Conventional modern vs. Self-healing medicine—SWOT analysis.

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The SWOT analysis points to a mirror image between Modern and Self-Healing Medicines' weaknesses and strengths. Thus, Integration is requested.
Conventional Medicine vs. Self-Healing Medicine.

"Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

This article briefly overviews, in points only, the fundamental differences between conventional medicine and self-healing medicine, emphasizing the importance of analyzing strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities in a SWOT model. The table below requires mobile phone users to adjust the screen manually for optimal viewing.

Conventional Medicine VS. Self-Healing Functional Medicine.


Conventional Medicine

Medication - Conventional Medicine.

Self-Healing Medicine

Acupuncture - Self-healing medicine.

Philosophical Aspects.

View of the Human Body.

It is seen as a machine – tissue, flesh, and bones.

Seen as One Unified Entity.

Mind, Body & Spirit.

It is seen as Three Separate entities.

Mind, body, and spirit are reflections of each other.

The role of medicine.

To fight infection;

Combat diseases by suppressing symptoms.

Restores harmony, which makes symptoms disappear.


How is the Diagnosis obtained?

After a long series of tests.

After hearing the patient's story and examining easy-to-evaluate signs and symptoms. 

Laboratory testing.

A wide range of tests, both invasive and non-invasive.

Basic lab testing.

Time spent with the patient.

It varies, but for non-invasive procedures, it usually takes minutes for each session.

It varies but often requires much longer sessions than conventional medicine.


The focus of treatment.

Organs/ Systems.

Restores blocked energy – Holistic.

Types of Treatments.

Invasive procedures;

The extensive use of pharmaceuticals.

Promotes Self-healing;

Uses herbal medicines.

Purpose of Treatment.

Only sick care.

Comprehensive healthcare.

Medical centers, therapists, supervision, and control.

Medical centers.

Hospitals, institutes, health centers, laboratories.

Usually, there are small clinics, although there are departments in big health centers.


Licensed Medical Doctors and Nurses. 

A large variety of therapists. They are not always licensed.

Supervision and control.

Tight supervision and control.

Partial supervision and control.



Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. (SWOT)


Conventional Medicine

Medication - Conventional Medicine.

Self-Healing Medicine

Acupuncture - Self-healing medicine.


  1. Covers all medical aspects.
  2. Available all around the world.
  3. Technologically advanced.
  4. They have sophisticated lab tests.
  5. Highly skilled & trained professional staff.
  6. It does not demand lifestyle changes.
  7. Fast results with medications.
  8. Tight supervision & control.


  1. It deals with the causes and not the symptoms.
  2. Holistic. All body is treated.
  3. Long-term results.
  4. Heals the body, mind & spirit to achieve balance.
  5. Supports preventive medicine.
  6. Uses mostly herbal medicine without addiction. 
  7. Usually, there are fewer side effects.
  8. It is generally cheaper than conventional medicine.


  1. It deals with the symptoms and not the causes.
  2. Not holistic. Treats the symptomatic organ.
  3. Looks at the body as flesh and bones only.
  4. Not suitable for Chronic Diseases.
  5. It does not support preventive medicine.
  6. It makes patients drug-dependent for long periods.
  7. It creates many side effects.
  8. It is expensive if not appropriately insured.
  1. Requires lifestyle changes.
  2. Uses only basic technology — simple diagnostic tests.
  3. It does not perform invasive treatments.
  4. Treatment and recovery sometimes require long periods.
  5. Therapists and clinics are not always licensed.
  6. Poor regulation, supervision, and control.
  7. Lower availability.
  8. Often, they are not covered by health insurance.


  1. The simultaneous use of both medical approaches while creating synergy.
  2. There is a better recovery in chronic diseases and others with no effective drug or invasive treatment.
  3. New options for treating complex diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.
  1. The simultaneous use of both medical approaches while creating synergy.
  2. It is an opportunity to eliminate the inferior image and enter the conventional medical establishment in an orderly and complete manner.
  3. The use of advanced technology is essential in medicine advocating self-healing.
  1. Chronic morbidity has already reached epidemic proportions without a good response from conventional medicine.
  2. The modern way of life presents conventional medicine with enormous challenges that are difficult to expect today.
  1. There are many healing techniques without a unifying theory.
  2. An inferior image almost always causes patients to try conventional medicine first.
  3. Self-healing medicine cannot perform comprehensive tests or invasive procedures that are sometimes necessities of reality and can not provide a complete solution.


Note: I prefer to name Complementary Alternative-Functional Medicine. (CAM) as Self-Healing Functional Medicine. 

Unlike conventional medicine, Self-healing functional medicine eliminates the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms!

  • There are about 100 different diagnostic techniques and treatments for alternative medicine. On the surface, these techniques do not seem to have a clear connection, but in a more in-depth observation, the whole basis of alternative medicine is the self-healing ability applied to all of us.
  • In my opinion, Self-healing medicine is a better description of the essence of (CAM) without having an inferior connotation.


 Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine. (Self-Healing Medicine.) SWOT analysis.

(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

 Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine. (Self-Healing Medicine.) SWOT analysis.

Why is alternative medicine (Self-healing medicine) often considered inferior to conventional medicine?

Without a unifying philosophy, it is much easier to overlook the role of mind and soul and their reflections on the body.

  • Alternative therapists usually have shorter and less thorough training than medical studies.
  • Most CAM treatments have not been scientifically proven. (Although acupuncture has been)
  • Not all alternative therapists are licensed.
  • Most clinics and alternative therapists are not regulated.
  • Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in funding research on CAM. Without research funding, it is not possible to validate CAM's effectiveness.


The required conclusions regarding the relative advantages of the two medical methods. (Which does not exist in reality.)

  • Modern medicine provides an excellent response to urgent and short-term cases where self-healing is impossible, such as genetic diseases, the elderly and children, pregnant women, emergency cases, and severe injuries. (Of all types)
    • Conventional medicine has advanced diagnostic tools and lab tests essential for a better diagnosis.
  • Self-healing medicine has inherent advantages in balancing the body, mind, and spirit required for recovery from severe illnesses, chronic diseases, and continuous disability, and in all situations where the spirit's triumph on the body is part of recovery. (Physical and mental)


The Unified Philosophy of Medicine.

  • If both philosophical approaches to medicine have strengths and weaknesses, will the approach's merger lead to synergy? The answer is" yes." 
  • In my opinion, the two medical philosophy approaches reflect each other and should not be separated. Only a unifying philosophy can make this change possible.     

A breakthrough in medical science requires a unifying medical philosophy to guide the practitioner's actions.

Modern physics has learned to live with the apparent duality between the mechaniNewton'swton's laws and quantum mechanics. The medical establishment must adapt to the openness of thought to allow the two primary medicine approaches to coexist while creating synergy.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations. 

The in-depth analysis reveals a mirror image between modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine weaknesses and strengths. Integrating conventional modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.

Conventional Modern Medicine.

  • Enormous achievements in a wide range of fields related to technological development. However, there are also significant failures.
  • It has allowed us to maintain our unhealthy lifestyle consisting of innutritious diets & beverages, insufficient sleep, more anxiety, and less free time.
  • Does modern conventional medicine cure chronic diseases? I believe the answer is "probably" not." it might relieve pain and other symptoms, with a massive price of getting dependent and sometimes even addicted to drugs. 
  • Deals mainly with the symptoms by taking many pharmaceutical drugs that do not treat the cause.

Self-healing medicine.

  • It does not provide all the solutions to public health demands and cannot be a standalone medical health system. 
  • It treats the causes, but the price is usually a lifestyle change. Most patients prefer the most direct solution modern medicine offers.  
  • Patients usually start with modern conventional medicine and become disappointed with the outcomes. They then seek out alternative medical advice.
  • The core of self-healing medicine is to keep the body in balance all the time. Self-healing implies that the use of pharmaceuticals is restricted since all chemical drugs disturb the balance. (It makes it challenging to practice both medical approaches simultaneously.)
  • Following the growing demand, many hospitals and health centers opened individual departments for alternative medicine (CAM). The reason is, of course, straightforward: conventional medicine could not fully recover patients.
  • Integrating conventional medicine with self-healing medicine has many benefits, except that self-healing requires the patient to be his medical advisor with perseverance, willpower, and self-discipline.

Economic aspects.

  • The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
  • Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and poor quality of life, investing in self-healing is exceptionally economical in the long run.


The in-depth analysis shows that modern and self-healing functional medicine have similar weaknesses and strengths. Integrating conventional modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why does the SWOT analysis mirror the strengths and weaknesses of the two medical schools?
When we find complementary-opposite things (like yin-yang in Chinese philosophy), they are part of one whole.
Why is the name "alternative medicine" not an appropriate name?
The term "Alternative" implies inferiority, which is not the case! The desirable name is self-healing medicine.
What makes self-healing medicine a more suitable choice in cases of chronic diseases?
Unlike conventional medicine, Self-healing functional medicine eliminates the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms.
Is there a contradiction between self-healing medicine and conventional medicine?
Self-healing and conventional medicine are two sides of the same coin; they complement each other. Self-healing is a built-in property from birth, but when things go wrong, it is necessary to resort to conventional medicine.
Why is it necessary to have a philosophy of medicine to produce integrative medicine?
Without a unified philosophy of medicine, conflicts arise between the two concepts, even though they are complementary. Struggles for power, influence, and finance are part of the problem.
Is self-healing medicine an "inferior medicine" in cases where conventional medicine fails?
Self-healing medicine is not inferior to conventional medicine — It is its mirror. Self-healing is a fantastic quality that must be utilized; it is always preferable to the surgeon's scalpel, but it is not always achievable.
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Conventional vs. Self-healing medicine — SWOT analysis.
1. Why can we say with certainty that integrating modern medicine with self-healing medicine is mandatory?
The SWOT analysis points to a mirror image between Modern and Self-Healing Medicines' weaknesses and strengths. Thus, Integration is requested.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 1.
The in-depth analysis points to a mirror image between modern medicine and self-healing functmedicine's weaknesses and strengths. Integrating conventional modern medicine and self-healing functional medicine is vital to achieving optimal healthcare.
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