Looking at emotions from the neurological aspect of nerve conduction and various chemicals is correct but simplistic. In many definitions, I found no mention of the subconscious and intuition as part of human emotions, although they have a significant component. Link: The Unified, Bipolar, Energetic Model of Primary Emotions.
These four groups of emotions are needed in a competitive world. They are not accidental; they serve the purpose of survival.
- Love is a synchronized flow of life-force energy throughout the four phases of life. The negative emotions (envy, hatred, and revenge) result from a life-force energy block in one or more of the 4 phases of life due to a mismatch in interpersonal interaction. (Inevitable phenomenon)
The four groups of emotions serve explicit purposes; they are synchronized with the energy of life. Negative emotions are the other side of the same coin.
The energetic dimension of emotions has a translation of different chemicals.
It is more convenient to think of neurotransmitters or hormones that provoke envy, hatred, or revenge but are a mirror image of an energetic state.
- Love- Love charges the energy of life, and it exists when there are no energetic blockages. Without love, people are often unhealthy and unhappy.
- Envy—Although jealousy is perceived as a "bad" emotion, it is the primary basis for competition and improving motivation. As with the rest of the negative emotions, jealousy stems from losing control and blind jealousy, which turns into hatred and revenge.
- Hatred- Hate is a warning mechanism - do not come near - you may harm yourself and me. Hate is a powerful emotion, often even more so than love.
- Revenge - Revenge is a defense mechanism against possible harm by any attacker; the problem is that sometimes revenge goes out of proportion and connects to hatred and envy. A good example can be found in Quentin Tarantino's revenge films.
Different versions show similar stories about love, envy, hatred, and revenge in all religions and cultures.
- The energetic blockages gradually shift to the subconscious, where routine psychological treatments can not penetrate. Forgiveness, mercy, and absolution require extraordinary transcendence that often requires spiritual "enlightenment."
- Envy, hatred, and revenge are evidence of energy blockage. It is an almost inevitable phenomenon, but it severely harms our health.
- Looking at developed mammals, you can see they have the same four emotions: love, envy, hatred, and revenge. Every living creature has four phases of life.
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher. By Simran Khurana (Updated March 18, 2017)
The mental and health damage caused by negative emotions was already known 2500 years ago. Confucius' quote excellently reflects this.