Studies point to phenomena that seem inconsistent with a simple consumption-calorie summary. Still, I have not found the whole explanation anywhere, and therefore, I present an explanation that is much simpler than one might think. Energy and matter, as we know, cannot be lost. However, they are counted differently in different routing, sometimes perceived as having negative calories. (There is no such situation)
Surprisingly, processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same calories of natural foods.
The nutrients we eat and drink and the calories they carry cannot vanish, but they can be redirected to other non-energy, "non-countable" purposes.
Link: Advanced Nutrition Calculations Methodology.
- The portion of food dedicated to tissue regeneration varies depending on the body's requirements and diet quality and quantity. The rest is converted into energy and fat and influences body weight. Surprisingly! - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than natural foods, which contain the same calories. Not all calories are equal.
- When you refuel your car, you know how much energy you will get (driving range). When a person eats and drinks, some food (by analogy) enters the oil tank and is intended for maintenance - but the proportions change!
Since food routing between the two primary uses (tissue building and maintenance, as opposed to available energy and fat accumulation) is not fixed and differs from person to person, summarising the calories in food and beverages is inaccurate.
The negative calories idea, with a completely different approach.
The idea that negative calories exist is not new; it usually refers to foods for digestion that require more calories than the food carries. My hypothesis is entirely different.
- The new trend for slimming by testing intestinal bacteria and adapting foods accordingly is based on similar principles of improved absorption of nutrients suitable for tissue regeneration and long-term maintenance. (Without a comprehensive theory to explain how it works.)
- Digestion of food is just one of a series of processes that require energy for regular consumption. (Such as maintaining body heat) We usually eat and drink various foods together. Therefore, this approach to the energy invested in digesting food and beverages is impractical.
To illustrate the principle, let's take, for example, a fresh vegetable salad with vinegar, lemon, and lots of olive oil.
- The oil lubricates the intestinal walls and the dietary fiber in the salad; the intestinal walls are renewed in the presence of probiotic bacteria. The many calories found in oil have not disappeared! (Energy conservation laws do not allow energy and matter to disappear.) but have changed shape and become tissue. The result is that less food is converted into available energy and/or accumulation of fatty tissue. The effect is even more significant because the intestinal walls that allow good absorption of nutrients will enable the liver to synthesize more proteins and fats for tissue renewal in many other places in our body.
- It is enough to create a rerouting of 5% of the food you consume for purposes other than energy so that your body weight will decrease over time, and with it, your health will improve.
Continue reading: Calories cannot disappear but can be redirected as being uncounted.
The amount of energy in food and beverages available for the body's use is not fixed and is not uniform for everyone! The "calorie is a calorie" tautology is wrong.