Discussion: A senior doctor treats my heart condition, but other than medications with severe side effects, he has no solution for my condition. When I asked him about alternative therapies, he claimed I was risking unscientifically based therapies.

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A senior doctor treats my heart condition, but other than medications with severe side effects, he has no solution for my condition. When I asked him about alternative therapies, he claimed I was risking unscientifically based therapies.

It is worth emphasizing that conventional medicine treats heart disease mainly with pharmacological and invasive procedures. The drugs cannot heal the heart and coronary arteries but only relieve the symptoms at a high cost of side effects and a significant load on the liver! The heart has a natural rehabilitation capacity, but not when the patient is in a prolonged drug regimen. (often excessive)

There is now a trend of more and more doctors also recommending alternative therapies. In many hospitals, there is a department for alternative treatments. Yet, without a medical philosophy, some physicians see self-healing functional medicine as a threat rather than an opportunity.

Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative-Functional) Medicine SWOT analysis.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/116 (Copy & Paste)

Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension, and High blood cholesterol.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/210 (Copy & Paste)
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