Readers' inquiries about alien civilizations.

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25/02/2024 2:07

Reader questions about aliens and extraterrestrial civilizations (possibly anonymous) and answers to these questions through channeling.

Questions and answers.

Although the blog covers various topics on extraterrestrial matters, countless questions remain unanswered. The growing interest in extraterrestrial issues and the lack of reliable information produce much false information online. In this post, I bring questions from readers, especially those I did not answer in the various posts. The answers are short and are always anonymous, even if the contact to me has been identified by name. I update this post from time to time when intriguing questions accumulate. More information about extraterrestrials, concise in points only, with the same headlines, can be found at the following link: Summary of known facts regarding alien civilizations.

  • The sheer volume of inquiries I receive, with many questions about extraterrestrials, made me realize that the subject is fascinating for a growing number of people.

I wish to emphasize that, unlike humans, who are a uniform species (homo-sapiens), extraterrestrials have various species that differ significantly. Therefore, the answers relate to a broad common denominator. The questions and answers appear in the order in which they are received.


The Q&A is divided into 6 separate subcategories.

  1. General information regarding Extraterrestrials. 
  2. Interfaces of alien civilizations and human encounters.
  3. Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans.
  4. Personal inquiries regarding interfaces with extraterrestrials.
  5. Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.
  6. How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?

Recently, extraterrestrials mentioned that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials will occur in 2026.


General information regarding Extraterrestrials. 

How powerful is the extraterrestrial Federation vs. humans?

Link: Index for technology level of space-traveling alien civilizations.

  • The Federation consists of 55 allied civilizations. Its member civilizations are all scientifically and technologically advanced, while humans are not on a close scale of scientific and technological development.

Why are there such significant gaps in the dimensions of extraterrestrials? (ranging from half a meter to about 4 meters)

  • The standard explanation (without channeling) is that low gravity on the home planet produces tall extraterrestrials, while low gravity will produce solid, low-stature aliens.

Do extraterrestrials have genitals?

  • Some alien species have a distinction between males and females, so they have reproductive organs not used for sex.

Do extraterrestrials have auxiliary equipment (smartphone style)?

  • Aliens don't need a phone because they communicate telepathically. The extraterrestrials have auxiliary equipment, which connects to remote relay stations, performs complex calculations, and displays holograms in 3D. (a combination of all together)

Do extraterrestrials have vision problems at a later age?

  • ETs have lens-calibrating technology to correct all vision problems, so they don't need glasses or contact lenses.

Are extraterrestrials resistant to heat and cold?

  • Extraterrestrials have very effective insulation technologies, but as organic creatures, they need comfortable temperatures that are adapted to their physiology. (Moderate temperatures)

Do extraterrestrials carry personal weapons?

  • Aliens don't carry personal weapons, but their psychic abilities surpass any science fiction movie and aren't worth trying.

Do extraterrestrials from distant galaxies, which are not members of the Federation, visit Earth?

  • Non-federation extraterrestrials visit Earth and provide advanced technologies, some of which can also used for military purposes.

Do extraterrestrials fight among themselves?

  • Conflicts between extraterrestrials have been recorded in the past. The establishment of the extraterrestrial Federation was intended to prevent war between civilizations. There are hostile civilizations (not necessarily violent), and the Federation will not allow any hostile foreign civilization to harm the Earth.


Interfaces of alien civilizations and human encounters.

Why was 2026 chosen for the historic encounter with extraterrestrials?

  • The year 2026, for the first documented historical encounter, was chosen very carefully after many years of studying humanity in all its aspects. (All-inclusive!)

Can extraterrestrials read and understand human digital communications?

  • Aliens systematically monitor everything happening on Earth. The monitoring is carried out in different teams, each with various specializations. The data are transferred to the extraterrestrial switchboard for further integration and processing. All digital communication, including everything encrypted, is exposed to extraterrestrials. At the same time, they do not intervene.

Are secret government organizations among the blog readers?

  • Yes, secret officials are among the blog's readers. (Reply in channeling)

Are extraterrestrials involved in humans' daily lives?

  • Extraterrestrials study, track, and conduct in-depth research on humans but do not interfere with people's daily lives.

Can anyone channel with extraterrestrials?

  • According to the extraterrestrials ' decision, communicating with extraterrestrials requires high telepathic ability, which is achieved by implanting a particular component in the pineal gland.

Why don't extraterrestrials prevent wars on Earth?

  • Aliens are deterred from intervening on Earth, except for the event of humanity's self-destruction by nuclear weapons or other powerful weapons.

Are governments aware of extraterrestrial experiments on humans?

  • Aliens have been conducting research on humans since the dawn of creation. With tacit consent, it was agreed that the research would continue. (Extraterrestrials do not intentionally harm humans)

I am a devout Christian, and it is difficult for me to accept the existence of extraterrestrials as fact!

  • Extraterrestrials understand the human need for religion and belief and do not try to persuade anyone to abandon their faith. I suggest you see extraterrestrials as creatures of God. The existence of extraterrestrials is undeniable!

Can anyone communicate by channeling with extraterrestrials?

  • Telepathic abilities vary in many people, and they usually diminish with age. Aliens decide with whom to communicate; a unique telepathic component is required, implanted through the nostrils without pain. (sometimes unexplained nosebleeds)

How many people in the world can channel with extraterrestrials?

  • The answer was that other people besides me (besides Mrs. Sigalit Levy) channel with extraterrestrials regularly, but their number is not as high. (I was not given a numerical value)

Can extraterrestrials communicate in all languages?

  • Language is the result of sounds, a combination of different frequencies. Extraterrestrials require learning human languages, but all languages can be communicated via channeling.

Do all people with telepathic ability have an implanted component in their brains?

  • The telepathic ability exists in humans innately, to varying degrees. The feature can be studied and improved and does not require an implant in the pineal gland.

Can "extraterrestrial" spirits reincarnate in humans?

  • Humans and extraterrestrials can reincarnate into bodies that do not belong to their original species. Adrian Dvir's book provides various descriptions. It is essential to emphasize that the whole subject of reincarnation is physically bound but shrouded in ambiguity about how things are done.

Is there an alien police force similar to the movie Men in Black?

  • There is a secret body with a global interface with supreme security clearance to prevent the leakage of sensitive information about extraterrestrials. Gradually, involvement in the issue declined. The film is based on truth but with much imagination and a sense of humor.

Shouldn't all reports of people abducted by extraterrestrials pose a threat?

Link: Do extraterrestrials abduct humans?

  • The various reports of abductions by extraterrestrials are mostly credible but must be viewed from a broad perspective. Aliens have been visiting Earth since the dawn of creation. Humans are the product of genetic engineering by extraterrestrials. Research of humans by extraterrestrials will be carried out in the future by coordination and voluntary only.

Why aren't humans a military adversary to extraterrestrials?

  • Aliens are intellectually, psychically, scientifically, and technologically advanced on entire scales from humans.

Why has the rate of publications about extraterrestrials increased dramatically in recent years?

  • Humanity is in the second stage (out of 4) towards an encounter with extraterrestrials, and the superpowers are interested in preparing (covertly) public opinion for the existence of extraterrestrials.

Is the Princess of Tisul found (in the Siberian region) an alien?

  • Princess Tisul is an extraterrestrial mummified found in the 1970s. Its appearance was human and dated to 800 million years. The human-looking alien was hermaphrodite (androgynous) and was buried in an earthquake before teleporting back to the planet she came from.


Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans.

Are extraterrestrials sighted and invisible?

  • Extraterrestrials can move to other dimensions through a considerable energy investment. In different dimensions, they are invisible to us. These are science and technologies that are not yet known to humanity.

Do extraterrestrials experience feelings of love and hate?

  • Aliens have no human emotions but can interpret the energetic translation of love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge better than we do, having highly developed psychic properties.

Do extraterrestrials urinate and feces?

  • Since extraterrestrials eat organic food, they must remove waste from their bodies. The anatomy and physiology of extraterrestrials is entirely different. It's slower and more efficient. Extraterrestrials do not urinate but remove solid waste mixed with water-soluble products from their bodies. (substitute for urination)

Do extraterrestrials have body and head hair?

  • Most alien species have no hair at all. However, there are extraterrestrials with a human appearance who have human-like fibers on their heads.

Do extraterrestrials think humans are ugly?

  • Extraterrestrials have been studying humanity since the dawn of creation. They are accustomed to human appearance, in stark contrast to humans not accustomed to extraterrestrial appearances, especially non-human ones.

Do extraterrestrials dress and perfume nicely for their partner?

  • Most extraterrestrials breed asexually and have no mates. There are alien species with a distinction between males and females, but no courtship process requires clothing, perfume, or sexual attraction.

Do extraterrestrials have an advantage in asexual reproduction over mammals and humans?

  • It is a vast subject that extraterrestrials have been studying for thousands of years, and the answer is mainly related to the living environment. Mammals have a deeper familial and socio-tribal relationship that is a competitive advantage in a hostile environment with limited resources. At the same time, it is an energy-wasting way of life that does not allow for a long lifespan and is not adapted to the living environment of highly developed extraterrestrials.


Personal inquiries regarding interfaces with extraterrestrials.

Did extraterrestrials murder Adrian Dvir?

  • Adrian Dvir's death circumstances are unclear. At the time of his death, he was 46, with a history of obesity, but not with terminal illnesses. When I channeled the question, the unequivocal answer was that extraterrestrials certainly did not cause Adrian Dvir's death. Draw my attention to the date of death as part of solving the mystery.

I live in Hawaii. Will the earthquake, as mentioned in another post, hit the area?

LinkA mega tectonic plate movement earthquake 2025.

  • The event you are referring to was communicated to me in the channel with no details, except for the epicenter of the earthquake and the fact that the eruption of a volcano from the depths of the ocean accompanies it. Even without being a geologist, movement in the Earth's crust (tectonic plates) is unusual and can cause tsunami waves at unprecedented heights and intensity. The effect will probably be global; the distance to Hawaii is less than 2400 miles.

I have marks on my body similar to those in your photo. Have extraterrestrials abducted me?

Link: An alien energy-injecting device left marks on my hand.

  • Assuming these are recurring signs, in a similar configuration, you may have been treated by extraterrestrials to help you healthily. Aliens can perform the energy injection without noticing—there is no need to kidnap you. You better feel lucky!

Can I turn to extraterrestrials to treat my cancer?

  • You can try guided imagery, preferably while meditating. Since most Western people find it difficult to meditate, and if you do not have high telepathy abilities, look for a reliable communicator. (Don't look for ads for communicating with extraterrestrials because you won't find any)

Is Alixin, my wife, involved in my extraterrestrial work?

  • My wife is not involved in anything related to extraterrestrial issues.

Do I give lectures on topics related to extraterrestrial civilizations?

  • I was not asked to give lectures on the subject. Since I live in China, in-person lectures are impossible.

How much scientific material I write on the site comes from extraterrestrial knowledge?

  • The answer (in channeling) was quite surprising. It said that if I understand what I receive in channeling, 100% of what I write is the fruit of my intellect.

Can anyone apply for the position of Earth's Ambassador to the Alien Federation Council?

Link: I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Alien Federation Council.

  • Anyone who thinks they are worthy can apply for the position. Since there is no email or other known means of communication, everything must be carried out by telepathic communication. It is worth emphasizing that the Federation Council has veto power over the candidate, so the choice will not be political.

Doesn't the journey to the Sagittarius constellation to meet with the Federation Council scare you?

LinkEncounters with aliens must be trust builders.

  • I have concerns, like everyone else, naturally, not for fear of being harmed by extraterrestrials but about what will precede an encounter and scenarios that will make extraterrestrials feel threatened by humans! (The reaction can be very painful)

Aren't you afraid of the sight of extraterrestrials?

  • I am not afraid of extraterrestrials because I do not attribute malicious intentions to them. Of course, I'll have to get used to their unique look, just like everyone else. I believe that we will all get used to seeing extraterrestrials before long.


Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.

Do extraterrestrials wear clothes?

  • Aliens wear special insulated suits to prevent infections. The suits are tight to the body and look as if the body's skin is reflected from them.

Do extraterrestrials live in cities and homes?

  • Aliens live in cities and have homes, most pyramid-like, with a Tesla sphere for wireless energy projection. They have vehicles that hover and dock at docking stations at different heights, which is very reminiscent of science fiction movies.

Do extraterrestrials shower?

  • Extraterrestrials don't sweat, but they enjoy hot-water showers.

Do extraterrestrials have pets?

  • The personality structure of extraterrestrials is different, and emotionally, they do not need and do not keep pets.


How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?

Did captive extraterrestrials give away scientific secrets?

  • In several incidents, extraterrestrials have been held in remote isolation facilities under a heavy cloak of secrecy. The captured technology was used for reverse engineering. (Quite similar to Bob Lazar's explanation! - which was a fabricated event)

Do extraterrestrials travel inside wormholes?

  • Aliens constantly travel within wormholes (distortions of spacetime), which can be challenging to navigate. There are stable wormholes, including those that reach the interior of the Earth and allow entry and exit without detection.

Is Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity wrong?

  • Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is not wrong; it has been proven time and time again by empirical tests, but it is a particular case of a multidimensional world.

Are humans physiologically capable of flying in an extraterrestrial spacecraft?

  • The human brain is not built to fly in other dimensions; there is a risk of harm. Therefore, in those cases where humans are invited to fly in such an extraterrestrial spaceship, two particular components will be implanted in their brains to protect their brains. (one in each of the hemispheres)

Can extraterrestrials lift heavy objects like rocks into the air without contact?

  • Aliens control gravity and can move objects in a bubble from place to place without contact. It is physics unknown to humans and involves a lot of energy.

What will happen to all the technologies achieved by advanced extraterrestrial science?

Link: Intellectual property originating from aliens will belong to humanity.

  • Technologies originating from extraterrestrials will remain in the hands of those who developed them, which, in any case, gives them an advantage. However, all existing technologies derived from information provided by extraterrestrials to humankind will belong to humanity.


Extraterrestrials Must Have Accelerated Human Evolution.

Are there hybrid humans with extraterrestrials?

  • The human race is a hybrid with extraterrestrials because it has undergone much deliberate genetic manipulation. However, it is impossible to hybridize humans with extraterrestrials; they have entirely different genetics.

Did extraterrestrials deliberately mislead the science of evolution?

  • For those who pursue conspiracy theories, there are none here! Humans have taken Charles Darwin's correct principles of natural selection too far. The evidence of fossils, which provides an alibi for the theory, reflects extraterrestrial manipulations in the genetics of flora and fauna on Earth.

Were the "Nephilim" (giants) mentioned in the Bible in Genesis extraterrestrials?

  • The Nephilim (giants) were a human race (genetically engineered) giant that was not adapted to Earth and therefore became extinct.

Why did extraterrestrials genetically engineer humans with a lifespan of 120 years, as also mentioned in the Bible?

  • A life expectancy of hundreds of years, as mentioned in the Bible, would have led to wars, overpopulation, and social and economic problems without a concept of inheritance.

Is Earth and its inhabitants a kind of zoo run by extraterrestrials?

  • Although extraterrestrials are involved in creating life on Earth, they are not involved in people's daily lives and do not see humans as pets. The comparison to "zoo" evokes frightening connotations that do not correspond to the actual events.


Feel free to contact Harel Samuel about any questions regarding extraterrestrials.

Contact Harel Samuel directly. I respond personally to every inquiry. (Also possible anonymously)

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Sincerely yours,

Harel Samuel


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