequency and timing, the intensity of treatments, and the dosage of supplements are individually adjusted.

  • You should listen to your body and act accordingly. Sometimes, the body needs to rest. Take your time and rest until you feel capable of proceeding.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions concerning recommended dosages and timing before meals or on an empty stomach.
  • The body's regeneration process occurs mainly during sleep. That is why I took antioxidants like milk thistle and bentonite before sleep.

Liver and gallbladder flushes, in particular, entail considerable risks. (However, they also have many benefits.) Please follow all instructions very carefully.

Nutritional habits.

  • Drink lemon juice (Without sugar) and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water on an empty stomach every morning. It cleanses the kidneys, dissolves bile stones in the liver and gallbladder, helps keep weight down, and boosts the immune system.
  • Eat an abundant, balanced variety of diets. The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Drink only natural beverages, without artificial additives or sugar & milk.

Symptoms during the recovery period.

  • Be aware that there are ups and downs in the process of self-healing. Sometimes, recovery is challenging. It does not mean that it is not working. The last stages are the hardest because the immune system is becoming more responsive, and therefore, the symptoms might worsen, but it comes with many minor signs of recovery. (Light fever and fatigue are signs that healing is in the process.)


Summary table of primary physical therapies. 

 Natural Therapies.  

Mild chronic diseases.

Progressive chronic diseases.


All severe chronic patients. Especially digestive, liver, and kidney patients.

Notes and Remarks.

Indoor physical therapies and activities.

Daily morning routine.

It is recommended for everyone. 

Squeezed lemon juice + 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Squeezed lemon juice + 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Squeezed lemon juice + 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

It is essential for flushing the kidney and dissolving bile stones.

It helps achieve optimum weight. Boosts the immune system.

Freshly squeezed juice.

1-3 times a week, drink one cup at least.

Every second day, drink at least one big cup, 300 ml.

Every second day, drink at least 400-600 ml.

In the begging, one may have gas farting.

Extraordinary benefits without any side effects.

Coffee enemas.

Once a week.

1-2 times a week.


2-5 times a week

After a coffee enema, you may feel tired. That's normal.

You can minimize the risks and enjoy the exceptional benefits of liver cleansing.

Liver flush.

2- 4 times a year.

Every 8 -12 weeks.


Until the liver is cleansed.

Every 4-6 weeks.


Until the liver is cleansed.

Please read the instructions very carefully.

You can minimize the risks and enjoy the exceptional benefits of liver cleansing.

Kidney flush.

Once in three months.

1.5 liter.

Once in two months.

1.5 liter 

Once a month.

1.5 – 2 liter.

I used parsley or mint boiled. You can add one squeeze of lemon juice inside. 

Lung cleansing.

Especially essential for COPD patients.




Walking immediately after rain or even lightning storms while taking deep breaths cleanses the lungs. Sitting near high waterfalls. 

Controlled exposure to Solar baths.

without sunscreen lotion

Wearing a swimsuit or shorts.

Once a week. (depends on the season)

45 – 60 minutes each.

Once or twice a week. (depends on the season)

45 – 60 minutes each.

Once or twice a week. (depends on the season)

45 – 60 minutes each. 

Sunbaths charge your energy battery and create natural vitamin D. They help relieve pain & recovery from injuries.

Traditional Chinese medicine. 




Traditional Chinese medicine includes a variety of effective anti-inflammatory treatments.

Hulda Clark Zapper.


It is not needed.

Individual frequency. Advised before probiotics intake. 

If available.

Individual frequency. Advised before probiotics intake. 

If available.


I used the zapper occasionally.


Natural Therapies.

Mild chronic diseases.

Progressive chronic disease.


All severe chronic patients. Especially digestive, liver, and kidney patients.

Notes and Remarks.

Food supplements, antioxidants, and probiotics.


Milk thistle.

If there are indications of fatty liver.

The supplement recommended the daily dosage.

The supplement recommended the daily dosage.

It helps regenerate the liver.

Bentonite clay.

When there are inflammatory symptoms.

One big teaspoon in a plastic bottle of 350 – 500 cc steers well before drinking. 

When there are inflammatory symptoms.

One big teaspoon in a plastic bottle of 350 – 500 cc steers well before drinking. 

Once a week/ When there are inflammatory symptoms.

One big teaspoon in a plastic bottle of 350 – 500 cc steers well before drinking. 

Heavy metal detoxifier. Extremely beneficial without side effects.

IBD patients might have gas bloating.   


It is not needed.

Rotation between the three antioxidants.

Each week, you use one.

Recommended dosages.

Alpha-lipoic acid. (ALA)

Not needed.


It is not needed.


Vitamin B12 + Omega 3 fatty acids.

A blood test shows low levels of vitamin B12.

Drops according to the recommended dosage.

Drops according to the recommended dosage.

Drops according to the recommended dosage.

Liver patients might need injections.

Very important. Ask for a blood test to determine if you are deficient.  

Omega 3 fatty acids.

Capsules, according to the recommended low dosage.

Capsules, according to the recommended High dosage.

Capsules, according to the recommended High dosage.

The best source is eating fatty deep water clean fish. 


Boost metabolism.

Ubiquinol coQ10.

It is not needed.




Iodine supplements

If tests show iodine deficiency. 

The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt. (Rich in iodine.)

The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt. (Rich in iodine.)

The easiest way is to consume Himalayan pink salt. (Rich in iodine.)

Iodine Supports Thyroid function.

Necessary to maintain proper metabolism.

Turmeric and ginger roots. 

Capsules, according to the recommended dosage daily. 

Capsules, according to the recommended dosage daily. 

It is recommended in food or juice.


It is better absorbed than capsule supplements.


I put ginger and turmeric inside the fresh juice. It is the best way to absorb active nutrients.


Natural Therapies.

Mild chronic diseases.

Progressive chronic diseases.


All severe chronic patients. Especially digestive, liver, and kidney patients.

Notes and Remarks.

Internal tissue regeneration.



Destroy scar tissue. (supposedly)

Not needed.

Patients with lung scar tissue should consider it.

Patients with lung or liver scar tissue should consider it.


It might have side effects.

Serrapeptase is the enzyme responsible for dissolving a silkworm. Cocoon.

Aloe Vera juice.

It is not needed unless gas is bloating or has digestive system damage.

Very good

Once a month, 1-liter bottle.

Very good

1-2 times a month, 1-liter bottle.

The bitter taste is usually not freshly squeezed.

Quite expensive.

Licorice tea.

Boiled clean filtered water with chips of roots inside.

Without sugar. 

Not needed

individual frequency.


Not expensive 

individual frequency.


Not expensive

Gan Cao is prevalent in Chinese traditional medicine) It has effects similar to those of the adrenocortical hormone. (Cortisol)



Vivomix. (450 billion live bacteria in powder.)


You better eat goat yogurt regularly.

You better eat goat yogurt regularly.

Until symptoms improve, use live bacteria probiotics only.

Farting is often a sign of gut flora imbalance.  

You better eat goat yogurt regularly.

Until symptoms improve, use live bacteria probiotics only.

Farting is often a sign of gut flora imbalance.  

One should prefer live bacteria. (kept in refrigeration.)

Gut flora is essential for boosting the immune system.


Natural Therapies.

Mild  chronic diseases

Progressive chronic diseases.


All severe chronic patients. Especially digestive, liver, and kidney patients.

Notes and Remarks.

Outdoor physical therapies.


On an empty stomach.

As needed.


It May cause pain.

Pain = blocked meridian.

As needed.


It May cause pain.

Pain = blocked meridian.

By the recommendation of the acupuncture specialist.


It May cause pain.

Pain = blocked meridian.

It is highly recommended.

No side-effects.

A massage afterward will help to relax.

Massage, including foot massage – reflexology.

It's a matter of budget.

It's a matter of budget.

It's a matter of budget.

Most recommended.


No side-effects.


Direct liver acupressure massage.

It is not needed.

It is not needed.

Before liver and gallbladder flush.

Very gently.

Professional massage only.

Steam sauna.

For relaxation.

Once a week.

Once a week.

Not available everywhere.

Please comply with the safety rules.


For relaxation.

Once a week.

Once a week.

Not available everywhere.


Intermittent fasting. (Recommended, but not mentioned in the summary table.)


I wish everyone that the physical and mental journey until recovery will be short and safe.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Acupuncture is available in my area, but nutrition is a problematic issue.
I recommend that the chronically ill (even the healthy) stick to an anti-inflammatory diet whose principles are detailed in the chapter on nutrition. At the same time, I recommend using a naturopath to create a personalized diet. It is essential to emphasize that there are quite a few schools of thought regarding nutrition, so you will probably not find uniformity in the recommendations.
Is the load of the self-healing therapies not excessive?
I am a very extreme case that does not constitute an example considering the scope and frequency of the various treatments. Chronically ill patients are supposed to listen to their bodies and perform therapies at a pace that suits them. The most critical part is not to break and return to the medicine cabinet.
Is it possible to deviate significantly from the frequencies you recommend?
The frequencies of the different therapies must be customized. In cases where there is doubt, it is advisable to consult a naturopath.
Is it possible to perform therapies using the self-healing method while taking medication?
Self-healing therapies can also be performed for those taking medication, but it is advisable to reduce gradually or all at once (responsibly) the taking of non-critical drugs.
I don't feel like I can cope without guidance in various therapies.
I recommend that chronic patients seek the help of a naturopath, especially in the early stages of lifestyle and diet change.
How did I manage all these tedious tasks over the years?
I gave myself enough time and managed everything like a military operation. With precise schedules, perseverance, and determination, with the understanding that I have no choice! I broke down on average twice a week for those asking, but I kept going.
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Summary table of natural therapies suitable for chronic patients.
1. Why do chronic patients often require a variety of natural therapies?
Chronically ill patients often need to make far-reaching lifestyle and dietary changes. These changes require abundant leisure, a rare commodity in modern times. Most chronic patients are looking for relatively easy solutions.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 2.
Recovery from chronic diseases often requires simultaneous treatment of body, mind, and spirit. Caring for the body is divided into three main parts: change in diet and lifestyle, physical activity and movement, and mechanical detoxification. The complexity of the human body and immune system usually does not allow full recovery from chronic diseases through any single treatment but only in various combinations.
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