Self-healing natural medicine therapies eliminate the causes of chronic diseases rather than their symptoms, as does conventional medicine.

What guiding principles enable treatments to be included with self-healing functional natural therapies?
Natural therapies work on the body, mind, and spirit.
- Treatments that eliminate the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms. While presenting the mechanism of action by which the method operates. (Including the placebo effect)
- Non-invasive techniques, without pharmaceutical drugs, use herbal remedies for limited periods.
- Significant symptom improvement for extended periods while enhancing objective indicators such as blood tests, urine, imaging, etc. Without considerable side effects.
- Therapies that comply with the general principles of Self-healing Functional Natural Medicine.
Integration with conventional medicine is necessary and complementary.
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20/09/2021 14:40
Hypnosis is one of the few techniques that can penetrate the subconscious and release unresolved traumas. (Immense mental and physical implications)
14/12/2019 9:41
One of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes is consuming industrialized and processed food and beverages, combined with anxiety and stress.
25/03/2019 0:47
Herbs correspond better and are identified in the body as a natural factor. Their main disadvantage is the low concentration of active ingredients.
27/05/2018 17:20
This table is intended to summarize all types of physical treatments to make it easier for readers starting self-healing therapies.
27/05/2018 17:20
Poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles burden the kidneys (and liver), so it is essential to cleanse the kidneys regularly. It has a massive impact on the immune system.
27/05/2018 17:19
Regular exercise and massages have an excellent effect on the body and mind while boosting the immune system and good mood.
27/05/2018 17:17
Intermittent fasting can initiate tissue regeneration while boosting the immune system and reactivating the hunger-satiety mechanism.
27/05/2018 17:10
By complying with fundamental requirements (mental & physical) — All chronic acquired (non-genetic) diseases are curable!
27/05/2018 17:08
The topic of detoxification and the discourse on antioxidants, free radicals, and toxins have entered the public consciousness and agenda.
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02/08/2023 3:38
Chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and addictions cannot be cured without control over the mental-energetic dimension.
18/09/2022 4:46
This traditional Chinese recipe is very suitable for all types of flu and, in fact, for many inflammatory mild diseases. (Caution is needed)
17/09/2022 5:33
Frequency music may benefit, but the patient must meditate for the frequencies to penetrate the subconscious. Otherwise, it is not effective!
17/09/2022 5:22
Bentonite clay is created from volcanic ash and is rich in essential minerals. It is suitable for internal and external use and is ideal for detoxification.
02/06/2022 5:02
Controlled exposure to cold water showers or ice bathtubs can reset the immune system as a survival mechanism. Not recommended for chronic patients.
02/06/2022 4:41
Prostate calcifications and BPH are common phenomena that stem from prostate infections (sometimes asymptomatic) with unpleasant side effects.
19/05/2022 8:43
The main idea of traditional Chinese and Indian traditional medicine is balancing the body's life-force energy. An ingenious concept even today.
19/05/2022 5:41
MMS enemas are usually meant for patients with chronic liver or kidney disease. MMS is a bleach-like substance; therefore, caution is mandatory!
19/05/2022 5:32
You can carry out all types of enemas in your home with maximum privacy and hygiene. Enemas should be carried out near the toilet.
19/05/2022 5:08
Lemon juice enemas can help the rehabilitation of liver functions. It can neutralize the ammonia produced in cases of weak liver functions.
19/05/2022 4:57
Green-colored stones are most often sourced in the liver. Brown-colored stones usually come from a gallbladder that has undergone an inflammatory process.
09/08/2021 16:26
Drinking squeezed juices ensures a regular supply of essential nutrients to the body. It helps produce bile fluid, thereby boosting the immune system.
19/07/2021 19:17
Liver and gallbladder flushes can dissolve intra-hepatic stones, thus enabling the cleansing of the liver and gallbladder.
23/06/2021 21:50
Vitamin D3 is critical for proper immune system functioning. It is recommended by controlled sun exposure and foods rich in vitamin D.
09/03/2021 21:07
It is advised to perform a baking soda enema or lemon juice enema before the coffee enema (or separately). It helps in bowel emptying and neutralizing acidity.
26/01/2021 0:55
Self-healing functional medicine eliminates the causes of chronic diseases rather than their symptoms, as does conventional medicine.
14/01/2021 7:20
Apple cider vinegar improves liver functions and the entire digestive system's function and contributes to health and weight loss.
14/01/2021 6:52
The benefits of intermittent fasting are beyond slimming. It can reset the hunger-satiety mechanism and enhance the digestive system rehabilitation.
05/12/2020 10:01
Coffee enemas can release significant amounts of toxins stuck inside the liver and digestive tract due to bile duct obstructions. (Immune boost.)
05/12/2020 9:38
Cupping is an anti-inflammatory therapy that leaves signs of a slight burn that goes away after a few days. It delivers significant health benefits.
04/12/2020 23:10
The scraping therapy is unpleasant but usually not very painful; in the photo, the scraping seems to be particularly violent; this is not the case!
09/09/2020 20:06
Most people are not aware that acupuncture is an energetic therapy that can balance the Qi life-force energy. The tiny needles allow energy flow.
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