Model of all addictions with its unique energy-reward mechanism.

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  4. Model of all addictions with its unique energy-reward mechanism.
22/01/2021 20:36
Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain addictive chemicals but also, and mainly as a psychoenergetic phenomenon.

Addictions are a widespread global phenomenon. The thought that addiction is a brain disorder is unlikely, mainly due to its enormous scale. A brain disorder is a "malfunction" of natural mechanisms. There can be no fault in our body on such a scale! Therefore, the cause of addiction is probably not a "brain disorder."

This post is an introduction to a broader model that presents a different approach to addiction and its reward mechanism, emphasizing strategies to increase the chances of a successful rehab from any addiction. Following self-healing principles, there is a close connection between addictions and the subconscious mind that often stores unresolved traumatic events. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved events from the past that caused the addiction is far more challenging than detoxification from the addictive substances. Continue reading: The Unifying Model of Addictions with its unique Energy-reward mechanism.


Common types of addiction - introduction.

Link: (The

A few of the world's most common addictions:

  1. Tobacco addiction.
  2. Alcohol addiction.
  3. Drugs addiction.
    1. Marijuana addiction. (Drug addiction)
    2. Cocaine addiction. (Drug addiction)
    3.  Heroin addiction. (Drug addiction) 
    4. Painkillers addiction. (Drug addiction)
  4. Gambling addiction.
  5. Sex addiction.
  6. Internet addiction. 

I expected to find obesity on that list. (One of the most prominent addictions.)


The self-healing approach to what is an addiction.

What is addiction? 

  • Addiction is a compulsive, repetitive action that, over time, causes harm to the addict or the environment (or both) that the addict is aware of, except that they do not control the addiction. The reward mechanism of addiction is far more potent than any means of logic and persuasion.

Is it logical to expect a common denominator between all types of addictions?

  • All addictions must have a common denominator. (Uniform laws govern nature.)

Is addiction a disorder or a mental illness? 

  • Addiction is not a mental disorder or illness but an expression of unresolved mental traumas that the subconscious mind cannot contain. When the traumas break out, they create anomalies in the form of addictions. (The high rate of the population suffering from addictions implies that it is not a disease or disorder.)

The Genetic factors.

  • "Epidemiological studies estimate that genetic factors account for 40–60% of the risk factors for alcoholism." (Wikipedia) 
  • The seemingly high weight attributed to genetics as a cause of alcoholism, in my opinion, reflects a methodological problem. Children of parents or drinking family members suffer from home traumas more than others. It is not necessarily the result of genetics with an alcohol predisposition.
  • Heredity may have some effect, but environmental and social are the main reasons. There is no unequivocal finding that addiction is hereditary!

Why, on average, more men suffer from alcoholism and over-smoking than women in most places worldwide?

  • Several sociological and social theories reflect different expectations between women and men. The differences between men and women are not explained by genetics. Female hormones probably have a substantial emotional and maternal effect, especially on women of childbearing age. The significant gaps between women and men reinforce the assertion that addiction is physical, physiological, and mental-spiritual.

Does accessibility to the cause of addiction make a significant contribution to addiction?

  • Accessibility makes it easy to create a first-time user experience. It has a powerful effect in childhood and adolescence, but accessibility alone is not the cause of addiction; there must be a real motive and need for the addiction, in the explicit knowledge that it is harmful.
  • Children of smokers and drinkers are more exposed, but the explanation is more profound than the question of accessibility. Other children also often have the option of obtaining alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. The potential mental trauma, on average, in the homes of alcoholics is higher.

Is addiction a quantitative definition? 

  • The definitions of being an addict are not quantitative but mainly of the degree of ability to demonstrate restraint over time. Simultaneously, to diagnose addictions, threshold indices have sometimes been set that may suggest addiction. (Such as BMI for obese people.)


The explanation of the Self-healing approach to all Addictions.

  • All addictions allow the body to improve the energy flow in the specific blocked energetic center/s. (At the expense of damage to many organs and systems.)

The reward mechanism of addictions is not only chemical but primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival.

  • Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused the addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from the addictive substances.
  • Therefore, rehab from any addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)

Why don't addicts respond to persuasion?

  • Addicts are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In addition, the subconscious partially paralyzes reason; thus, persuasion is not a helpful tool for healing addiction.

The implementation of the Kübler-Ross model regarding all severe harmful addictions.

Link: Kübler-Ross model – Explains the behavior of personal loss.

The five stages of the Kubler-Ross model are Denial, Anger, Bargaining (only applicable in life-threatening situations), Depression, and Acceptance. 

Addicts suffering for many years pass through these four stages of the behavioral grief model, known as the Kubler-Ross model. (Similar to chronic patients.)

  • Initially, the Kübler-Ross model was only concerned with the stages of death and dying. Kübler Ross's model was expanded to include any personal loss. No doubt, being a long-term alcoholic has properties of grief and loss.
  • From my experience, what prevents making lifestyle changes is often Denial, Anger, and Depression.
  • Reaching acceptance as fast as possible is essential for elevating the spirit and gaining needed energy. It is necessary not to suppress the problem; addiction withdrawal requires determination, perseverance, and strong willpower.
  • Real hope would give anyone the strength to undertake all the accompanying suffering and pain in the withdrawal process.
Why do many withdrawal programs fail in the long run?
  • Standard psychological therapies cannot penetrate the conscious mind and are ineffective tools for treating addictions.
  • The main difficulty in most rehab programs stems from the need to release from the subconscious mind the specific traumatic non-resolved event that caused the energy blockages, which created the need for addictions. Cleansing the body of the addictive toxins is relatively easy compared to the energy part, which does not get any attention, mainly because Western culture does not acknowledge the existence of life-force energy.


Continue reading: The Unifying Model of Addictions with its unique Energy-reward mechanism.

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