Use home remedies with natural ingredients at every opportunity.

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  3. Use home remedies with natural ingredients at every opportunity.
Buy homemade cosmetics and hygiene products made of natural ingredients. Although they are expensive, they protect both you and the environment.
Bee hive with honey,

We have no control over air quality as individuals. Still, we can minimize our exposure to pollutants and unnatural substances found in food, beverages, cosmetics, detergents, construction, gardens, and our environment. Natural materials are often more expensive, but investing in them pays off for you and the environment in the long run.

  • Most food, beverages, medicine, cosmetics, detergents, and pesticides use harmful artificial substances, claiming their concentrations are harmless. Still, in practice, we are exposed simultaneously to many hazardous substances, not the examined individual. The cumulative effect of toxins is dramatic but not tested.

It is essential to minimize the hazardous daily consumption of food and drink, cosmetics, detergents, and home accessories that are environmentally unfriendly and contain substances foreign to the human body. This is challenging because everything today is industrialized and processed, but everything you can manage to reduce profit is yours and that of your household.


How do you choose home remedies?

To minimize potential damage to our health due to hazardous materials, we recommend using products that contain only natural ingredients, preferably in self-preparation or as a substitute for the shelf. (It is best to stick with manufacturers who explicitly indicate that the product is made of natural ingredients only.)

  • Demand for natural products is rising in developed countries, but their market share is still limited. Because of high product prices, they are sometimes sold in chains specializing in organic health food. In those cases, you should consult the store sellers who have knowledge and experience with these products.
  • Even manufacturers who claim to supply natural home remedies sometimes do not provide 100% natural ingredients. Therefore, it is essential to read the labels and ask questions. 


There are four main groups of home remedies. (Broad definition.)

  1. Home remedies for healing and alleviating the symptoms of diseases. (Sometimes, include not only nutrition)
  2. Products for personal hygiene.
    1. Without soap such as toothpaste, washing the gums, handling unpleasant odors from the mouth, etc.
    2. Body cleansing products include soap and its derivatives (such as body, face, and shampoo).
      1. Caution - prior knowledge of active and hazardous substances may be required.
  3. Cosmetics & improved appearance.
  4. Home remedies for cleaning and home use. (Yard, Garden, Pets.)
    1. Caution - prior knowledge of active and hazardous substances may be required.


What characterizes and are the typical ingredients of most home remedies?

The number of components is usually small. (3-6)

  • Most ingredients are natural raw materials. (*Natural products are products that have not been synthesized.)
  • Preparation is usually straightforward and does not require special tools or machines.
    • Caution - Some recipes require heating or boiling and hazardous chemicals. (Such as caustic soda or Potassium.)
  • Most home remedies (excluding food and medicinal herbs) are not intended for internal use.

Typical ingredients of home remedies. (Partial list)

*For example, Vaseline is a common raw material in the cosmetic industry (a byproduct of the oil industry) and is not a natural material. Natural wax, such as that found in the honeycomb, costs much more.

  • Vegetation: Vegetables (Beets, cucumbers, avocado tomatoes), Leaves, Fruits, Beans, Sprouts, Roots, Mushrooms, Spices (Onion, garlic, hot pepper, turmeric), and Flowers.
  • Animal: Eggs, Honey, Honeycomb, Milk (goats or sheep usually), Ghee butter.
  • Vegetable oils: Olive oil, Coconut oil, Castor oil, Almond oil, Flaxseed oil, Jojoba oil, and Hazelnut oil.
  • Aromatic oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Jojoba, Ginger.
  • Salts and minerals: Baking soda, Bentonite clay, Colored clay.
  • Organic emulsifiers: egg yolk, honey, mustard, vinegar, avocado, lemon juice, and all-natural fats/oils (including ghee-purified butter and coconut oil). 
  • Non-organic emulsifiers: Caustic soda, Potassium. (CAUTION - A powerful chemical alkaline.)


What are the advantages and weaknesses of using home remedies vs. industrialized products?

  •  Most Home remedies are made from natural substances with fewer side effects and counter-indications than pharmaceutical drugs.
  •  Over time, home remedies are much safer. (Their preparation can be fast, enjoyable, and beneficial.)

What are the weaknesses of home remedies?

  • The natural ingredients require regular purchases. Sometimes, it is not available in one place.
  • Preparation sometimes takes a long time.
  • Home remedies have a slower effect than pharmaceuticals and are often more expensive. (There are two main reasons for this.)
    • Natural ingredients are usually more costly than synthetic ingredients.
    • Production is usually done in small batches and does not allow economies of scale in large enterprises.


The labels on the products provide the exact dosage of the chemical ingredients but are not easily understood.

People usually look at the quantity and price per unit of weight. It isn't easy to get an idea regarding product quality by looking at the various components. We tend to rely on recognized brands and regulatory approvals for products.

  • Of course, it is possible to mark products as more user-friendly, not by the chemical names of the ingredients.
    • Such as specifying its group and whether the source is natural or artificial (e.g., synthetic enzyme).
    • Of course, such markings would have made it very easy for users but would have raised difficult questions that the manufacturers did not want to deal with.
  • Food and drug regulations are considered to be strict. The main question is whether they serve consumers or large and powerful companies.


Home and herbal remedies for healing and alleviating the symptoms of diseases. (Usually, include not only nutrition)

It is important to note that no miraculous home remedies cure chronic diseases as a stand-alone treatment. Home remedies are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. 

  • This site is mainly devoted to Self-healing medicine, with many recommendations for home remedies, so I do not want to repeat myself. I'll give you a few points in a nutshell.
  • Home remedies I used. (Instead of pharmaceutical drugs) Herbal Antibiotics, Anti-protozoan drugs, and Corticosteroids.
    • Although these are natural herbal medicines, they are not intended for prolonged use.
  • If you have Flu or fever, eat very lightly and drink hot chicken soup and tea. YouTube link:
  • Apple cider vinegar has many benefits; it is recommended for prolonged use, preferably with lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water, on an empty stomach. (Especially when having abdominal pain.) YouTube link:

Food supplements:

  • The body better absorbs nutrients in natural food and beverages than in supplements.
  • Taking vitamin supplements might be harmful because you might also feed the parasites.
  • Drinking freshly squeezed juice and taking controlled solar baths enables us to minimize supplement intake.
  • Due to low absorbency and compromised immune systems, patients might need extra antioxidants and a few nutritional supplements during recovery.
  • There is an endless list of food supplements in powders, pills, and liquids. Do not get confused! They may have health benefits but are not stand-alone treatments; food supplements might cause side effects.

A balanced diet is not difficult to apply and is the basis for natural healing.

  • Much unprocessed natural food (preferably organic and not genetically modified) with all macronutrients and ingredients. Reduced quantities of animal protein, preferably grass-fed or organic range-free products. Much dietary fiber is mixed with natural oils, enabling an effective emulsification process. Fermented products with natural live bacteria are essential for good health.
  • The balanced diet link: The balanced diet is the best for maintaining good health and optimal weight.

Colgate Toothpaste Chemical Linked to Cancer.

Products for personal hygiene.

  • Home remedies for oral hygiene are recommended. They are easy to prepare and do not require heating or hazardous chemicals.
  • Our toothpaste contains substances that clean teeth from stains (even car scratches), but it comes at the price of dangerous materials that we would not want to put in our mouths!

 I recommend Home toothpaste with natural ingredients and excellent cleaning qualities. (Without risk or side effects.)

 Ingredients and preparation: The quantities are subject to change; the materials are not expensive and accessible.

  1. Bentonite clay - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Baking soda - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Coconut oil - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Lemon juice. (From 1 lemon)

The ingredients must be mixed well. Mixing produces vigorous fermentation. Do not worry. This chemical reaction is not dangerous. The mixture can be placed in a small glass jar with a sealed lid.

The taste is not the same as toothpaste bought. This home toothpaste's cleaning and stain removal qualities are no less than those of purchased dental tubes; of course, there is no risk. It is advisable to use an electric brush for optimal results.


 I prefer cosmetics that contain only natural ingredients.

 I prefer cosmetics that contain only natural ingredients.

Buying off-the-shelf in stores specializing in natural, organic products.

  • A wide range of materials for personal and household use require abrasives. The preparation itself requires knowledge and involves risks. In these cases, it is preferred to buy products with natural ingredients from the shelf. It is essential to know that not all components are 100% natural, but they usually entail fewer risks.

Cosmetics and improved appearance.

  • The use of cosmetics is ancient, and its primary purpose is to improve the appearance using removable materials. Today's range of products is more comprehensive than ever, and men use cosmetics extensively.
  • The significant change in appearance comes naturally from inside the body; no cream makes the skin young for an extended period. But in the modern era, we prefer short-term solutions that do not require a lifestyle change. 

Many videos on YouTube have great recipes and cosmetics products made from natural ingredients.

  • I do not doubt that you can find high-quality products on the shelf. I know people do not have time to prepare home products in the modern environment, but at the same time, this can be great fun and rewarding.
  • Although not a home remedy, Botox injections are not surprising; they are part of the same trend of immediate results at all costs.
  • Botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful; it paralyzes the face muscles and creates an inflammatory response that, in the short term, does indeed fill the wrinkles, but in the long run, the appearance looks pretty unnatural and poses considerable risks.


Summary and Conclusions.

It is highly recommended that natural home remedies be used. Investing in disease prevention is much cheaper than treating disease.

  • It is gratifying and valuable for those who like to make homemade products. (Of course, be careful.)
  • It is recommended that natural home remedies be purchased for the first time from the shelf in organic and natural food chains or any other reliable source (if you use the same brand repeatedly).

When shopping, buy homemade cosmetics and hygiene products that contain only natural ingredients. They may be expensive, but they protect both you and the environment. I wish you a safe and enjoyable use of natural home remedies.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Is the composition of harmful chemicals in household cleaners, cosmetics, and toiletries significant?
The products we consume individually are relatively safe, but combining all the harmful substances makes the picture different.
Why is it better to buy from small manufacturers who guarantee products based on the purity of natural ingredients than products from prominent manufacturers full of chemicals?
You won't ask any more questions if you watch YouTube videos on how simple toothpaste can remove scratches from your car's bin.
How complicated is it to make natural toothpaste at home? (For the demo)
In a glass jar with a lid, mix the following ingredients in proportions according to the number in parentheses: Bentonite clay powder. (2) Baking soda (2) Table salt (1) Apple cider vinegar (1) Coconut oil (2-3) The mixture must be mixed until a uniform texture is obtained. The resulting toothpaste is excellent at removing stains and tartar.
I don't have time to brew natural products at home.
There are health food stores that offer a variety of quality products based on the purity of natural ingredients. If there is no time to brew, you can buy ready-made. It is essential to read and ensure that the products do not contain artificial ingredients.
I use hair dye and many care products, and cosmetics. Do they contain unnatural chemicals?
Most toiletries, hygiene, and cosmetics products contain substances that are not natural but not necessarily harmful in low doses. Still, when combined with other substances, the burden on the immune system is significant. Most consumers do not read the labels; they often buy brands, thinking that the regulators check the products and, therefore, they are safe.
Does lipstick contain Vaseline (for the sake of demonstration)? Is it a natural product?
Vaseline is a by-product of petroleum refining and is not a natural product for our bodies. Lipstick must contain fat (stable), and natural fats are often much more expensive. (Vaseline is a relatively cheap substance)
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Use home remedies with natural ingredients at every opportunity.
1. Why is the market for natural household products, cosmetics, and detergents relatively small?
Most of our products, from toothpaste, hair dye, makeup, redness, shampoo, and detergents, are based on various chemicals synthesized in laboratories. Ostensibly, all of them are safe to use as individuals, but overall, they burden the human body, which already suffers from excessive inflammation due to a processed diet.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 3.
When shopping, buy homemade cosmetics and hygiene products that contain only natural ingredients. Their price is high, but they protect you and the environment.
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