Discussion: For most couples after a few years the passion runs out?

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For most couples after a few years the passion runs out?

Routine is the greatest enemy of passion. Many of us have high expectations, but often with a minimum investment. Sex is a form of physical and energetic communication. If verbal communication with your partner is not good and lacks leisure, do not expect powerful sex. Couples with good interpersonal communication report good sexuality after decades of living together.

Couples who talk openly and try to fulfill their partner's fantasies, even small ones, have more fun. You can light candles (be careful of fire) and wear sexy clothes. The main thing is to get out of the routine. You can have sex in the car (caution); the main thing is to feel that you are doing it together to improve the mutual bond. Sleeping together and having regular sex (even infrequently) are important in interpersonal relationships. Sleeping apart and stopping sexual intercourse is destructive!
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