The unified energy-flow theory of primary emotions.

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Treating emotions as energy flow significantly changes how we view them. Love, Envy, Hate, and Revenge are needed in a competitive world.

"To discover the universe's secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibrations. (Nikola Tesla)" 


  • We are used to thinking of music in terms of frequency and energy, which can be represented in numbers. The same can be attributed to words, but paradoxically, it is difficult for emotions to accept an energetic, mathematical explanation.
  • Words, thoughts, emotions, and memories are energetic expressions known to science. This article displays only one topic from a broad spectrum.

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. " (Newton's Third Law of Motion).

  • Why are emotions classified between action and reaction? The primary emotions reflect an energy flow between the positive (donor) pole - the action, and the negative (recipient) pole - the reaction. (Hence the Bipolar model)


Yin-Yang in Chinese philosophy. (Reminiscent of the principle of energy flow between poles)

Yin-Yang in Chinese philosophy. (Reminiscent of the principle of movement between poles)

Introduction to emotions and their energetic dimension. 

You will find no uniformity if you look for a unified model of all emotions. Many attempts, with stunning color charts, describe the map of emotions and sort them into different categories. None of the classes I found addressed feelings in the energetic dimension, which I think is desirable.

  • If you look for a uniform definition of emotions, you will find many different definitions. Looking at emotions from the neurological aspect of nerve conduction and various chemicals is correct but simplistic. In many definitions, I found no mention of the subconscious and intuition as part of human emotions, although they have a significant component. Link: Emotion (Wikipedia) 
  • Paradise is described as the ultimate place where there are only positive emotions. Until we get there (the eternal light), we all occasionally live with negative emotions, preferably as little as possible. In a utopian world, we have always been in the positive cycle that charges the energy of life. Many interactions are in a negative cycle in a competitive world with limited resources.

The wisdom is to try to balance ourselves and avoid the negative cycle that consumes energy from us and makes us sick as much as possible.


The concept of qi Life-force energy. (Indirectly related to this model.)

The Chinese concept of Qi is not easily translated into Western thought.

"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For the health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

The connection between the body, mind & spirit.

  • Although this connection between body, mind, and spirit has been known for thousands of years, Western culture and medicine have not developed and implemented these ideas.
  • Not everyone knows that acupuncture is an energetic treatment method that aims to balance life energy, which is essential for a healthy life.
  • All martial arts make exceptional use of life energy. Through practice, they harness the energetic capabilities of doing impossible things!


The four life-phases energy flow model. (Very briefly)

The 4 seasons are just one (of many) examples of cyclic energetic flow.

From the single cell to the entire universe, all energetic processes in nature are characterized by the cyclic energy flow, which consists of four Phases.

The four phases according to this model: 

  1. Stimulation   
  2. Expansion 
  3. Contraction 
  4. Relaxation 

Prominent examples:

  • Mitosis (Cell division) consists of 4 phases. (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.)
  • Body organs: Respiratory system & heartbeat. (Each has 4 phases.) 
  • Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
  • Life Cycle: Birth, Maturity, Old age, Death. (This also applies to stars!)
  • All Matter has 4 phases: Gas, Liquid, Plasma, and Solid. (Matter and energy have dual properties.) 


Inside the triangle's - reaction, outside - action.

The unified, bipolar energetic model of emotions.

The suggested unified energetic model of all emotions. 

Principles of the model: 

  • Energy is always in motion between poles (from positive to negative) and is cyclical. Therefore, emotions are also bipolar.
  • Bipolarity means that every emotion has action and response. (In the diagram, the action appears outside the triangle, while the reaction appears inside the triangle.)
  • If you search, you can find about 150 adjectives for emotions, but many reflect synonyms. 

Most researchers marked six main categories: anger, fear, joy, love, sadness, and surprise. (I believe fear is not a controlled emotion but an instinct. It exists in all of us to one degree or another.)

Every meaningful and prolonged human interaction places us in one of two cycles: (Indifference is usually a temporary state)

  1. Harmonic positive emotions charge the energy of life.
  2. Disharmonious emotions drain the energy of life.

Intuition has a profound emotional effect, bypassing logic.

A bipolar form of Action and Reaction characterizes all emotions.

  • The explanation for this is that energy always moves between poles.

Surprise is usually an emotion that does not belong to one of the two cycles.

  • We often can very quickly classify it into one of the two cycles. (positive or negative)

Unsurprisingly, there are more negative than positive emotions in regular use.

  • Prominent harmonious (Positive) emotions are love, Hope, Satisfaction, Relief, Optimism, Happiness, Joy, Compassion, Pride, Affection, and Tenderness. 
  • Prominent Disharmonic (Negative) emotions: Hate, Envy, Revenge, Anger, Frustration, Aggression, Disgust, Depression, Dislike, Fury, Rage, Resentment, Disappointment, Humiliation, Insecurity, grief, Isolation, Shame, Guilt, Embarrassment, Hopelessness, Suffering, 

Smiles, laughter, crying, sadness, anger, distance, disgust, and astonishment are all part of body language, which often betray our emotions even without talking. Body language is the physical expression of our energetic cycle.

  • If you laugh and smile a lot, it does not mean your life is perfect! But you are often in the positive, energetic cycle that charges your life energy.
  • It is implied that someone who cries a lot, is sad, angry, distant, and pensive most of the time, is probably unhappy, and is more frequently in the cycle of negative emotions that consume the energy of life.
  • Not for nothing; there are laughter workshops! But involuntary or fake laughter is not helpful at all.

Uninterrupted synchronized energy flow - Harmonic emotions. (Positive) Asynchronous energy flow - Disharmonic emotions. (Negative) 

  • Unresolved mental traumas (Negative emotions) are often stored subconsciously. There is constant energy damage. Suppose the subconscious cannot contain repressed emotions. The person usually develops diseases (including mental illness) or addictions in such situations.

Positive and negative emotions, truth and falsehood, crying and laughter are opposites—complementary reminders of the concept of Yin-Yang in Chinese philosophy. 


These four groups of primary emotions reflect intersecting energy cycles, and they are not accidental — they serve the purpose of survival. 

Love, envy, hatred, and revenge exist in humans and are prominent in other mammals.

Unsurprisingly, Love, Envy, Hatred, and Revenge are interconnected.

Love, envy, hatred, and revenge are part of a parallel energetic cycle manifested by the 4 phases of life. 

Unsurprisingly, Love, Envy, Hatred, and Revenge are interconnected. They are related to two corresponding, interacting, parallel energy cycles.

Every significant interpersonal long-term interaction is expressed in one of the two sets. (Triangles) Positive or Negative. An "indifferent" state is usually a temporary state. Good chemistry between people helps us enter the positive cycle, while bad interpersonal chemistry drags us into the negative cycle.

  • Love is a synchronized flow of life-force energy throughout the four phases of life. The negative emotions (envy, hatred, and revenge) result from a life-force energy block in one or more of the 4  phases due to a mismatch in interpersonal interaction. (Inevitable phenomenon)
  • The four groups of emotions serve explicit purposes; they are synchronized with the energy of life. Negative emotions are the other side of the same coin.

Paradoxically, negative emotions have a survival purpose, but overload causes a "short-circuit of energy flow."

Positive: (Love, happiness, Hope, optimism, Satisfaction, relief) 

  • Love and all positive emotions charge the energy of life (qi) —  Love has a critical role in survival.

Negative: Envy, frustration, Revenge, aggression, hate, anger) 

  • Envy - is intended to produce deterrence and belonging to a social rank. Jealousy stimulates the drive to achieve.
  • Hatred- Hate is a warning mechanism - do not come near - you may harm yourself and me. Hate is a powerful emotion, often even more so than love.
  • Revenge—Revenge is a defense mechanism against possible harm from any attacker. The problem is that sometimes, revenge goes out of proportion and becomes connected to hatred and envy. A good example can be found in Quentin Tarantino's revenge films.

It's easier to forgive someone we love than someone we do not.

  • This phenomenon explains our energetic synchronization toward someone we love, who activates an energetic charge. Forgiveness allows for a recharge of energy. Jealousy, hatred, and revenge discharge the energy of life.

In all cultures and religions, you will find (quite similar) stories about love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge. Of course, this is no coincidence!

  • The energetic blockages gradually shift to the subconscious, where routine psychological treatments can not penetrate. Forgiveness, mercy, and absolution require extraordinary transcendence that often requires spiritual "enlightenment."
  • Envy, hatred, and revenge are evidence of energy blockage. It is an almost inevitable phenomenon, but it severely harms our health.
  • Looking at developed mammals, you can detect the same four emotions: love, envy, hatred, and revenge. Every living creature has four phases of life.


Negative emotions disrupt our energy flow. We try to avoid people who cause negative emotions because they consume our life-force energy.

Negative emotions disrupt our energy flow. We try to avoid people who cause us negative emotions because they consume our life-force energy.

How are love, envy, hatred, and revenge interconnected? 

In a utopian world with unlimited resources available to everyone, one would expect only positive emotions. In reality, every child already feels all four of these emotions.

  • My arguments are unconventional and based on the human body's energetic conception, which views the body as a dual, physical, and energetic entity.
  • In the energetic translation, good interpersonal chemistry is a synchronized flow of life-force energy. When it comes to a romantic or family relationship or people very dear to our hearts, we often call it love!
  • A person who disturbs the proper flow of energy in our body may develop one of the three negative possibilities of deep emotion: envy, hatred, or revenge—each individually or together.
  • Developed mammals, such as monkeys, exhibit the same emotions humans experience. It is not accidental; the four feelings inevitably result from the energetic flow.


Vortex Math and Numerology.

Vortex Math and Numerology.

Love is tremendously manifested by the radiating life force (qi) energy.

The theory behind the method is a bit complex and has fascinating mathematical elements. According to this method, the digits are assigned to each word and are summed up to reduce a single-digit number from 1 to 9. LOVE = ENERGY (-9) Positive pole. 

  • Here's an example of how to calculate for LOVE. (If you perform a calculation for the value "Money," you will receive the same answer!) 
  • Number 9, located at the top of the triangle, is considered the highest energy level of the negative (giving) pole. 
    • LOVE (In numbers)  L  = 3 | O = 6 | V = 4 | E = 5 | 3 + 6+ 4+ 5 = 18 | 1+ 8 = 9 

Link YouTube: Vortex Math Part 1 and 2 Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 The Key To Universe


Two familiar examples illustrate the energetic influence on human behavior.

Lies are a behavioral-emotional defense mechanism. Lying requires activating energy associated with the cycle of negative emotions.

Truth and falsehood have distinct energetic mechanisms with an emotional connection. 

  • Lies exist at all ages! We all lie occasionally, but the differences are in intensity, audacity, daring, and dosage.
  • Truth is sometimes excruciating, but it does not consume energy as lies require.
  • Significant lies require sophisticated and sometimes creative thinking to avoid revealing the truth. Lies consume a lot of energy. Scammers and crooks who lie subtly are considered knowledgeable people, not in vain.

Do only humans lie?

  • A lie is a defense mechanism of the mind; we use it regularly, at varying levels. Animals do not speak or lie in the word's complete sense, but they use pretense and small tricks, mainly for food and attention. The phenomenon is very noticeable in pets that learn from us.

Lies consume energy. Truth does not charge energy, but neither does it consume energy. Therefore, lies are associated with the circle of negative emotions, while truth is associated with the positive emotional cycle.


An explanation of the four main phases in any Argument. (Argument is an example of behavior mixed with emotions.) Using the four phases of the life model.

All energetic processes in nature, from the single cell to the entire universe, are characterized by cyclic energy flow, which consists of four Phases. 

Any argument carries energy and is characterized by the same four phases:

  1. Stimulation   ⇒ The trigger that ignites the debate. (Sometimes, these are small and marginal things.)
  2. Expansion     ⇒ The vocal phase of the fight, unilateral or bilateral.
  3. Contraction  ⇒ The stage where an argument is stopped, not necessarily because of consent.
  4. Relaxation    ⇒ The calming phase after discussions.

Prominent examples of the four phases of the life model:

  • Mitosis (Cell division) consists of 4 phases. (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.)
  • Body organs: Respiratory system & heartbeat. (Each has 4 phases.) 
  • Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
  • Life Cycle: Birth, Maturity, Old age, Death. (This also applies to stars!)
  • All Matter has 4 phases: Gas, Liquid, Plasma, and Solid. (Matter and energy have dual properties.) 

What are people arguing about?

  • Quarrels and disagreements exist on various topics, including home, family, children, burden inequality, jealousy, and many other diverse subjects. But to sum up, disagreements and quarrels are primarily about control, love, power, resources, and priorities.

When does an argument become harmful?

  • Arguments become harmful when they form sediment. In most languages, there is a word for deep anger and dissatisfaction. Anger is much more profound and hurtful than temporary dissatisfaction.

When is there a disconnect between people at the emotional-energetic level?

  • An emotional-energetic disconnect is usually the result of constant entry into the negative cycle of emotions that discharge life's energy. It is a defense mechanism!


This model presents behavior as an energy flow between two poles, one acting logically and the other bypassing logic and acting very fast.

The Energetic Behavioral Model.

The Energetic Behavioral Model—Looks at behavior as an energy flow. 

This article is not about behavior, so the topic is presented only as food for thought. I propose to see curiosity as an energetic phenomenon embedded in every living being at different levels. The laws of conservation of energy and entropy (disorder) require the existence of curiosity! Link: What is curiosity? (Not a behavior nor an instinct)

The four phases  with their respective energy cycle according to this model: 

  1. Stimulation   ⇒ Emotions.
  2. Expansion     ⇒ Personality.
  3. Contraction  ⇒ Instincts
  4. Relaxation    ⇒ Intuition. (Subconsciously)

This cycle is characterized by 4 phases affected by heredity and the environment. (Not in the focus of this article)

This article emphasizes the energetic side of emotions. Many mental diseases and disorders affecting emotion, personality, and behavior are energetic blockages! Modern medicine tends to treat them mainly through pharmacological and psychoanalytical methods. This vast topic overlaps with psychology and psychiatry, which this article does not address.


The perception of emotions, personality, behavior, and intuition as a flow of energy will significantly change the behavioral sciences perspective.

Frequently asked questions and answers:
Does treating emotions as energy flow significantly change how we view them?
The principles of energy flow have exact physical legality. Therefore this different way of looking at it may shed light on phenomena for which we had no explanation in the biochemical and behavioral world.
Where can the four primary emotions be felt very prominently?
Love, envy, hatred, and revenge are, of course, also present in humans, but these qualities are much more pronounced in mammals.
How is this model different from other behavioral models?
This model presents an entirely different perception of all emotions as an energetic flow. Based on known physical principles.
Why are jealousy, hatred, and revenge necessary? These are destructive emotions.
These primary negative emotions are part of our mental defense mechanism. They are required to survive in a world with limited resources.
Does this model contradict basic assumptions of psychology or psychiatry?
This model does not contradict or exclude anything from the fields of activity of psychology and psychiatry. The model presents a different view on many behavioral processes from the perspective of energy flow.
Is it possible to translate this model and make it useful and practical for the sciences of psychiatry and psychology?
It should be emphasized that this is a raw, preliminary model, part of a complete and very complex puzzle. I estimate that it will take considerable time to implement this model.
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The Unified, Bipolar, Energetic Model of Primary Emotions.
1. Do positive emotions carry positive energy, while negative emotions carry negative energy?
You will find many videos that try to explain the relationship between positive and negative emotions and the life energy that can be attributed to them.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Positive emotions charge life energy. Negative emotions discharge life energy. Good health requires us to be as connected as possible to positive emotions to recharge with life energy.
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