Discussion: Are eruptions of electromagnetic radiation from the sun (Solar flares) a possible explanation for the coronavirus pandemic?

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Are eruptions of electromagnetic radiation from the sun (Solar flares) a possible explanation for the coronavirus pandemic?

Solar flares have probably created new variants. They may be the trigger that accelerated the spread of the latest viruses. It is uncertain whether they are the cause of the COVID-19 outbreak. Whether electromagnetic radiation affects the human immune system and that of animals on Earth is a question that still has no clear answer. But if solar eruptions shut down the International Space Station, those eruptions would probably also damage the energy-magnetic system in our bodies. It may sound like science fiction, but it is not!

Viruses Virulence-Proliferation Model—Based on Laws of Thermodynamics.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/248 (Copy & Paste)

Sunspot Cycles and Human Health
https://reasons.org/explore/publications/articles/sunspot-cycle-and-human-health?kw=&mt=&loc=20180&n=g&d=c&adp=&cid=16461196296&adgid=137034967907&tid=dsa-19959388920&gclid=CjwKCAjwuYWSBhByEiwAKd_n_mh9UD4tsnGA4HpnoBv8-VOeGT3SkwqmZg8hUqjPk8xD0DyNpxCL7hoCihcQAvD_BwE (Copy & Paste)

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