Gallstones vs. Intrahepatic-liver stones. (Color and shape)

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  4. Gallstones vs. Intrahepatic-liver stones. (Color and shape)
19/05/2022 4:57
Green-colored stones are most often sourced in the liver. Brown-colored stones usually come from a gallbladder that has undergone an inflammatory process.

What is the significance of intrahepatic stones' color, shape, and size?

  • The larger the intrahepatic stone, the more likely it is to block the flow of biliary fluid into the duodenum and blood circulation inside the liver; both have far-reaching effects on the immune system.
  • Enlarged gallstones with a Non-smooth shape can cause bile duct injury during liver and gallbladder flush.
  • The color of the intrahepatic stones usually indicates the level of dissolved toxins; a dark stone reflects a higher toxicity level.
    • Green-colored stones are most often sourced in the liver.
    • Brown-colored stones usually come from a gallbladder that has undergone an inflammatory process.


Intrahepatic liver stones are green and usually bigger than gallstones.

Liver and Gallbladder, and bowel & colon flush. (Mechanical detoxification) - Instructions, Benefits & Risks. image 1

Why is restoring bile fluid flow (Liver-produced) essential to the immune system?

 Mechanical cleansing of the liver and kidney is one of the most powerful tools in the immune system's restoration.

Most people are unaware of the importance of proper bile fluid production and flow throughout the digestive system.

Bile fluid is also used as the body's sewage system. Many toxins, especially soluble in fat, come from the liver through all the body's intestines. The bad smell of the feces is mainly due to these toxins.

  • Bile is a strong alkaline, counteracting the acidic food from the stomach. Otherwise, the entire intestines are acidic.  
  • In a pH-balanced environment, parasites in the digestive system do not thrive, significantly strengthening the immune system.
  • Bile is a lotion that contains fats and salts that help lubricate and restore the intestinal walls.
  • Restoration of the natural flora in the intestines significantly strengthens the immune system and helps recover from many chronic diseases.

Bile obstructions are very common for the following reasons:

  • The modern life and nutritional habits they brought with them and the growing environmental pollution cause the liver to reduce bile production. 
  • The imbalance between the various components of the bile fluid forms the crystallization of the bile fluid.

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction. (Dead pathogens release harmful toxins.)

Link: Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction (Wikipedia)

  • Dead parasites inside the digestive system release toxins and gas that cause side effects and significantly overload the immune system.
  • An imbalance in the gut flora is most often expressed in farting and gases in the digestive system.


Continue reading the entire article: Liver, Gallbladder, and kidneys flush. (Mechanical detoxification)

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