This model suggests looking at the long-term failure of the immune system as an energy failure. Cancer is one of four groups of immunodeficiency illnesses. Therefore, it can be presented in the 4-phases model of life—link: Long-term immunodeficiency illnesses—allergies, Chronic inflammations, cancer, and Autoimmune.
Allegedly, cancer is one group of diseases that affects all systems and organs of the body. In practice, cancer has two pathways:
- One is mainly affected by unresolved traumas and relates to the emotional-energetic dimension. It is primarily a violent cancer, characteristic mainly of young people up to 30.
- The second route is a much slower, much less dangerous cancer, which characterizes the elderly with a physiological background of accumulated tissue damage, mainly due to an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition. A significant group of 30-70-year-olds is a dynamic combination of these two groups.
The prevalence of cancer in women and men indicates dramatic cancer rates near the body's positive magnetic poles!
The incidence rate of breast cancer (in women) and Prostate and bladder cancer (in men) is very unusual in its incidence compared to other types of cancer!
- The human body has two opposing magnetic poles, and a vortex creates a weak magnetic field between them.
- The phenomenon of cancer incidence in the vicinity of the positive pole (in red) is not accidental. Cancer reflects a sharp decrease in the body's energy, first and foremost expressed in its proximity to the positive pole.
The above significant findings only reinforce the claim that cancer is not only a biochemical phenomenon but mainly an energetic one. The great difficulty in curing cancer stems from the lack of recognition of the human body as a dual entity. (Energetic and mechanistic)
The positive pole of a woman is in the chest, near the heart, while the positive pole of a man is located in the groin area.
Modern medicine does not value the energetic dimension; therefore, this striking fact is not expressed practically.
Continue reading: Cancer causes emphasize its two interconnected trajectories.