Discussion: The leading physical causes of all IBD diseases explained. (There are always mental causes as well.)

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The leading physical causes of all IBD diseases explained. (There are always mental causes as well.)

Modern lifestyle with frequent eating of industrialized processed food and beverages dramatically increases the burden on the liver and kidneys. (Pancreas also.) When the liver is toxic, the bile liquid solidifies and blocks the liver and gallbladder bile ducts. It prevents the bile from reaching the duodenum and the small intestines. You do not have to be a liver patient to have blockages in the bile ducts. (It is widespread.) The liver produces 800-1000 ml per day of bile, and most of it is recycled. But, if there are blockages, the bile flow is impaired, with many side effects. When we look at the anatomy of the digestive system, it is evident that the tubes that carry the bile into the intestines can easily get blocked; their diameter is only a few millimeters wide. Inflamed bowels create an acidic environment; the kidneys must balance this acidity so the urine pH. It is also very acidic. (Ph. 5-6)

A very acidic gut encourages the proliferation of pathogens and dramatically weakens the immune system. Over time, the intestinal walls (along their entire length) are damaged and become permeable, impairing the ability to absorb. In advanced intestinal diseases, areas of damaged tissue are formed that can create blockages. Polyps and tumors are the results of prolonged inflammations.

Link: Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBD | Rehabilitation, by Self-Healing Medicine.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/122 (Copy & Paste)
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