Negative Calories

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Not all calories are equal. The "Calorie is a Calorie" tautology is wrong! Surprisingly! - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than the same equal calories of natural foods.
Negative calories.

The nutrients we eat and drink and the calories they carry cannot vanish, but they can be redirected to other non-energy, "non-countable." purposes.

Link: A more accurate calculation method of nutritional indices.

  • The portion of food dedicated to tissue regeneration varies depending on the body's requirements and diet quality and quantity. The rest is converted into energy and fat and influences body weight. Surprisingly!  - Processed foods make us gain weight much faster than natural foods, which contain the same calories. Not all calories are equal. 
  • When you refuel your car, you know how much energy you will get (driving range). When a person eats and drinks, some food (by analogy) enters the oil tank and is intended for maintenance - but the proportions change!

Since food routing between the two primary uses (tissue building and maintenance, as opposed to available energy and fat accumulation) is not fixed and differs from person to person, summarising the calories in food and beverages is inaccurate. Link: Calories cannot disappear but can be redirected as uncounted.

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01/12/2019 9:03
Not all calories are equal. Processed foods cause us to gain weight much faster than the same calories in natural foods.
27/05/2018 17:22
Not all calories are equal because their routing in the human body differs from person to person and even varies concerning age and state of health.
27/05/2018 17:11
The impact of a healthy, mental, and physical lifestyle and diet on our health exceeds that of heredity, which we cannot change.

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02/07/2023 2:29
Good quality egg yolk is bright orange and not pale yellow. Pale yellow egg yolk manifests processed foods unnatural to chickens.
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It is recommended to invest in erogenous food, even though it is much more expensive, as chemical pesticides are not used in its cultivation.
05/04/2023 9:15
Diets low in calories are challenging to implement. Diets that are not varied (missing primary macronutrients) are unsuitable for long-term weight loss.
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Sauces are an excellent emulsifier, and besides improving the taste, they also improve digestion and absorption of food.
19/03/2022 3:46
Fatty foods are often identified with obesity (out of misunderstanding), and we tend to avoid them, even though natural fatty foods are essential to our health.
18/03/2022 2:43
Surprisingly! - Processed foods are making us gain weight much faster than the same equal calories of natural foods. Not all calories are equal!
14/01/2021 7:20
Apple cider vinegar improves liver functions and the entire digestive system's function and contributes to health and weight loss.
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