An anti-inflammatory foods pyramid.

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  3. An anti-inflammatory foods pyramid.
The purpose of the food pyramid is to make recommendations for proper nutrition. However, it does not provide a complete picture.
Food and Beverages Pyramid.

Note: The table below requires mobile phone users to adjust the screen manually for optimal viewing.

It should not surprise anyone that there is no consensus on various food pyramid components. This food pyramid reflects the well-reasoned opinions of the best experts in the field and my personal opinion. A good diet provides the body with all the nutrients required to maintain a healthy body and mind and supports tissue regeneration.

The composition of foods, the source (natural versus processed and industrialized), the preparation method, and even the timing of eating and drinking are highly significant. It is essential to emphasize that easily digestible foods are better absorbed. Natural foods that contain natural oils are often easier to digest.


The food pyramid does not provide a complete picture.

The recommended food pyramid is visualized in different colors, and if you add up the colors, you will get a very clear pyramid. I must emphasize that industrialized and processed food causes enormous health damage. It is now a staple of the modern diet.

Good and very good.

  • Products marked as "good" or "very good" are beneficial and have no significant restrictions on their consumption. (Normal consumption)

Limited quantities.

  • Products marked as "limited quantities" are only recommended for moderate consumption.

Avoid or minimal quantities.

  • Try to minimize the consumption of products marked as "avoid" or "minimal quantities." 

Plant-based food.

Nutrient name



All cold-pressed Non-GM (Genetically Modified) oils.

Beneficial in normal quantities.


Avoid trans fats and overheated fats. 

Plain sugar and white flour products.

Minimal quantities.

White flour turns to sugar very fast.

Natural sweeteners.

Limited quantities.

Honey, date paste, carob powder, etc.  

Cereals rich in gluten

Limited quantities.

Grains rich in gluten are not recommended for the chronically ill. They should be consumed with natural fat that lubricates the intestinal walls.

White flour bread.

Minimal quantities.

It turns to sugar very fast. (High glycemic index.)

Bread. (Sourdough or sprouted bread.)


Limited quantities



Recommend 70% or more rye flour, spelled whole wheat, Quaker Oats, whole grain, or sprouted bread.

With avocado and sliced vegetables on top – it has many significant benefits.     


Limited quantities.

Potatoes, yams, corn, rice. (Better eaten moist with small amounts of natural oils/fats that assist digestion.)

Cereals. (Unprocessed) without sugar, milk, or other additives.)

Beneficial in reasonable quantities.

High fiber content.

It is better eaten with goat milk and small quantities of natural oil/fats to help emulsification.

Sprouted cereals are more accessible to digest.

Any fruits.

Very good.

Besides fruits with high glucose content, like watermelon and grapes.

Berries – all kinds.

Very good.

It is highly recommended.

All vegetables.

Very good.

Eating a large variety will ensure that you have no nutrient deficiencies. It also contains significant amounts of dietary fiber.

Leafy greens.

Very good.

Excellent natural source of magnesium.

Seeds and sprouts.

Very good.

Easy to digest.

All legumes. 

Very good.

Excellent source of protein.



It produces a light acidic reaction in the intestines, so eat in limited quantities.

Rich in vitamin D

Nuts – all kinds.

Very good.

A handful of nuts per day is excellent. (Do not be afraid to gain weight.)

Natural – homemade sauces.

Very good.

Excellent emulsifiers. It is highly recommended. (Including egg yolk)

Pickled and fermented foods. 

Very good.

If it is homemade without additives, please keep it in a glass jar, not tin cans.  


Animal-based products and foods.

Diet, living conditions, and care are of high importance in animal foods. Natural food, without additives and hormones, yields less inflammatory and better-quality products.

Nutrient name



Butter. (Saturated fat.)

Limited quantities.

Keep from overheating during cooking. 

Ghee purified Butter.

(Saturated fat.)

Small quantities – Good.


Highest smoking point  

It's much better for frying and cooking. (Small quantities)

Excellent emulsifier. Buttery taste when added to starches.

Rich in vitamin D3 and K2 

Bone Marrow


Excellent food supports the immune system—the only Animal-based superfood.

Other animal fats. (Saturated.)

Lard, sweet cream, goose fat, etc. 

Limited quantities.

It creates an acidic environment inside the intestines.

Organic free-range products are better – fewer endotoxins.

Regular beef.

Minimal quantities.

Unless organic grass-fed, full of endotoxins.  

Grass-fed Beef.

Limited quantities.

It's much better than regular beef but is not often available and costly.

Regular Poultry.

Minimal quantities.

It's not different from beef.


Free-range Organic Poultry.

Limited quantities.

It's much better than the processed.

Goat and Lamb. 

Limited quantities.

Usually, these animals get better nutrition than cows. (less toxic)

Agricultural pond fish and Seafood. (Good quality)

Small amounts – Good.

Agrarian fish have fewer nutrients. Often contain heavy metals and other toxins.

Wild and deep water fish and Seafood. (Less contaminated)

Very good.

Excellent source of natural omega-three fatty acids and vitamin D3. It might be expensive.

The lakes, seas, and oceans are polluted with mercury, heavy metals, and other toxins.  


Cow milk.

Minimal quantities.

Goat's milk is much better than cow's milk (though it is more expensive). Use fatty cow's milk rather than skim milk if goat's milk is unavailable.

Cow yogurt.

Limited quantities.

It contains good bacteria and less lactose (milk sugar) than milk. Rich in Iodine. 

Goat and sheep yogurt.

Normal quantities – Good.

It is easier to digest than cow yogurt, has a distinctive taste, balances the gut flora, and is rich in Iodine (for thyroid functions).

Beef cheese products.

Minimal quantities.

Avoid hard yellow cheese; it is tough to digest and produces an acidic reaction.

Goat and Lamb cheese.  

Limited quantities.

Avoid processed cheese, which is recommended from small farms that use organic milk.

Regular Eggs.

Limited quantities.

One egg per day or two egg yolks maximum. 

Free-range eggs.

Small quantities – Good.

Egg yolk has a deep orange color.

Excellent emulsifier.

All highly processed animal foods.



Avoid smoked meat (dry and hard to digest), hot dogs, sausage, and ground meat.    

Meatballs and hamburgers.

Minimal quantities. (Avoid)

Meat should be ground at home or in front of your eyes. (This is usually a highly industrialized food – particularly harmful)


All beverages.

Nutrient name




 Water is life.

Drinking whenever thirsty, also during meals. Do not drink icy water. 

Soda sparkling water. (Without sugar.)

Limited quantities.


Light acidic, better with lemon, without sugar.

Black Coffee, without milk or sugar. 

2-3 cups per day

Very good.

Many benefits.

Drinking before going to sleep is not recommended.

Instant coffee with milk and sugar.

Minimal quantities.

Especially when eating cakes or sweet pastries at the same time.

All kinds of tea without milk or sugar. 

Very good.

One small teaspoon of honey can be added. 

There are no limits to drinking tea without sweeteners.

Tea with milk or sugar

Limited quantities.

Try to limit it to 2-3 per day.

Fresh quizzed juices.

Very good.

Not from bottles.

Soft drinks and diet drinks.

Minimal quantities.

It uses fructose (fruit sugar as the primary sweetener – usually artificial syrup.)

Many side-effects.

All wines. (Including red wine.)

Limited quantities.



1-3 small glasses per day maximum.   

Beer of all kinds.

Natural fermentation without any artificial additives. 

Limited quantities.



Moderate drinking may have few benefits but also risks and side effects.

One needs the discipline to drink only limited quantities of beer.

Hard liquor.

Avoid totally.


Many side-effects. Damages the liver. 


Dense and heavy bread is much more satisfying.

Dense and heavy bread is much more satisfying.

Which bread is the healthiest? (Sprouted, rye, spelled, or whole flour sourdough bread.) 

  • Healthy bread is dense and tends to be massive. (Especially bread made without yeast.)
  • Bread with low gluten is best. Most healthy bread has low gluten. (Although not zero percent gluten.)
  • There are many bread recipes. Most people do not bake their bread, so buying bread from a reliable source is essential. The best are small specialized bakeries that deliver organic whole-grain sourdough bread.
  • Sprouted bread is most recommended for everyone. Sprouting releases enzymes that break the grain shell. Sprouted bread has low gluten and is much easier to digest because enzymes start breaking the grain shell. (which is hard to digest.)
  • Low-calorie bread is less dense and weighs less. Heavy bread makes you feel full faster.

Minimize eating white flour and yeast bread; it disturbs the gut flora balance.


Quantities, compositions, and scheduling have great significance.

Essential nutritional principles for good health:

  1. Eat natural, unprocessed foods as much as possible. Preferably non-GMO organic food.
  2. Easy digestion of food is of great importance. Food that is difficult to digest, especially animal protein, strains the immune system.
  3. The quantities (mainly of animal proteins) and the composition of the foods are significant. A healthy diet must include all nutrients and generous amounts of natural plant foods.
  4. Acidic foods for the gut, especially animal proteins and starches, should not be consumed together in large quantities.
  5. Dietary fiber and probiotic bacteria, such as yogurt, are essential for a healthy immune system.
  6. Foods that contain natural fat aid digestion and should not be avoided. (in reasonable amounts)

It is essential to pay attention to proper dietary habits.

  • Chew well, take a break, and eat comfortably.
  • Do not eat late at night.
  • Fresh vegetables should be sprinkled with olive oil or other oils such as hemp or flaxseed.
  • Add a little fat with a higher melting temperature, such as coconut oil or Ghee butter, boiled or baked starches, or vegetables. (Although they are saturated fats.)
  • Especially after a meal that includes animal protein (which is more difficult to digest), it is recommended to take a short 20-30-minute walk at a moderate speed. Walking helps the digestive process.

We eat with all our senses, so filling the plate with various vegetables seasoned with oils and spices is desirable. (This includes aromatic salt.)


Diverse and high-quality food allows us to avoid unnecessary supplements that may cause harm.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Is the fact that there is no consensus about the food and drink pyramid a fault?
Many disputes on essential questions in the nutritional context cause confusion among the general public. This is an undesirable situation. It is necessary to emphasize that weighty economic considerations are involved.
Why is it important to emphasize the quality of the animal's food?
Because most animal foods, including fish and seafood, are industrialized foods that receive additives, hormones, chemicals, and antibiotics for rapid weight gain—these harms our health.
Is it advisable to purchase expensive organic food, even though its taste is not significantly better?
It is advisable to purchase organic food since the pesticide it receives is primarily biological and does not involve spraying harmful substances. Non-GMO foods are better than genetically modified foods because the nutritional values of genetically modified foods are sometimes compromised.
Why does the food pyramid not provide a complete picture?
Because the composition of food and drinks, eating habits, and even the timing of eating have significant health importance.
Is it essential to consume animal proteins daily?
An adult person needs one gram of protein per kilogram of mass (at optimal weight). This means that women need about 55-75 grams of protein daily, while men need between 75-100 grams daily. This amount is about 3 times lower than the average consumption of proteins in developed countries. Plant proteins are an excellent source of protein, less compressed and less acidic for the intestines.
Is there a consensus among experts regarding milk and dairy products?
There is no consensus on whether (cow's) milk is healthy. At the same time, more and more well-known experts support that cow's milk is unsuitable for humans! It is intended to feed calves. An average cow weighs about 10 times as much as an average woman. There is no dispute that goat's milk is healthier! Its only drawback is its high price and unique taste.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Self-Healing Food and Beverages Pyramid.
1. Are cow's milk and dairy products inflammatory to our bodies?
Milk and dairy products were perceived as a superfood, delicious and healthy, mainly due to their amount of protein and minerals. In recent years, there have been entirely different insights that contradict this thesis.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 2.
A cow weighs about ten times as much as a nursing woman. The protein in milk is very concentrated and is designed to feed calves and not humans! The excess protein is converted to ammonia (toxic) and synthesized in the liver into substances excreted in the urine. Goat and sheep's milk is much more suitable for consumption, but its price is significantly higher than that of cow's milk products.
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