Discussion: Very acidic urine over time in COPD patients may indicate a very acidic digestive system. A very acidic digestive system tends to develop an imbalance of the intestinal flora that burdens the immune system heavily.

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Very acidic urine over time in COPD patients may indicate a very acidic digestive system. A very acidic digestive system tends to develop an imbalance of the intestinal flora that burdens the immune system heavily.

Very acidic urine over time may indicate a very acidic digestive system. (The body eliminates excess acidity through the urine.) A very acidic digestive system tends to develop an intestinal flora imbalance manifested by pathogens that significantly weakens the immune system. Symptoms such as weakness, decreased vision, gas, and constipation are associated with these conditions, which may be asymptomatic and erupt at once in the form of chronic diseases.

Nutritional recommendations to balance intestinal flora in a relatively short time. (Thus, eliminating all fungal infections.)

Recommended foods.
Fruits, vegetables, roots, mushrooms, sprouts, legumes, berries, nuts, and lentils. (Foods are rich in dietary fiber.)
Natural oils/ fats. (Cold-pressed only.)
All fermented products. (Such as goat yogurt.)
Deepwater fish - Rich in omega 3.
Goat milk and Yogurt, Organic eggs.

Recommended foods to minimize or avoid totally.
A sharp reduction in eating industrialized, processed, and artificial foods and beverages.
Plain sugars and All high glycemic carbohydrates. (Such as white flour and potatoes.)
It solidified vegetable oils - trans oils.
Hard to digest animal protein.
Especially minced, smoked, and canned meat.
Dairy products, in general, especially hard cheeses.

The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/170 (Copy & Paste)

The holistic principle and balancing gut flora are essential.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/110 (Copy & Paste)

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