The distinction between the causes of the disease, symptoms, triggers, and catalysts is essential. Medicine often treats symptoms of chronic diseases rather than causes,

Causes vs. Symptoms vs. Catalysts.
- In cases of first-time infectious disease, pathogens are indeed the cause of the disease.
- The same pathogens are only triggers and catalysts in chronic stages because the human body is designed to overcome any intruder. A weak immune system is the underlying cause of chronic infectious or inflammatory diseases.
Logically - a symptom of one disease - can not be the cause of another disease!
- High blood pressure and high LDL cholesterol levels in the blood are not the cause of heart disease or diabetes! (Widespread logical error) The leading cause of these diseases is an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy (mental and physical) lifestyle. (Incessant tension, little sleep)
Seemingly, these are semantic definitions! But they dramatically impact the way doctors and the entire medical establishment think.
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01/08/2020 20:04
The paradox is striking - Drug use has risen sharply in recent decades, and excessive drug use has not prevented a sharp rise in chronic morbidity!
22/05/2019 22:14
Several therapies I have performed without significant benefits: Homeopathy, Bach flower, Colloidal silver, Ozone therapy, and Colon irrigation.
11/08/2019 15:49
Four groups of immunodeficiency: Allergies, Chronic inflammations, Cancer, and Autoimmune diseases are explained as an energy flow failure.
27/05/2018 17:11
Integrating self-healing medicine with modern medicine requires a conceptual change, including the formulation of the philosophy of medicine and integrated ethics.
27/05/2018 17:10
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!
01/08/2020 18:23
The SWOT analysis points to a mirror image between Modern and Self-Healing Medicines' weaknesses and strengths. Thus, Integration is requested.
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26/04/2023 5:17
Recovery occurs only when all the disease causes (mental & physical) are resolved and eliminated. Symptomatic treatments cannot cure chronic diseases.
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