Discussion: Is it advisable for chronic prostatitis patients to eat superfoods?

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Is it advisable for chronic prostatitis patients to eat superfoods?

Superfood is a marketing term for food with supposed higher-than-average health benefits. (Wikipedia) Do not expect recovery just by eating superfoods. "Superfoods" have a health contribution only if they come from the right combination of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

All fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, beans, roots, berries, and legumes have specific nutritional values. Consumption of a large variety of good quality organic food means fewer nutrient deficiencies. Potent antioxidants such as berries are greatly recommended. I consider the only animal-based food a "superfood" is bone marrow. It can be added to creamy soups. (Although fatty, it is highly recommended. Due to a high content of nutrients needed for regeneration and boosting the immune system.) Bone marrow is rich in collagen and hyaluronic acid. (Improves the appearance of hair and skin.)

Consuming dietary fiber, preferably with natural oils, fats, and natural probiotic bacteria, is essential. (such as those in goat yogurt) the combination allows for the renewal of the intestinal walls and sound absorption of nutrients.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/170 )Copy & Paste)
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