The cancer philosophy. (All types)

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Cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of confined cells that isolate themselves from the healthy surrounding tissue in self-defense.
Cancer causes.

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."

Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)

This model suggests looking at the immune system's long-term failure as an energy failure. Cancer is one of four groups of immunodeficiency illnesses. Therefore, it can be presented in the 4-phase model of life—link: The 4 groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.

  • Note: This theoretical cancer discussion should not be considered a recommendation for any action or treatment. The table below requires mobile phone users to adjust the screen manually for optimal viewing.

Since the human body is built for survival, never acts randomly, and has no self-destructive mechanism (the mind has), the inevitable conclusion is that tumors, including all cancers, are only self-defense mechanisms and are a symptom! If we thoroughly understand the causes of their formation, we can treat them optimally.

  • Life energy can be illustrated by a simplistic analogy with cars as the energy of the spark that ignites fuel combustion. You can fill up with fuel, but the car won't start without the spark. We can eat to our fullness, but without the spark, with the right timing and intensity, the person will get sick. The spark (life energy) exists from when life begins and throughout life.

In this short article, I review unconventional aspects of the causes of cancer, with an emphasis on the energetic side of the disease.


Love and support are critical in cancer recovery because they immensely strengthen the energy of life.

LOVE is the most powerful

Introduction of the self-healing approach regarding all types of cancer. 

Cancer has two interconnected trajectories. 

Cancer is a name that indicates a similar result to two interconnected phenomena. Allegedly, cancer is one group of diseases that affects all systems and organs of the body. In practice, cancer has two pathways:

1 Juvenile-youth Cancer (ages 30-35 and under) is mainly affected by unresolved traumas and relates to the emotional-energetic dimension. It is primarily a violent cancer, characteristic mainly of young people up to 30.

2 Elderly Cancer (ages 70-75 and up) is a much slower, much less violent cancer, which characterizes especially older people, with a physiological background of accumulated tissue damage, mainly due to an unhealthy lifestyle (mental & physical) and poor nutrition.

(*) Adult cancer - around 30-70-year-olds, is a dynamic combination of these two groups.

The more violent the cancer, the greater the chances it comes against the background of unresolved mental trauma. The problem is that the mental-energetic dimension is challenging to correct in the long run by pharmacological or invasive means.

  • Chemotherapy treatments, including biological therapies, immunotherapy, and other therapies, are often devised to reduce the size of the tumor so that it can be removed with minimal damage. According to the concept of modern medicine, the tumor is the "root of the evil," and its removal leads to the recovery of the patient. However, the causes of cancer in the first place are not necessarily addressed. The attention, care, and love the patient receives hold a massive significance in their chances of recovery, mainly because cancer is associated with decreased life energy.

In the absence of philosophy, medicine treats cancer symptoms with considerable success, but it is necessary to treat the disease's causes to recover from cancer.

  • Unfortunately, there is no drug, invasive, or other treatment capable of rehabilitating the immune system, a very complex system with feedback to many physiological processes. Without the spiritual-energetic side, the treatment focuses mainly on the body! 

Even in severe, seemingly hopeless cases, recovery from cancer is achievable!

  • Self-healing medicine is like "Performing miracles." Every human being has this capability. It just needs to be revealed. The attention, care, and love the patient receives have a massive significance in their chances of recovery, mainly because cancer is associated with decreased life energy.

Medicine has not yet comprehended how to diagnose cancer according to its causes — Physiological immune aging versus unresolved mental traumas. (Energy deficiency)


A short brainstorming concerning cancer.

Link: The 4 groups of long-term immunodeficiency illnesses.

There are cancers with very high recurrence rates that may suggest that cancer is a symptom.

  • Understandably, cancer is a symptom, but the underlying causes remain unclear! It is somewhat known that genetics have a role, but it cannot explain most cancers.

Symptomatic treatments (such as chemotherapy and radiation) are often helpful in the short-medium term only as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.

Is heredity the leading cause of cancer?

  • Except for several cancers (such as breast cancer) with a gene mutation, the hereditary component of morbidity is not dominant in most cancer types and does not exceed 10%!

Medicine has failed to resolve the chronic morbidity riddle.

  • Much knowledge was gained regarding heredity and a healthy lifestyle, but paradoxically, cancer prevalence only increased! A logical explanation for the phenomenon - lacking a whole and central dimension that has a decisive influence - the mental and spiritual factor. (Life-force energy.) 

Why does medicine often succeed in curing cancer, even though it only treats the symptoms and not its causes?

  • The answer lies in the much love the patient receives from the environment and increased attention, which, in many cases, can raise the energy level and thus, together with improved care and nutrition, help recovery.

Causes vs. Symptoms.

  • Instead of treating the causes (which are not entirely clear), medicine treated symptoms without much success. (Contrary to what one might think.)
  • Researchers now focus on epigenetics. (The environmental expression of the human genes.)

What does it mean if I am a recurrent cancer patient?

  • A state of recurrence of cancer is an indication of low life-force energy. It is challenging to achieve recovery without mental & spiritual treatment to restore life-force energy.

Detoxification has the physiological effect of strengthening the immune system when its mirror image increases the body's energy level. Medicine does not attach energetic importance to detoxification because it does not see the human body as a dual entity – matter and energy.


The positive pole of a woman is in the chest, near the heart, while the positive pole of a man is located in the groin area.

Modern medicine does not value the energetic dimension; therefore, this striking fact is not expressed practically.

The common types of cancer in the U.S. 2020.

The prevalence of cancer in women and men indicates dramatic cancer rates near the body's positive magnetic poles!

The incidence rate of breast cancer (in women) and Prostate and bladder cancer (in men) is very unusual in its incidence compared to other types of cancer!

  • The human body has two opposing magnetic poles, and a vortex creates a weak magnetic field between them.
  • The phenomenon of cancer incidence in the vicinity of the positive pole (in red) is not accidental. Cancer reflects a sharp decrease in the body's energy, first and foremost expressed in its proximity to the positive pole.

The above significant findings only reinforce the claim that cancer is not only a biochemical phenomenon but mainly an energetic one. The great difficulty in curing cancer stems from the lack of recognition of the human body as a dual entity. (Energetic and mechanistic)


Peto's paradox. (Regarding cancer in mammals)

Peto's paradox is an observation that the incidence of cancer does not appear to correlate with the number of cells in an organism at the species level. (Wikipedia)

Link: Peto's paradox (Wikipedia)

  • Long-term human studies have indicated a statistical relationship between height and cancer incidence. (You should be careful about concluding.)
  • Studies on different mammals have shown a lack of statistical association between size, weight, and cancer incidence.
  • Cancer is almost non-existent in whales; dolphins (sharks—not mammals) do suffer from it. Elephants, cows, horses, bats, and species of rats have almost no cancer, but it is prevalent in dogs and cats.
  • Vegetarian and marine mammals have a low incidence of cancer, but (vegetarian) rabbits have a high incidence of cervical cancer. Interestingly, there is almost no cancer in rat species, while in field mice, which are genetically closely related to rats, there is a high incidence of cancer. These findings require research that seems theoretical but is of great importance.
  • Over the years, researchers have proposed many explanations, including heredity, evolution, metabolic load, nutrition, etc.

No conclusive and unequivocal finding has been made to date. Peto's paradox illustrates the high complexity of cancer, which combines several dynamic factors, including heredity, environment, metabolism, living conditions, nutrition, and more. (Studying the mental-energetic dimension in animals is very complex.)


The underlying causes of allergies, chronic inflammation, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. (Body, Mind, and Spirit.)

Pathogens as a cause of cancer outbreak.

  • In cancer, pathogens are not a cause but only catalysts that trigger further deterioration. The fundamental cause is always a weak immune system.

Lifestyle vs. Genetics.

  • An unhealthy lifestyle (Mental and physical)  is the leading cause of long-term immunodeficiency diseases. (80% or more). Genetics explains only a small part of the failures. (20% or less.)

Age factor (Unhealthy physical lifestyle) vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As cancer onset at a younger age (30 years or less), it is more likely that resolved mental traumas' weight is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that the process of cell aging and death is cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect. (Particularly prominent in autoimmune diseases.)

Physical Body.

  • An unhealthy lifestyle reflected in Improper nutrition, high body toxicity, low physical activities, exposure to the sun, and lack of sleep manifests itself in:
    • The low flow of body fluids. (Blood, lymph, bile.)
    • Gut flora imbalance and parasite overgrowth cause a heavy load on the immune system.

Mind and Spirit.

Happiness, Love, Satisfaction, and other positive emotions charge life-force energy.   

Anxiety, Stress, disappointment, hate, fear, guilt, envy, and negative emotions deplete the life-force energy.

  • Traumatic Non-resolved mental and spiritual events from our past (usually subconscious) can cause low life-force energy flow. (Blockages in the flow of life-force energy have far-reaching physical and mental effects.)

The combined effect of body, mind, and spirit.

  • A long list of symptoms. (Physical and Mental.)


  • Recovery occurs only when the disease's causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated.
  • Cancer symptomatic treatments (Such as chemotherapy and radiation) usually cannot cure the patient, as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.


The 4 seasons are just one (of many) examples of cyclic energetic flow.

The 4 seasons are just one (of many) examples of cyclic energetic flow.

The four life phases model. 

Recommended link: Four Life Phases. By Dr. Nadder Butto. 

From the single cell to the entire universe, all energetic processes in nature are characterized by the cyclic energy flow, which consists of four Phases.

The four phases are:

  1. Stimulation.
  2. Expansion.
  3. Contraction.
  4. Relaxation.

Prominent examples:

  • Mitosis (Cell division) consists of 4 phases. (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.)
  • Body organs: Respiratory system & heartbeat. (Each has 4 phases.) 
  • Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
  • Life Cycle: Birth, Maturity, Old age, Death. (This also applies to stars!)
  • All matter has 4 phases: Gas, Liquid, Plasma, and Solid. (Matter and energy have dual properties.) 


Introduction to the concept of Qi Life-force energy.

The Chinese concept of Qi is not easily translated into Western thought.

"To live is to have Qi in every part of your body." To die is to be a body without Qi. For health to be maintained, there must be a balance of Qi."

The connection between the body, mind & spirit.

  • Although this connection between body, mind, and spirit has been known for thousands of years, modern conventional medicine does not balance the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Not everyone knows that acupuncture is an energetic treatment method that aims to balance life energy, which is essential for a healthy life.
  • All martial arts make exceptional use of life energy. Through practice, they harness the energetic capabilities of doing impossible things!

The science of physics has long accepted the duality of matter and energy. Identifying life energy does not meet medicine's priorities, mainly because (Western) medicine does not see the human body as a dual entity. (Matter and energy)

What the human spirit is made of is an important scientific question. Life energy is "Cosmic energy" and has not yet been identified. On the other hand, the gates of energy channels (meridians) and energy centers (chakras) are controlled by an electromagnetic gates mechanism, which is also why acupuncture uses excellent electrical conductors. An MRI scan does not image the soul, and Kirilian photography (high voltage) captures our body's magnetic field, not the spirit!


LIFE-FORCE (Ψ) = {BODY (Ψ)} X {MIND (Ψ) (Conscious Ψ)( i Subconscious Ψ)

The formula refers to the energy level in the central energy channel. Every organ and tissue in our body has its energy.

  • Life energy is energy at the quantum level; therefore, the formula is unconventional. The formula contains a component of complex numbers because the spiritual energy is in another dimension.

These are simultaneous equations. (Each variable affects the other variables and themselves.)

  • LIFE-FORCE (Ψ)                    - Life force wave function
  • BODY (Ψ)                              - Physical body wave function.
  • MIND (Ψ) (Conscious)           - Mental conscious wave function.
  • MIND (Ψ) (Subconscious)     - Subconscious spiritual wave function.
  • i (complex numbers)            - The square root of -1 (Oscillates due to the spiritual energy)

The body, mind, and life-force energy (spiritual) are entangled and non-separable. They are all reflections of each other.

Life energy exists as long as we live and is reset by death. The subconscious mind has a massive effect because it acts exponentially on the conscious mind. The formula I propose presents a theoretical and mathematical conception of life energy. The distance to discovering and harnessing life energy is still great but critical in many aspects.


Summary table - What do these four long-term immunodeficiency diseases have in common?

Allergies, Chronic inflammations, Cancer, Autoimmune diseases, comparison table.
Category\ disease Allergies Chronic inflammations Cancer Autoimmune diseases
Proper identification of potentially harmful substances/ cells. No. Yes. Yes. No.
The primary immunodeficiency failure.

Attacks harmless substances.

It identifies the pathogens but cannot overcome them. And cannot eliminate the inflammation. 

 Identifies the destructive formation of tumor tissue without being able to destroy it.

The body attacks itself as a result of a malfunction.

Is the immune system malfunctioning? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

 Life-force energy & General symptoms comparison table. 

Life-force energy levels. (Scale of 5) Five is the highest.  4 3 1-2 2
Symptoms in Body organs & systems. Skin, eyes and ears, Respiratory and digestive systems. All organs and systems.   All organs and systems.  All organs and systems.
Are symptoms like those of inflammation in the same organ? Yes. Yes. Much like. Yes.
Formation of Cysts, Polyps, Tumors.  No. Extensive tissue damage can lead to isolating the damaged tissue by creating CPT.   Extensive tissue damage with low life-force energy. It can lead to the formation of cancerous Tumors. Extensive tissue damage can isolate the damaged tissue by creating Cysts, Polyps, and cancerous Tumors.   
Effective drug and invasive treatment? To a high degree. Mostly symptomatic treatment.  Inconsistent results with partial success. Mostly symptomatic treatment. 


The four groups of chronic immunodeficiency illnesses — Integrated energetic model.

Life's energy is constantly in motion; the downward arrows (in all four phases of life) reflect an energy blockage, and the upward indicators reflect energy flowing through disturbances and a decrease in energy potential - reflecting a condition or chronic illness.

Four phases of life model.

Since this model is not intuitive, it is a small, familiar analogy.

Think about the human body like a car whose gearbox malfunctioned while driving. (Transmission is not possible)

Let's examine the primary scenarios:

  1. Stimulation: If we travel at a too-low speed, the travel time will be very long, and we will be late for everything we have planned.
  2. Expansion - The trip will be bouncy and uncomfortable if we travel too fast to the road conditions.
  3. Contraction- If we want to stop, we must apply the brakes forcefully, especially if the car gets stuck in high gear.
  4. Relaxation - If we want to turn around or return, we can't!


Cancer Insights from the 4-life phase model.

  • The comparative table clearly shows the similarity between chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer. But, there is also a resemblance between cancer and autoimmune diseases, only that the phase of the body's life-force energy is different, and subsequently, the immune system acts differently!
  • Cancer formation reflects a sharp decrease in life energy during the contraction phase.
  • Cancer formation has two possible trajectories:
    1. The direct trajectory of a sharp and sudden decrease in life energy is usually related to unresolved mental trauma. (Unconsciously)
      • Such a situation may characterize younger people. Its effect may be particularly acute.
    2. The secondary trajectory is a pathway of gradual deterioration or benign tumors that gradually become cancerous due to a continuous decrease in life energy.
      • This pathway is more characteristic of older people; their cancer develops slowly and is not particularly violent.

The location is never accidental. Cancer hits the weakest spot on the energy level. (Close relationship to mental trauma.)

Patients with liver cirrhosis (like me) usually die from complications of liver cancer. I chose to treat myself using the natural self-healing method. Since this is a life-threatening decision, I decided not to (intentionally) provide guidelines for treating cancer patients.


Summary and conclusions. 

In the energetic perception (which also has a biochemical mirror image), cancer manifests as the "Energetic Suffocation" of a group of confined cells isolated from the healthy surrounding tissue.


  • Symptomatic treatments (such as chemotherapy and radiation) are often helpful in the short-medium term only as they do not eliminate the disease's causes.

The desired self-healing cancer treatments.

  • The desired self-healing cancer treatment combines the release of past traumas (using hypnosis or similar techniques.) with physical therapy. (Using Self-healing principles.)
  • The current mainstream position on this subject in modern medicine is more counterproductive than one might expect. (In recent years, there has been a welcome trend of boosting the immune system by walking in the opposite direction.)

Age factor (Unhealthy physical lifestyle) vs. Traumatic non-resolved events from the past.

  • The age factor - As cancer onset at a younger age (30 years or less), it is more likely that unresolved mental traumas' weight is higher than the unhealthy lifestyle. The explanation is that the process of cell aging and death is cumulative, while unresolved traumatic events have an immediate and cumulative effect. (Particularly prominent in cancer & autoimmune diseases.)
  • Patients whose cancer broke out early must emphasize the mental side. In contrast, patients whose disease broke out at an older age should emphasize improving their lifestyle and nutrition.

Economic aspects of cancer.

  • The economic burden of doctors, drugs, and treatments is sometimes very high. (In my case, the expenditure was exceptionally high.)
  • Despite the significant expenditure on food and juices, the savings on medicines and doctors, not to mention the suffering and low quality of life, investing in self-healing is exceptionally economical in the long run.


Recommended link: Forum discussions about The Philosophy of Cancer. (All types)

I wish all cancer patients a healthy and peaceful life without fear of a recurrence of the disease.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Why is cancer in the elderly compared to cancer in children and youth, despite the identical name, not the same disease?
Although the result is the same, the causes of cancer are opposite. Cancer originates from physiological aging in adults, so it is a less violent and slow-growing cancer; in contrast, cancer in young people has a mental-energetic background, and its effect is much faster and more violent.
Why is the incidence of breast cancer in women and bladder and prostate cancer in men exceptionally high?
Two opposing magnetic poles exist in the human body, and a vortex creates a weak magnetic field between them. The phenomenon of cancer incidence in the proximity of the positive pole is not accidental. Cancer reflects a sharp decrease in the body's life energy.
Is the cancerous tumor the disease itself (the cause), or just a manifestation of the disease - a symptom?
Understandably, cancer is a symptom, but the underlying causes remain unclear! It is somewhat known that genetics have a role, but it cannot explain most cancers.
What does it mean if I am a recurrent cancer patient?
A state of recurrence of cancer is an indication of low life-force energy. It is challenging to achieve recovery without mental & spiritual treatment to restore life-force energy.
What is the practical importance of this model?
This model will allow more appropriate cancer treatments, especially for children and the elderly.
Is this model based on existing models?
The understanding that cancer is a disease of deficiency of life energy is not new. A model that describes all four groups of immunodeficiency at the energetic level, including allergies, chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, as far as I know, does not exist.
Challenge Yourself, Your Knowledge and Intuition:
Test your self
Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories.
1. Why is the prevalence of breast cancer in women and bladder and prostate cancer in men a significant finding?
In both cases, this is an unusually high prevalence, about 30% of all cancers in women and men. This is not a coincidence. The location of the magnetic poles in women and men is reversed!
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 4.
Modern Medicine (especially Western Medicine) is a medicine that does not see the human body as a dual entity (matter and energy) and therefore misses the opportunity of treating cancer with a different worldview.
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