Futuristic innovative technologies in science and medicine are applicable, emphasizing creative thinking outside the box.

Innovations in technology are often based on existing developments in well-known scientific topics. However, I emphasize new technological applications for emerging scientific topics that have not yet been properly exhausted.
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17/01/2023 14:37
Innovative medical technologies: Blood purification, liquifying biliary stones, and stem cells are the future of interventional medicine.
25/03/2022 10:49
Viruses are unique case that is straightforward to analyze using energy conservation laws, compared to the complexity of the biochemistry involved.
30/08/2021 15:58
Imagine a perfect human simulation specifically tailored to your genetic code, including all the interactions you make with others. Imagination is the limit!
07/07/2021 10:16
Tumors, cysts, and polyps are symptoms of prolonged inflammatory processes. Thus, surgical removal often does not solve the problem in the long run.
07/10/2019 6:57
Eliminating the causes of chronic diseases (rather than their symptoms), known and latent, will enable recovery with much less suffering.
27/05/2018 17:22
Artificial intelligence (AI) is mandatory for preventive medicine, proper diagnosis and treatment, and optimal resource allocation.
Posts found:
01/07/2023 4:28
The movement at the speed of light is very slow to conquer space. There is a need for technologies based on physics that are unknown to humanity.
03/04/2023 5:31
Without a mathematical simulation of imagination, creativity, emotions, thoughts, and intuition, reaching advanced AI is impossible.
22/02/2023 14:50
Looking at viral mutations as a completely random process is incorrect. Viruses have a built-in entropy (disorder) mechanism.
13/01/2022 3:20
Many philosophers and scientists debate the essence of life and free will. However, it will not be possible to prove any of the theses.
12/01/2022 7:28
A combination of existing technologies may, at relatively low costs, prevent accidents caused by drunk driving and the influence of drugs.
29/01/2021 5:53
For those who have not led a healthy lifestyle, it will be possible to emulate a healthy lifestyle and nutrition by technological means.
27/01/2021 9:02
To this purpose, it is mandatory to build advanced artificial intelligence systems in the service of medicine.
27/01/2021 8:11
Decoding the causes (beyond genetics) of all chronic diseases and addictions is a feasible project that will change the world of medicine.
03/01/2021 20:14
Intra-hepatic solidified bile stones are prevalent. Liquefying these liver and gallbladder stones and removing them will boost the immune system. (With many additional benefits.)
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