Discussion: To what extent are chronic patients willing to try alternative therapies (medicine for self-healing)?

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To what extent are chronic patients willing to try alternative therapies (medicine for self-healing)?

Patients with chronic diseases first turn to conventional medicine; having not found a satisfactory solution, they seek alternative therapies in self-healing medicine. The tremendous growth in alternative therapies stems from inadequate modern treatments for chronic diseases, including cancer. Patients tend not to seek alternative therapies in cases with life-threatening illnesses but only with no choice! (Like me) There is social and environmental pressure on the attending doctors. I call this phenomenon the fear effect.

Choosing the most suitable self-healing functional therapy.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/221 (Copy & Paste)

Conventional vs. Self-healing medicine — SWOT analysis.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/116 (Copy & Paste)
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